mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:30:53 +01:00
Now if you do ./sshuttle -Nr username@myservername It'll automatically route the "local" subnets (ie., stuff in the routing table) from myservername. This is (hopefully a reasonable default setting for most people.
123 lines
3.5 KiB
123 lines
3.5 KiB
import re, struct, socket, select, subprocess
if not globals().get('skip_imports'):
import ssnet, helpers
from ssnet import SockWrapper, Handler, Proxy, Mux, MuxWrapper
from helpers import *
def _ipmatch(ipstr):
if ipstr == 'default':
ipstr = ''
m = re.match(r'^(\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?)?)(?:/(\d+))?$', ipstr)
if m:
g = m.groups()
ips = g[0]
width = int(g[4] or 32)
if g[1] == None:
ips += '.0.0.0'
width = min(width, 8)
elif g[2] == None:
ips += '.0.0'
width = min(width, 16)
elif g[3] == None:
ips += '.0'
width = min(width, 24)
return (struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ips))[0], width)
def _ipstr(ip, width):
if width >= 32:
return ip
return "%s/%d" % (ip, width)
def _maskbits(netmask):
if not netmask:
return 32
for i in range(32):
if netmask[0] & (1<<i):
return 32-i
return 0
def _list_routes():
argv = ['netstat', '-rn']
p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
routes = []
for line in p.stdout:
cols = re.split(r'\s+', line)
ipw = _ipmatch(cols[0])
if not ipw:
continue # some lines won't be parseable; never mind
maskw = _ipmatch(cols[2]) # linux only
mask = _maskbits(maskw) # returns 32 if maskw is null
width = min(ipw[1], mask)
ip = ipw[0] & (((1<<width)-1) << (32-width))
routes.append((socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!I', ip)), width))
rv = p.wait()
if rv != 0:
raise Fatal('%r returned %d' % (argv, rv))
return routes
def list_routes():
for (ip,width) in _list_routes():
if not ip.startswith('0.') and not ip.startswith('127.'):
yield (ip,width)
def main():
if helpers.verbose >= 1:
helpers.logprefix = ' s: '
helpers.logprefix = 'server: '
routes = list(list_routes())
debug1('available routes:\n')
for r in routes:
debug1(' %s/%d\n' % r)
# synchronization header
handlers = []
mux = Mux(socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(),
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM),
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
routepkt = ''.join('%s,%d\n' % r
for r in routes)
mux.send(0, ssnet.CMD_ROUTES, routepkt)
def new_channel(channel, data):
(dstip,dstport) = data.split(',', 1)
dstport = int(dstport)
outwrap = ssnet.connect_dst(dstip,dstport)
handlers.append(Proxy(MuxWrapper(mux, channel), outwrap))
mux.new_channel = new_channel
while mux.ok:
r = set()
w = set()
x = set()
handlers = filter(lambda s: s.ok, handlers)
for s in handlers:
debug2('Waiting: %d[%d,%d,%d] (fullness=%d/%d)...\n'
% (len(handlers), len(r), len(w), len(x),
mux.fullness, mux.too_full))
(r,w,x) = select.select(r,w,x)
#log('r=%r w=%r x=%r\n' % (r,w,x))
ready = set(r) | set(w) | set(x)
for s in handlers:
#debug2('check: %r: %r\n' % (s, s.socks & ready))
if s.socks & ready: