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// conf defines configuration file parsing for golang
package conf
import (
// NodeType types of the node either peer or client
type NodeType string
const (
PEER_ROLE NodeType = "peer"
CLIENT_ROLE NodeType = "client"
// IPDiscovery: what IPDiscovery service to use
type IPDiscovery string
const (
// Public IP use an IP service to discover your IP
PUBLIC_IP_DISCOVERY IPDiscovery = "public"
// Outgonig: Use your labelled packet IP
OUTGOING_IP_DISCOVERY IPDiscovery = "outgoing"
// Loglevel: what log level to use either error info or warning
type LogLevel string
const (
ERROR LogLevel = "error"
WARNING LogLevel = "warning"
INFO LogLevel = "info"
// WgConfiguration contains per-mesh WireGuard configuration. Contains poitner types only so we can
// tell if the attribute is set
type WgConfiguration struct {
// IPDIscovery: how to discover your IP if not specified. Use your outgoing IP or use a public
// service for IPDiscoverability
IPDiscovery *IPDiscovery `yaml:"ipDiscovery" validate:"required,eq=public|eq=outgoing"`
// AdvertiseRoutes: specifies whether the node can act as a router routing packets between meshes
AdvertiseRoutes *bool `yaml:"advertiseRoute" validate:"required"`
// AdvertiseDefaultRoute: specifies whether or not this route should advertise a default route
// for all nodes to route their packets to
AdvertiseDefaultRoute *bool `yaml:"advertiseDefaults" validate:"required"`
// Endpoint contains what value should be set as the public endpoint of this node
Endpoint *string `yaml:"publicEndpoint"`
// Role specifies whether or not the user is globally accessible.
// If the user is globaly accessible they specify themselves as a client.
Role *NodeType `yaml:"role" validate:"required,eq=client|eq=peer"`
// KeepAliveWg configures the implementation so that we send keep alive packets to peers.
KeepAliveWg *int `yaml:"keepAliveWg" validate:"omitempty,gte=0"`
// PreUp are WireGuard commands to run before adding the WG interface
PreUp []string `yaml:"preUp"`
// PostUp are WireGuard commands to run after adding the WG interface
PostUp []string `yaml:"postUp"`
// PreDown are WireGuard commands to run prior to removing the WG interface
PreDown []string `yaml:"preDown"`
// PostDown are WireGuard command to run after removing the WG interface
PostDown []string `yaml:"postDown"`
type DaemonConfiguration struct {
// CertificatePath is the path to the certificate to use in mTLS
CertificatePath string `yaml:"certificatePath" validate:"required"`
// PrivateKeypath is the path to the clients private key in mTLS
PrivateKeyPath string `yaml:"privateKeyPath" validate:"required"`
// CaCeritifcatePath path to the certificate of the trust certificate authority
CaCertificatePath string `yaml:"caCertificatePath" validate:"required"`
// SkipCertVerification specify to skip certificate verification. Should only be used
// in test environments
SkipCertVerification bool `yaml:"skipCertVerification"`
// Port to run the GrpcServer on
GrpcPort int `yaml:"gRPCPort" validate:"required"`
// Timeout number of seconds without response that a node is considered unreachable by gRPC
Timeout int `yaml:"timeout" validate:"required,gte=1"`
// Profile whether or not to include a http server that profiles the code
Profile bool `yaml:"profile"`
// StubWg whether or not to stub the WireGuard types
StubWg bool `yaml:"stubWg"`
// SyncInterval specifies how long the minimum time should be between synchronisation
SyncInterval int `yaml:"syncInterval" validate:"required,gte=1"`
// PullInterval specifies the interval between checking for configuration changes
PullInterval int `yaml:"pullInterval" validate:"gte=0"`
// Heartbeat: number of seconds before the leader of the mesh sends an update to
// send to every member in the mesh
Heartbeat int `yaml:"heartbeatInterval" validate:"required,gte=1"`
// ClusterSize specifies how many neighbours you should synchronise with per round
ClusterSize int `yaml:"clusterSize" validate:"gte=1"`
// InterClusterChance specifies the probabilityof inter-cluster communication in a sync round
InterClusterChance float64 `yaml:"interClusterChance" validate:"gt=0"`
// Branch specifies the number of nodes to synchronise with when a node has
// new changes to send to the mesh
Branch int `yaml:"branch" validate:"required,gte=1"`
// InfectionCount: number of time to sync before an update can no longer be 'caught'
InfectionCount int `yaml:"infectionCount" validate:"required,gte=1"`
// BaseConfiguration base WireGuard configuration to use, this is used when none is provided
BaseConfiguration WgConfiguration `yaml:"baseConfiguration" validate:"required"`
// LogLevel specifies the log level to output, defaults is warning
LogLevel LogLevel `yaml:"logLevel" validate:"eq=info|eq=warning|eq=error"`
// ValdiateMeshConfiguration: validates the mesh configuration
func ValidateMeshConfiguration(conf *WgConfiguration) error {
validate := validator.New(validator.WithRequiredStructEnabled())
err := validate.Struct(conf)
if conf.PostDown == nil {
conf.PostDown = make([]string, 0)
if conf.PostUp == nil {
conf.PostUp = make([]string, 0)
if conf.PreDown == nil {
conf.PreDown = make([]string, 0)
if conf.PreUp == nil {
conf.PreUp = make([]string, 0)
return err
// ValidateDaemonConfiguration: validates the dameon configuration that is used.
func ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf *DaemonConfiguration) error {
if conf.BaseConfiguration.KeepAliveWg == nil {
var keepAlive int = 0
conf.BaseConfiguration.KeepAliveWg = &keepAlive
if conf.LogLevel == "" {
conf.LogLevel = WARNING
validate := validator.New(validator.WithRequiredStructEnabled())
err := validate.Struct(conf)
return err
// ParseDaemonConfiguration parses the mesh configuration and validates the configuration
func ParseDaemonConfiguration(filePath string) (*DaemonConfiguration, error) {
var conf DaemonConfiguration
yamlBytes, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlBytes, &conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &conf, ValidateDaemonConfiguration(&conf)
// MergemeshConfiguration: merges the configuration in precedence where the last
// element in the list takes the most and the first takes the least
func MergeMeshConfiguration(cfgs ...WgConfiguration) (WgConfiguration, error) {
var result WgConfiguration
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
if cfg.AdvertiseDefaultRoute != nil {
result.AdvertiseDefaultRoute = cfg.AdvertiseDefaultRoute
if cfg.AdvertiseRoutes != nil {
result.AdvertiseRoutes = cfg.AdvertiseRoutes
if cfg.Endpoint != nil {
result.Endpoint = cfg.Endpoint
if cfg.IPDiscovery != nil {
result.IPDiscovery = cfg.IPDiscovery
if cfg.KeepAliveWg != nil {
result.KeepAliveWg = cfg.KeepAliveWg
if cfg.PostDown != nil {
result.PostDown = cfg.PostDown
if cfg.PostUp != nil {
result.PostUp = cfg.PostUp
if cfg.PreDown != nil {
result.PreDown = cfg.PreDown
if cfg.PreUp != nil {
result.PreUp = cfg.PreUp
if cfg.Role != nil {
result.Role = cfg.Role
return result, ValidateMeshConfiguration(&result)