# 配置 您需要创建配置文件 `~/.config/starship.toml` 以供 Starship 使用。 ```sh mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml ``` Starship 的所有配置都在此 [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) 配置文件中完成: ```toml # Get editor completions based on the config schema "$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json' # Inserts a blank line between shell prompts add_newline = true # Replace the "❯" symbol in the prompt with "➜" [character] # The name of the module we are configuring is "character" success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green" # Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely [package] disabled = true ``` 您可以使用 `STARSHIP_CONFIG` 环境变量更改默认配置文件的位置: ```sh export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/example/non/default/path/starship.toml ``` 在 PowerShell (Windows) 中,在 `$PROFILE` 中添加下面的代码行能达到同样的效果: ```powershell $ENV:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME\example\non\default\path\starship.toml" ``` Or for Cmd (Windows) would be adding this line to your `starship.lua`: ```lua os.setenv('STARSHIP_CONFIG', 'C:\\Users\\user\\example\\non\\default\\path\\starship.toml') ``` ### 日志 默认情况下,Starship 会将警告和错误日志记录到文件 `~/.cache/starship/session_${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}.log`. 其中 session key 与您的终端实例相对应。 不过,这也可以使用 `STARSHIP_CACHE` 环境变量来修改: ```sh export STARSHIP_CACHE=~/.starship/cache ``` 在 PowerShell (Windows) 中,在 `$PROFILE` 中添加下面的代码行能达到同样的效果: ```powershell $ENV:STARSHIP_CACHE = "$HOME\AppData\Local\Temp" ``` Or for Cmd (Windows) would be adding this line to your `starship.lua`: ```lua os.setenv('STARSHIP_CACHE', 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp') ``` ### 术语 **组件(Module)**:提示符的组成部分,通过来自系统的上下文信息向用户显示各种信息。 例如,如果您当前的目录是 Node.js 项目,“nodejs” 模块会显示当前安装在您电脑上的 Node.js 的版本。 **Variable**: Smaller sub-components that contain information provided by the module. For example, the "version" variable in the "nodejs" module contains the current version of Node.js. By convention, most modules have a prefix of default terminal color (e.g. `via` in "nodejs") and an empty space as a suffix. ### 格式字符串 模块通过格式字符串定义的格式输出它所有的变量。 大多数模块拥有一个名为 `format` 的入口来配置它的显示格式。 你可以在其中使用文本,变量或者文本组。 #### 字段 A variable contains a `$` symbol followed by the name of the variable. The name of a variable can only contain letters, numbers and `_`. 例如: - `$version` is a format string with a variable named `version`. - `$git_branch$git_commit` is a format string with two variables named `git_branch` and `git_commit`. - `$git_branch $git_commit` has the two variables separated with a space. #### 文本组 文本由以下两种括号来进行分组: 第一种`[]`括号中的内容是[格式字符串](#format-strings), 你可以在当中添加文本,变量甚至嵌套其他括号。 第二种`()`括号中的内容是[样式字符串](#style-strings), 可用于指定第一种括号中内容的样式。 例如: - `[on](red bold)` will print a string `on` with bold text colored red. - `[⌘ $version](bold green)` will print a symbol `⌘` followed by the content of variable `version`, with bold text colored green. - `[a [b](red) c](green)` will print `a b c` with `b` red, and `a` and `c` green. #### 样式设定 Starship 中的大多数组件允许您为其设置显示样式。 显示样式可以通过一个字符串字段(一般是 `style`)来设置。 以下的例子给出了一些样式字符串并描述了它们的效果。 样式字符串的完整语法请查阅 [高级配置指南](/advanced-config/)。 - `"fg:green bg:blue"` 在蓝色背景上显示绿色文本 - `"bg:blue fg:bright-green"` 在蓝色背景上显示亮绿色文本 - `"bold fg:27"` 设置粗体字,用 27 号 [ANSI 标准色](https://i.stack.imgur.com/KTSQa.png) - `"underline bg:#bf5700"` 在深橙色背景上显示带下划线文本 - `"bold italic fg:purple"` 设置文本为粗体、意大利体,颜色为紫色 - `""` 显式禁用所有样式 请注意,最终的显示样式将由您的终端模拟器控制。 例如,有的终端模拟器对于“bold”属性的文本是加亮颜色而不是加粗文字,有的颜色主题对“普通”和“明亮”两种属性的颜色使用相同的颜色值。 此外,要获得意大利体文本(一般设计为斜体),您的终端必须支持意大利体显示。 #### Conditional Format Strings A conditional format string wrapped in `(` and `)` will not render if all variables inside are empty. 例如: - 如果变量 `region` 是 `None` 或者为空,`(@$region)` 将不会显示,否则 `@` 之后会显示 region 的值。 - `(some text)` 将永远不会显示因为在括号里并没有变量。 - When `$all` is a shortcut for `\[$a$b\]`, `($all)` will show nothing only if `$a` and `$b` are both `None`. This works the same as `(\[$a$b\] )`. #### 特殊字符 以下符号在格式字符串中具有特殊用途,必须转义: `$ [ ] ( )`。 Note that TOML has [both basic strings and literal strings](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#string). It is recommended to use a literal string (surrounded by single quotes) in your config. If you want to use a basic string (surrounded by double quotes), you must escape the backslash itself (i.e. use `\\`). For example, when you want to print a `$` symbol on a new line, the following configs for `format` are equivalent: ```toml # with basic string format = "\n\\$" # with multiline basic string format = """ \\$""" # with literal string format = ''' \$''' ``` ## 提示符 以下是关于提示符的配置项。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------- | ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | [见下文](#default-prompt-format) | 配置提示符的格式。 | | `right_format` | `""` | See [Enable Right Prompt](/advanced-config/#enable-right-prompt) | | `scan_timeout` | `30` | Starship 扫描文件的超时时间(单位:毫秒)。 | | `command_timeout` | `500` | Startship 执行命令的超时时间(单位:毫秒)。 | | `add_newline` | `true` | 在 shell 提示符之间插入空行。 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml # Use custom format format = """ [┌───────────────────>](bold green) [│](bold green)$directory$rust$package [└─>](bold green) """ # Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory. scan_timeout = 10 # Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt add_newline = false ``` ### 默认提示符格式 如果没有提供`format`字段或者它的值是空的,将会使用默认的`format`配置来指定提示符的格式。 默认配置如下: ```toml format = "$all" # Which is equivalent to format = """ $username\ $hostname\ $localip\ $shlvl\ $singularity\ $kubernetes\ $directory\ $vcsh\ $git_branch\ $git_commit\ $git_state\ $git_metrics\ $git_status\ $hg_branch\ $docker_context\ $package\ $buf\ $c\ $cmake\ $cobol\ $container\ $daml\ $dart\ $deno\ $dotnet\ $elixir\ $elm\ $erlang\ $golang\ $haskell\ $helm\ $java\ $julia\ $kotlin\ $lua\ $nim\ $nodejs\ $ocaml\ $perl\ $php\ $pulumi\ $purescript\ $python\ $rlang\ $red\ $ruby\ $rust\ $scala\ $swift\ $terraform\ $vlang\ $vagrant\ $zig\ $nix_shell\ $conda\ $spack\ $memory_usage\ $aws\ $gcloud\ $openstack\ $azure\ $env_var\ $crystal\ $custom\ $sudo\ $cmd_duration\ $line_break\ $jobs\ $battery\ $time\ $status\ $shell\ $character""" ``` 如果你只是想扩展默认的格式,你可以使用 `$all`; 你另外添加到格式中的modules不会重复出现。 例如: ```toml # 将目录信息移到第二行 format = "$all$directory$character" ``` ## AWS The `aws` module shows the current AWS region and profile and an expiration timer when using temporary credentials. The output of the module uses the `AWS_REGION`, `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`, and `AWS_PROFILE` env vars and the `~/.aws/config` and `~/.aws/credentials` files as required. The module will display a profile only if its credentials are present in `~/.aws/credentials` or if a `credential_process` or `sso_start_url` are defined in `~/.aws/config`. Alternatively, having any of the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, or `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` env vars defined will also suffice. If the option `force_display` is set to `true`, all available information will be displayed even if no credentials per the conditions above are detected. When using [aws-vault](https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault) the profile is read from the `AWS_VAULT` env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the `AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION` env var. When using [awsu](https://github.com/kreuzwerker/awsu) the profile is read from the `AWSU_PROFILE` env var. When using [AWSume](https://awsu.me) the profile is read from the `AWSUME_PROFILE` env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the `AWSUME_EXPIRATION` env var. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )(\[$duration\] )]($style)'` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"☁️ "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 AWS 配置信息之前。 | | `region_aliases` | | 地区缩写列表,用来显示在 AWS 主机名之后。 | | `profile_aliases` | | Table of profile aliases to display in addition to the AWS name. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `expiration_symbol` | `X` | The symbol displayed when the temporary credentials have expired. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `AWS` 组件。 | | `force_display` | `false` | If `true` displays info even if `credentials`, `credential_process` or `sso_start_url` have not been setup. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | region | `ap-northeast-1` | The current AWS region | | profile | `astronauts` | The current AWS profile | | duration | `2h27m20s` | The temporary credentials validity duration | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### Examples #### Display everything ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [aws] format = 'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )]($style)' style = "bold blue" symbol = "🅰 " [aws.region_aliases] ap-southeast-2 = "au" us-east-1 = "va" [aws.profile_aliases] CompanyGroupFrobozzOnCallAccess = 'Frobozz' ``` #### Display region ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [aws] format = "on [$symbol$region]($style) " style = "bold blue" symbol = "🅰 " [aws.region_aliases] ap-southeast-2 = "au" us-east-1 = "va" ``` #### Display profile ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [aws] format = "on [$symbol$profile]($style) " style = "bold blue" symbol = "🅰 " [aws.profile_aliases] Enterprise_Naming_Scheme-voidstars = 'void**' ``` ## Azure The `azure` module shows the current Azure Subscription. This is based on showing the name of the default subscription, as defined in the `~/.azure/azureProfile.json` file. ### 配置项 | 字段 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | `format` | `"on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) "` | The format for the Azure module to render. | | `symbol` | `"ﴃ "` | The symbol used in the format. | | `style` | `"blue bold"` | The style used in the format. | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `azure` module. | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [azure] disabled = false format = "on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) " symbol = "ﴃ " style = "blue bold" ``` ## Battery `battery` 组件显示电池充电情况和当前充电状态。 这个组件只会在当前电量低于 10% 时显示。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | --------------------------------- | ---------------- | | `full_symbol` | `" "` | 显示于电池充满时。 | | `charging_symbol` | `" "` | 显示于正在充电时。 | | `discharging_symbol` | `" "` | 显示于电池放电时。 | | `unknown_symbol` | `" "` | 显示于电池状态未知时 | | `empty_symbol` | `" "` | 显示于电池状态为空时 | | `format` | `"[$symbol$percentage]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `display` | [见下文](#battery-display) | 电量显示阈值和样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `battery` 组件。 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [battery] full_symbol = "🔋 " charging_symbol = "⚡️ " discharging_symbol = "💀 " ``` ### Battery 组件的显示 The `display` configuration option is used to define when the battery indicator should be shown (threshold), which symbol would be used (symbol), and what it would like (style). 如果 `display` 没有设置, 默认设置如下: ```toml [[battery.display]] threshold = 10 style = "bold red" ``` The default value for the `charging_symbol` and `discharging_symbol` option is respectively the value of `battery`'s `charging_symbol` and `discharging_symbol` option. #### 配置项 `display` 字段的子字段如下: | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `threshold` | `10` | 当前显示设置的电量上限(见示例) | | `style` | `bold red` | 若组件被显示,则使用此样式 | | `charging_symbol` | `-` | Optional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's `charging_symbol` option. | | `discharging_symbol` | `-` | Optional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's `discharging_symbol` option. | #### 示例 ```toml [[battery.display]] # "bold red" style and discharging_symbol when capacity is between 0% and 10% threshold = 10 style = "bold red" [[battery.display]] # "bold yellow" style and 💦 symbol when capacity is between 10% and 30% threshold = 30 style = "bold yellow" discharging_symbol = "💦" # when capacity is over 30%, the battery indicator will not be displayed ``` ## Buf The `buf` module shows the currently installed version of [Buf](https://buf.build). By default, the module is shown if all of the following conditions are met: - The [`buf`](https://github.com/bufbuild/buf) CLI is installed. - The current directory contains a [`buf.yaml`](https://docs.buf.build/configuration/v1/buf-yaml), [`buf.gen.yaml`](https://docs.buf.build/configuration/v1/buf-gen-yaml), or [`buf.work.yaml`](https://docs.buf.build/configuration/v1/buf-work-yaml) configuration file. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'with [$symbol($version \(Buf $buf_version\) )]($style)'` | The format for the `buf` module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. | | `symbol` | `"🦬 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Buf. | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["buf.yaml", "buf.gen.yaml", "buf.work.yaml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elixir` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------------- | -------- | -------------------- | | `buf_version` | `v1.0.0` | The version of `buf` | | `symbol` | | `symbol`对应值 | | `style`* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [buf] symbol = "🦬 " ``` ## C The `c` module shows some information about your C compiler. By default the module will be shown if the current directory contains a `.c` or `.h` file. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version(-$name) )]($style)"` | The format string for the module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"C "` | The symbol used before displaying the compiler details | | `detect_extensions` | `["c", "h"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `commands` | [ [ "cc", "--version" ], [ "gcc", "--version" ], [ "clang", "--version" ] ] | How to detect what the compiler is | | `style` | `"bold 149"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `c` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------- | ------ | --------------------------- | | name | clang | The name of the compiler | | version | 13.0.0 | The version of the compiler | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style | | `style`对应值 | NB that `version` is not in the default format. ### Commands The `commands` option accepts a list of commands to determine the compiler version and name. Each command is represented as a list of the executable name, followed by its arguments, usually something like `["mycc", "--version"]`. Starship will try executing each command until it gets a result on STDOUT. If a C compiler is not supported by this module, you can request it by [raising an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/starship/starship/). ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [c] format = "via [$name $version]($style)" ``` ## Character `character` 组件用于在您输入终端的文本旁显示一个字符(通常是一个箭头)。 这个字符可以告诉您最后一个命令是否执行成功。 It can do this in two ways: - changing color (`red`/`green`) - changing shape (`❯`/`✖`) By default it only changes color. If you also want to change its shape take a look at [this example](#with-custom-error-shape). ::: warning `vicmd_symbol` is only supported in cmd, fish and zsh. `vimcmd_replace_one_symbol`, `vimcmd_replace_symbol`, and `vimcmd_visual_symbol` are only supported in fish due to [upstream issues with mode detection in zsh](https://github.com/starship/starship/issues/625#issuecomment-732454148). ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"$symbol "` | The format string used before the text input. | | `success_symbol` | `"[❯](bold green)"` | The format string used before the text input if the previous command succeeded. | | `error_symbol` | `"[❯](bold red)"` | The format string used before the text input if the previous command failed. | | `vicmd_symbol` | `"[❮](bold green)"` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim normal mode. | | `vicmd_replace_one_symbol` | `"[❮](bold purple)"` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim `replace_one` mode. | | `vimcmd_replace_symbol` | `"[❮](bold purple)"` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim replace mode. | | `vimcmd_visual_symbol` | `"[❮](bold yellow)"` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim replace mode. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `character` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------ | -- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | symbol | | A mirror of either `success_symbol`, `error_symbol` or `vicmd_symbol` | ### Examples #### With custom error shape ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [character] success_symbol = "[➜](bold green) " error_symbol = "[✗](bold red) " ``` #### Without custom error shape ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [character] success_symbol = "[➜](bold green) " error_symbol = "[➜](bold red) " ``` #### With custom vim shape ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [character] vicmd_symbol = "[V](bold green) " ``` ## CMake The `cmake` module shows the currently installed version of [CMake](https://cmake.org/). By default the module will be activated if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `CMakeLists.txt` file - The current directory contains a `CMakeCache.txt` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"△ "` | The symbol used before the version of cmake. | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module | | `detect_files` | `["CMakeLists.txt", "CMakeCache.txt"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cmake` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | | version | `v3.17.3` | The version of cmake | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ## COBOL / GNUCOBOL The `cobol` module shows the currently installed version of COBOL. By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains any files ending in `.cob` or `.COB` - The current directory contains any files ending in `.cbl` or `.CBL` ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `"⚙️ "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of COBOL. | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `detect_extensions` | `["cbl", "cob", "CBL", "COB"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cobol` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------- | ---------------------- | | version | `v3.1.2.0` | The version of `cobol` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ## Command Duration `cmd_duration` 组件显示上一个命令执行的时间。 此组件只在命令执行时间长于两秒时显示,或者当其 `min_time` 字段被设置时,按此值为执行时间的显示下限。 ::: warning 不要在 Bash 里捕获 DEBUG 信号 如果您正在 `bash` 上使用 Starship,在运行 `eval $(starship)` 后,不要捕获 `DEBUG` 信号,否则此组件**将会**坏掉。 ::: 需要在自动每一条命令前执行某些操作的 Bash 用户可以使用 [rcaloras 的 bash_preexec 框架](https://github.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec)。 只需要在执行 `eval $(starship init $0)` 前简单地定义 `preexec_functions` 和 `precmd_functions` 两个列表,就可以照常运行了。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `min_time` | `2_000` | 显示此组件所需的最短执行时长(单位:毫秒)。 | | `show_milliseconds` | `false` | 除了秒数外在执行时长中额外显示毫秒。 | | `format` | `"took [$duration]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `cmd_duration` 组件。 | | `show_notifications` | `false` | Show desktop notifications when command completes. | | `min_time_to_notify` | `45_000` | Shortest duration for notification (in milliseconds). | | `notification_timeout` | | Duration to show notification for (in milliseconds). If unset, notification timeout will be determined by daemon. Not all notification daemons honor this option. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | | duration | `16m40s` | The time it took to execute the command | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [cmd_duration] min_time = 500 format = "underwent [$duration](bold yellow)" ``` ## Conda The `conda` module shows the current [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/) environment, if `$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV` is set. ::: tip 此组件没有禁用 conda 自带的提示符修改,您可能需要执行 `conda config --set changeps1 False`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `truncation_length` | `1` | 如果这个 conda 环境是通过 `conda create -p [path]` 创建的,环境路径的目录深度应该被截断到此数量。 `0` 表示不用截断。 另请参阅 [`directory`](#directory) 组件。 | | `symbol` | `"🅒 "` | 在环境名之前显示的符号。 | | `style` | `"bold green"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"via [$symbol$environment]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `ignore_base` | `true` | Ignores `base` environment when activated. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `conda` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ----------- | ------------ | ----------------------------- | | environment | `astronauts` | The current conda environment | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [conda] format = "[$symbol$environment](dimmed green) " ``` ## Container The `container` module displays a symbol and container name, if inside a container. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `"⬢"` | The symbol shown, when inside a container | | `style` | `"bold red dimmed"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"[$symbol \\[$name\\]]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `container` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------------- | ------------------------- | | name | `fedora-toolbox:35` | The name of the container | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [container] format = "[$symbol \\[$name\\]]($style) " ``` ## Crystal The `crystal` module shows the currently installed version of [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `shard.yml` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.cr` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `"🔮 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal. | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `detect_extensions` | `["cr"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["shard.yml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `crystal` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | ------------------------ | | version | `v0.32.1` | The version of `crystal` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [crystal] format = "via [✨ $version](bold blue) " ``` ## Daml The `daml` module shows the currently used [Daml](https://www.digitalasset.com/developers) SDK version when you are in the root directory of your Daml project. The `sdk-version` in the `daml.yaml` file will be used, unless it's overridden by the `DAML_SDK_VERSION` environment variable. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `daml.yaml` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `via [$symbol($version )]($style)` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `v${raw}` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"Λ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Daml | | `style` | `"bold cyan"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["daml.yaml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `daml` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v2.2.0` | The version of `daml` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [daml] format = "via [D $version](bold bright-green) " ``` ## Dart The `dart` module shows the currently installed version of [Dart](https://dart.dev/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a file with `.dart` extension - The current directory contains a `.dart_tool` directory - The current directory contains a `pubspec.yaml`, `pubspec.yml` or `pubspec.lock` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🎯 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Dart | | `detect_extensions` | `["dart"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["pubspec.yaml", "pubspec.yml", "pubspec.lock"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[".dart_tool"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `dart` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v2.8.4` | The version of `dart` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [dart] format = "via [🔰 $version](bold red) " ``` ## Deno The `deno` module shows you your currently installed version of [Deno](https://deno.land/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `deno.json`, `deno.jsonc`, `mod.ts`, `mod.js`, `deps.ts` or `deps.js` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🦕 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Deno | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["deno.json", "deno.jsonc", "mod.ts", "mod.js", "deps.ts", "deps.js"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"green bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `deno` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v1.8.3` | The version of `deno` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [deno] format = "via [🦕 $version](green bold) " ``` ## Directory `directory` 组件显示当前目录的路径,显示的路径会截断到三个父目录以内。 如果您处于一个 git 仓库中,显示的路径则最多会截断到该仓库的根目录。 当使用 fish 风格的当前目录显示样式时,您会看到基于您的设置的每个上级目录的短名称,而不是隐藏被截断的上级目录。 例如,对于 `~/Dev/Nix/nixpkgs/pkgs`,其中 `nixpkgs` 是 git 仓库根目录,fish 风格相关选项设置为 `1`。 您将会看到 `~/D/N/nixpkgs/pkgs`,而在设置 fish 风格之前,当前路径将显示成 `nixpkgs/pkgs`。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `truncation_length` | `3` | 当前目录路径被截断后最多保留的父目录数量。 | | `truncate_to_repo` | `true` | 是否只截断到您当前处于的 git 仓库根目录下。 | | `format` | `"[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"bold cyan"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `directory` 组件。 | | `read_only` | `"🔒"` | The symbol indicating current directory is read only. | | `read_only_style` | `"red"` | The style for the read only symbol. | | `truncation_symbol` | `""` | The symbol to prefix to truncated paths. eg: "…/" | | `repo_root_style` | `None` | The style for the root of the git repo. The default value is equivalent to `style`. | | `repo_root_format` | `"[$before_root_path]($style)[$repo_root]($repo_root_style)[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) "` | The format of a git repo when `repo_root_style` is defined. | | `home_symbol` | `"~"` | The symbol indicating home directory. | | `use_os_path_sep` | `true` | Use the OS specific path separator instead of always using `/` (e.g. `\` on Windows) |
此组件有几个高级配置选项来控制当前目录路径的显示方式。 | Advanced Option | 默认值 | 描述 | | --------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `substitutions` | | A table of substitutions to be made to the path. | | `fish_style_pwd_dir_length` | `0` | 使用 fish shell 当前目录路径逻辑时每个省略目录名使用的字符数。 | | `use_logical_path` | `true` | If `true` render the logical path sourced from the shell via `PWD` or `--logical-path`. If `false` instead render the physical filesystem path with symlinks resolved. | `substitutions` allows you to define arbitrary replacements for literal strings that occur in the path, for example long network prefixes or development directories (i.e. Java). Note that this will disable the fish style PWD. ```toml [directory.substitutions] "/Volumes/network/path" = "/net" "src/com/long/java/path" = "mypath" ``` `fish_style_pwd_dir_length` interacts with the standard truncation options in a way that can be surprising at first: if it's non-zero, the components of the path that would normally be truncated are instead displayed with that many characters. For example, the path `/built/this/city/on/rock/and/roll`, which would normally be displayed as as `rock/and/roll`, would be displayed as `/b/t/c/o/rock/and/roll` with `fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1`--the path components that would normally be removed are displayed with a single character. For `fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 2`, it would be `/bu/th/ci/on/rock/and/roll`.
### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------------------- | -------------------------- | | path | `"D:/Projects"` | The current directory path | | style\* | `"black bold dimmed"` | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
The git repos have additional variables. Let us consider the path `/path/to/home/git_repo/src/lib` | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | before_root_path | `"/path/to/home/"` | The path before git root directory path | | repo_root | `"git_repo"` | The git root directory name | | path | `"/src/lib"` | The remaining path | | style | `"black bold dimmed"` | `style`对应值 | | repo_root_style | `"underline white"` | Style for git root directory name |
### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [directory] truncation_length = 8 truncation_symbol = "…/" ``` ## Docker Context The `docker_context` module shows the currently active [Docker context](https://docs.docker.com/engine/context/working-with-contexts/) if it's not set to `default` or if the `DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME`, `DOCKER_HOST` or `DOCKER_CONTEXT` environment variables are set (as they are meant to override the context in use). ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol$context]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"🐳 "` | The symbol used before displaying the Docker context. | | `only_with_files` | `true` | Only show when there's a match | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). | | `detect_files` | `["docker-compose.yml", "docker-compose.yaml", "Dockerfile"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module (needs `only_with_files` to be true). | | `style` | `"blue bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `docker_context` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------------- | -------------------------- | | context | `test_context` | The current docker context | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [docker_context] format = "via [🐋 $context](blue bold)" ``` ## Dotnet The `dotnet` module shows the relevant version of the [.NET Core SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/) for the current directory. 