Avery Pennarun c70b9937df ui-macos/*: "a series of unfortunate events."
Just kidding.  This is a squash of a whole bunch of unlabeled temporary
commits that I produced over the last couple of weeks while writing a UI
for MacOS while riding on airplanes and sitting in airports.

So long, batch of useless commits!
2011-01-22 16:43:09 -08:00

29 lines
668 B

redo-ifchange sources.list
redo-ifchange Info.plist bits/runpython bits/run \
$(while read name newname; do echo "$name"; done <sources.list)
rm -rf "$"
mkdir "$" "$"
cd "$"
cp "$TOP/Info.plist" .
mkdir MacOS
cp "$TOP/bits/runpython" "$TOP/bits/run" MacOS/
mkdir Resources Resources/English.lproj
cp "$TOP/MainMenu.nib" Resources/English.lproj
cd "$TOP"
while read name newname; do
[ -z "$name" ] && continue
outdir=$(dirname "$outname")
[ -d "$outdir" ] || mkdir "$outdir"
cp "${name-newname}" "$outname"
done <sources.list
cd "$"
redo-ifchange $(find . -type f)