如果当前目录已被绑定了一个版本的 SDK,则显示被帮定的版本。 否则此组件将显示最新安装的 SDK 版本。 By default this module will only be shown in your prompt when one or more of the following files are present in the current directory: - `global.json` - `project.json` - `Directory.Build.props` - `Directory.Build.targets` - `Packages.props` - `*.csproj` - `*.fsproj` - `*.xproj` You'll also need the .NET Core SDK installed in order to use it correctly. 在内部,此组件使用自己的版本检测机制。 一般来说此组件是直接执行 `dotnet --version` 的两倍快,但当你的 .NET 项目使用了不常见的目录布局时此组件可能显示一个错误的版本。 如果相比于速度您更需要正确的版本号,您可以在组件设置中设置 `heuristic = false` 来禁用该机制。 The module will also show the Target Framework Moniker () when there is a `.csproj` file in the current directory. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )(🎯 $tfm )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `".NET "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 .NET 版本之前。 | | `heuristic` | `true` | 使用更快的版本探测机制以保证 starship 的运行速度。 | | `detect_extensions` | `["csproj", "fsproj", "xproj"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["global.json", "project.json", "Directory.Build.props", "Directory.Build.targets", "Packages.props"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `dotnet` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | version | `v3.1.201` | The version of `dotnet` sdk | | tfm | `netstandard2.0` | The Target Framework Moniker that the current project is targeting | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [dotnet] symbol = "🥅 " style = "green" heuristic = false ``` ## Elixir The `elixir` module shows the currently installed version of [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) and [Erlang/OTP](https://erlang.org/doc/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `mix.exs` 文件. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'via [$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\) )]($style)'` | The format for the module elixir. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"💧 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang. | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["mix.exs"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elixir` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ----------- | ------- | --------------------------- | | version | `v1.10` | The version of `elixir` | | otp_version | | The otp version of `elixir` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [elixir] symbol = "🔮 " ``` ## Elm The `elm` module shows the currently installed version of [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `elm.json` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `elm-package.json` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.elm-version` file - The current directory contains a `elm-stuff` folder - The current directory contains `*.elm` files ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🌳 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Elm. | | `detect_extensions` | `["elm"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["elm.json", "elm-package.json", ".elm-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `["elm-stuff"]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `style` | `"cyan bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elm` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | | version | `v0.19.1` | The version of `elm` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [elm] format = "via [ $version](cyan bold) " ``` ## Environment Variable The `env_var` module displays the current value of a selected environment variables. 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - 设置的 `variable` 是一个已存在的环境变量 - 未定义 `variable`,但定义了 `default` ::: tip Multiple environmental variables can be displayed by using a `.`. (see example) If the `variable` configuration option is not set, the module will display value of variable under the name of text after the `.` character. Example: following configuration will display value of USER environment variable ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [env_var.USER] default = "unknown user" ``` ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------- | | `symbol` | `""` | 这个字段的内容会显示在环境变量值之前。 | | `variable` | | 要显示的环境变量。 | | `default` | | 所选变量未定义时显示的默认值。 | | `format` | `"with [$env_value]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `env_var` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | env_value | `Windows NT` (if _variable_ would be `$OS`) | The environment value of option `variable` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | `black bold dimmed` | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [env_var] variable = "SHELL" default = "unknown shell" ``` Displaying multiple environmental variables: ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [env_var.SHELL] variable = "SHELL" default = "unknown shell" [env_var.USER] default = "unknown user" ``` ## Erlang The `erlang` module shows the currently installed version of [Erlang/OTP](https://erlang.org/doc/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `rebar.config` 文件. - 当前目录包含 `erlang.mk` 文件. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `" "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of erlang. | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["rebar.config", "elang.mk"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `erlang` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | ----------------------- | | version | `v22.1.3` | The version of `erlang` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [erlang] format = "via [e $version](bold red) " ``` ## Fill The `fill` module fills any extra space on the line with a symbol. If multiple `fill` modules are present in a line they will split the space evenly between them. This is useful for aligning other modules. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | -------------- | --------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `"."` | The symbol used to fill the line. | | `style` | `"bold black"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `fill` module | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml format = "AA $fill BB $fill CC" [fill] symbol = "-" style = "bold green" ``` Produces a prompt that looks like: ``` AA -------------------------------------------- BB -------------------------------------------- CC ``` ## Google Cloud (`gcloud`) The `gcloud` module shows the current configuration for [`gcloud`](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud) CLI. This is based on the `~/.config/gcloud/active_config` file and the `~/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_{CONFIG NAME}` file and the `CLOUDSDK_CONFIG` env var. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($region\))]($style) '` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"☁️ "` | The symbol used before displaying the current GCP profile. | | `region_aliases` | | Table of region aliases to display in addition to the GCP name. | | `project_aliases` | | Table of project aliases to display in addition to the GCP name. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `gcloud` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | region | `us-central1` | The current GCP region | | account | `foo` | The current GCP profile | | domain | `example.com` | The current GCP profile domain | | project | | The current GCP project | | active | `default` | The active config name written in `~/.config/gcloud/active_config` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### Examples #### Display account and project ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [gcloud] format = 'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($project\))]($style) ' ``` #### Display active config name only ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [gcloud] format = "[$symbol$active]($style) " style = "bold yellow" ``` #### Display account and aliased region ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [gcloud] symbol = "️🇬️ " [gcloud.region_aliases] us-central1 = "uc1" asia-northeast1 = "an1" ``` #### Display account and aliased project ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [gcloud] format = 'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($project\))]($style) ' [gcloud.project_aliases] very-long-project-name = "vlpn" ``` ## Git Branch `git_branch` 组件显示当前目录的 git 仓库的活动分支。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `always_show_remote` | `false` | Shows the remote tracking branch name, even if it is equal to the local branch name. | | `format` | `"on [$symbol$branch(:$remote_branch)]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 Use `"$branch"` to refer to the current branch name. | | `symbol` | `" "` | A format string representing the symbol of git branch. | | `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `truncation_length` | `2^63 - 1` | Truncates a git branch to `N` graphemes. | | `truncation_symbol` | `"…"` | 此字段的内容用来表示分支名称被截断。 You can use `""` for no symbol. | | `only_attached` | `false` | Only show the branch name when not in a detached `HEAD` state. | | `ignore_branches` | `[]` | A list of names to avoid displaying. Useful for "master" or "main". | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `git_branch` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | branch | `master` | The current branch name, falls back to `HEAD` if there's no current branch (e.g. git detached `HEAD`). | | remote_name | `origin` | The remote name. | | remote_branch | `master` | The name of the branch tracked on `remote_name`. | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_branch] symbol = "🌱 " truncation_length = 4 truncation_symbol = "" ignore_branches = ["master", "main"] ``` ## Git Commit The `git_commit` module shows the current commit hash and also the tag (if any) of the repo in your current directory. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | `commit_hash_length` | `7` | 显示的 git 提交哈希值的长度。 | | `format` | `"[\\($hash$tag\\)]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"bold green"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `only_detached` | `true` | Only show git commit hash when in detached `HEAD` state | | `tag_disabled` | `true` | Disables showing tag info in `git_commit` module. | | `tag_symbol` | `" 🏷 "` | Tag symbol prefixing the info shown | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `git_commit` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | --------------------------- | | hash | `b703eb3` | The current git commit hash | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_commit] commit_hash_length = 4 tag_symbol = "🔖 " ``` ## Git State `git_state` 组件会显示当前目录在哪个 git 仓库中,以及正在进行的操作,例如:_REBASING_,_BISECTING_ 等。 进度信息(例如 REBASING 3/10)如果存在则也会被显示。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `rebase` | `"REBASING"` | A format string displayed when a `rebase` is in progress. | | `merge` | `"MERGING"` | A format string displayed when a `merge` is in progress. | | `revert` | `"REVERTING"` | A format string displayed when a `revert` is in progress. | | `cherry_pick` | `"CHERRY-PICKING"` | A format string displayed when a `cherry-pick` is in progress. | | `bisect` | `"BISECTING"` | A format string displayed when a `bisect` is in progress. | | `am` | `"AM"` | A format string displayed when an `apply-mailbox` (`git am`) is in progress. | | `am_or_rebase` | `"AM/REBASE"` | A format string displayed when an ambiguous `apply-mailbox` or `rebase` is in progress. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `'\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) '` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `git_state` 模块 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ---------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------ | | state | `REBASING` | The current state of the repo | | progress_current | `1` | The current operation progress | | progress_total | `2` | The total operation progress | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_state] format = '[\($state( $progress_current of $progress_total)\)]($style) ' cherry_pick = "[🍒 PICKING](bold red)" ``` ## Git Metrics The `git_metrics` module will show the number of added and deleted lines in the current git repository. ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | | `added_style` | `"bold green"` | The style for the added count. | | `deleted_style` | `"bold red"` | The style for the deleted count. | | `only_nonzero_diffs` | `true` | Render status only for changed items. | | `format` | `'([+$added]($added_style) )([-$deleted]($deleted_style) )'` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `git_metrics` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ----------------- | --- | ------------------------------------------- | | added | `1` | The current number of added lines | | deleted | `2` | The current number of deleted lines | | added_style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `added_style` | | deleted_style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `deleted_style` | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_metrics] added_style = "bold blue" format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) ' ``` ## Git Status `git_status`组件通过相应的符号显示您当前目录中 git 仓库的状态。 ::: tip The Git Status module is very slow in Windows directories (for example under `/mnt/c/`) when in a WSL environment. You can disable the module or use the `windows_starship` option to use a Windows-native Starship executable to compute `git_status` for those paths. ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style) )'` | The default format for `git_status` | | `conflicted` | `"="` | 这个分支有合并冲突。 | | `ahead` | `"⇡"` | The format of `ahead` | | `behind` | `"⇣"` | The format of `behind` | | `diverged` | `"⇕"` | The format of `diverged` | | `up_to_date` | `""` | The format of `up_to_date` | | `untracked` | `"?"` | The format of `untracked` | | `stashed` | `"$"` | The format of `stashed` | | `modified` | `"!"` | The format of `modified` | | `staged` | `"+"` | The format of `staged` | | `renamed` | `"»"` | The format of `renamed` | | `deleted` | `"✘"` | The format of `deleted` | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `ignore_submodules` | `false` | Ignore changes to submodules. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `git_status` 组件。 | | `windows_starship` | | Use this (Linux) path to a Windows Starship executable to render `git_status` when on Windows paths in WSL. | ### Variables The following variables can be used in `format`: | 字段 | 描述 | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `all_status` | Shortcut for`$conflicted$stashed$deleted$renamed$modified$staged$untracked` | | `ahead_behind` | Displays `diverged`, `ahead`, `behind` or `up_to_date` format string based on the current status of the repo. | | `conflicted` | Displays `conflicted` when this branch has merge conflicts. | | `untracked` | Displays `untracked` when there are untracked files in the working directory. | | `stashed` | Displays `stashed` when a stash exists for the local repository. | | `modified` | Displays `modified` when there are file modifications in the working directory. | | `staged` | Displays `staged` when a new file has been added to the staging area. | | `renamed` | Displays `renamed` when a renamed file has been added to the staging area. | | `deleted` | Displays `deleted` when a file's deletion has been added to the staging area. | | style\* | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string The following variables can be used in `diverged`: | 字段 | 描述 | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | `ahead_count` | Number of commits ahead of the tracking branch | | `behind_count` | Number of commits behind the tracking branch | The following variables can be used in `conflicted`, `ahead`, `behind`, `untracked`, `stashed`, `modified`, `staged`, `renamed` and `deleted`: | 字段 | 描述 | | ------- | --------- | | `count` | 显示相应的文件数量 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_status] conflicted = "🏳" ahead = "🏎💨" behind = "😰" diverged = "😵" up_to_date = "✓" untracked = "🤷" stashed = "📦" modified = "📝" staged = '[++\($count\)](green)' renamed = "👅" deleted = "🗑" ``` Show ahead/behind count of the branch being tracked ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_status] ahead = "⇡${count}" diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}" behind = "⇣${count}" ``` Use Windows Starship executable on Windows paths in WSL ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [git_status] windows_starship = '/mnt/c/Users/username/scoop/apps/starship/current/starship.exe' ``` ## Go The `golang` module shows the currently installed version of [Go](https://golang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `go.mod` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `go.sum` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `go.work` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `glide.yaml` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `Gopkg.yml` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `Gopkg.lock` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.go-version` file - 当前目录包含 `Godeps` 目录 - 当前目录包含一个使用 `.go` 扩展名的文件 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐹 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Go. | | `detect_extensions` | `["go"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["go.mod", "go.sum", "go.work", "glide.yaml", "Gopkg.yml", "Gopkg.lock", ".go-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `["Godeps"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold cyan"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `golang` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | ------------------- | | version | `v1.12.1` | The version of `go` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [golang] format = "via [🏎💨 $version](bold cyan) " ``` ## Haskell The `haskell` module finds the current selected GHC version and/or the selected Stack snapshot. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `stack.yaml` 文件 - The current directory contains any `.hs`, `.cabal`, or `.hs-boot` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"λ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Haskell | | `detect_extensions` | `["hs", "cabal", "hs-boot"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["stack.yaml", "cabal.project"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `haskell` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | -------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | version | | `ghc_version` or `snapshot` depending on whether the current project is a Stack project | | snapshot | `lts-18.12` | Currently selected Stack snapshot | | ghc\_version | `9.2.1` | Currently installed GHC version | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ## Helm The `helm` module shows the currently installed version of [Helm](https://helm.sh/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `helmfile.yaml` 文件 - The current directory contains a `Chart.yaml` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["helmfile.yaml", "Chart.yaml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `symbol` | `"⎈ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Helm. | | `style` | `"bold white"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `helm` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v3.1.1` | The version of `helm` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [helm] format = "via [⎈ $version](bold white) " ``` ## Hostname `hostname` 组件显示系统主机名。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------ | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `ssh_only` | `true` | 仅在连接到 SSH 会话时显示主机名。 | | `ssh_symbol` | `"🌐 "` | A format string representing the symbol when connected to SSH session. | | `trim_at` | `"."` | 当主机名过长被截断时,会截断成第一次匹配该字符串之前的主机名。 `"."` 会让主机名截断到第一个点处。 `""` 会禁用任何截断。 | | `format` | `"[$ssh_symbol$hostname]($style) in "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"bold dimmed green"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `hostname` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | hostname | `computer` | The hostname of the computer | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | | ssh_symbol | `"🌏 "` | The symbol to represent when connected to SSH session | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [hostname] ssh_only = false format = "[$ssh_symbol](bold blue) on [$hostname](bold red) " trim_at = ".companyname.com" disabled = false ``` ## Java The `java` module shows the currently installed version of [Java](https://www.oracle.com/java/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `pom.xml`, `build.gradle.kts`, `build.sbt`, `.java-version`, `.deps.edn`, `project.clj`, or `build.boot` file - The current directory contains a file with the `.java`, `.class`, `.gradle`, `.jar`, `.clj`, or `.cljc` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `detect_extensions` | `["java", "class", "gradle", "jar", "cljs", "cljc"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["pom.xml", "build.gradle.kts", "build.sbt", ".java-version", ".deps.edn", "project.clj", "build.boot"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `symbol` | `"☕ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Java | | `style` | `"red dimmed"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `java` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ----- | --------------------- | | version | `v14` | The version of `java` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [java] symbol = "🌟 " ``` ## Jobs `jobs` 组件显示当前正在运行的任务数量。 仅当有后台任务运行时,此组件才会显示。 The module will show the number of jobs running if there are at least 2 jobs, or more than the `number_threshold` config value, if it exists. The module will show a symbol if there is at least 1 job, or more than the `symbol_threshold` config value, if it exists. You can set both values to 0 in order to _always_ show the symbol and number of jobs, even if there are 0 jobs running. The default functionality is: - 0 jobs -> Nothing is shown. - 1 job -> `symbol` is shown. - 2 jobs or more -> `symbol` + `number` are shown. ::: warning This module is not supported on tcsh and nu. ::: ::: warning The `threshold` option is deprecated, but if you want to use it, the module will show the number of jobs running if there is more than 1 job, or more than the `threshold` config value, if it exists. If `threshold` is set to 0, then the module will also show when there are 0 jobs running. ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `threshold`* | `1` | 如果超过此字段的值,显示任务数量。 | | `symbol_threshold` | `1` | Show `symbol` if the job count is at least `symbol_threshold`. | | `number_threshold` | `2` | Show the number of jobs if the job count is at least `number_threshold`. | | `format` | `"[$symbol$number]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"✦"` | The string used to represent the `symbol` variable. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `jobs` 组件。 | *: This option is deprecated, please use the `number_threshold` and `symbol_threshold` options instead. ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --- | ------------------ | | number | `1` | The number of jobs | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [jobs] symbol = "+ " number_threshold = 4 symbol_threshold = 0 ``` ## Julia The `julia` module shows the currently installed version of [Julia](https://julialang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `Project.toml` file - The current directory contains a `Manifest.toml` file - The current directory contains a file with the `.jl` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `detect_extensions` | `["jl"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Project.toml", "Manifest.toml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `symbol` | `"ஃ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Julia. | | `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `julia` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | ---------------------- | | version | `v1.4.0` | The version of `julia` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [julia] symbol = "∴ " ``` ## Kotlin The `kotlin` module shows the currently installed version of [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `.kt` or a `.kts` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `detect_extensions` | `["kt", "kts"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `symbol` | `"🅺 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Kotlin. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `kotlin_binary` | `"kotlin"` | Configures the kotlin binary that Starship executes when getting the version. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `kotlin` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | ----------------------- | | version | `v1.4.21` | The version of `kotlin` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [kotlin] symbol = "🅺 " ``` ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [kotlin] # Uses the Kotlin Compiler binary to get the installed version kotlin_binary = "kotlinc" ``` ## Kubernetes Displays the current [Kubernetes context](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig/#context) name and, if set, the namespace, user and cluster from the kubeconfig file. The namespace needs to be set in the kubeconfig file, this can be done via `kubectl config set-context starship-context --namespace astronaut`. Similarly the user and cluster can be set with `kubectl config set-context starship-context --user starship-user` and `kubectl config set-context starship-context --cluster starship-cluster`. If the `$KUBECONFIG` env var is set the module will use that if not it will use the `~/.kube/config`. ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `"☸ "` | A format string representing the symbol displayed before the Cluster. | | `format` | `'[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style) in '` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"cyan bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `context_aliases` | | Table of context aliases to display. | | `user_aliases` | | Table of user aliases to display. | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `kubernetes` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | context | `starship-context` | The current kubernetes context name | | namespace | `starship-namespace` | If set, the current kubernetes namespace | | user | `starship-user` | If set, the current kubernetes user | | cluster | `starship-cluster` | If set, the current kubernetes cluster | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [kubernetes] format = 'on [⛵ ($user on )($cluster in )$context \($namespace\)](dimmed green) ' disabled = false [kubernetes.context_aliases] "dev.local.cluster.k8s" = "dev" ".*/openshift-cluster/.*" = "openshift" "gke_.*_(?P[\\w-]+)" = "gke-$var_cluster" [kubernetes.user_aliases] "dev.local.cluster.k8s" = "dev" "root/.*" = "root" ``` #### Regex Matching Additional to simple aliasing, `context_aliases` and `user_aliases` also supports extended matching and renaming using regular expressions. The regular expression must match on the entire kube context, capture groups can be referenced using `$name` and `$N` in the replacement. This is more explained in the [regex crate](https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/struct.Regex.html#method.replace) documentation. Long and automatically generated cluster names can be identified and shortened using regular expressions: ```toml [kubernetes.context_aliases] # OpenShift contexts carry the namespace and user in the kube context: `namespace/name/user`: ".*/openshift-cluster/.*" = "openshift" # Or better, to rename every OpenShift cluster at once: ".*/(?P[\\w-]+)/.*" = "$var_cluster" # Contexts from GKE, AWS and other cloud providers usually carry additional information, like the region/zone. # The following entry matches on the GKE format (`gke_projectname_zone_cluster-name`) # and renames every matching kube context into a more readable format (`gke-cluster-name`): "gke_.*_(?P[\\w-]+)" = "gke-$var_cluster" ``` ## Line Break `line_break` 组件将提示分隔为两行。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | ------- | --------------------------- | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `line_break` 组件,使提示成为单行。 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [line_break] disabled = true ``` ## Local IP The `localip` module shows the IPv4 address of the primary network interface. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | `ssh_only` | `true` | Only show IP address when connected to an SSH session. | | `format` | `"[$localipv4]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `localip` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------ | --------------------------------- | | localipv4 | | Contains the primary IPv4 address | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [localip] ssh_only = false format = "@[$localipv4](bold red) " disabled = false ``` ## Lua The `lua` module shows the currently installed version of [Lua](http://www.lua.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `.lua-version` file - The current directory contains a `lua` directory - The current directory contains a file with the `.lua` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🌙 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Lua. | | `detect_extensions` | `["lua"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[".lua-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `["lua"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `lua_binary` | `"lua"` | Configures the lua binary that Starship executes when getting the version. | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `lua` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | -------------------- | | version | `v5.4.0` | The version of `lua` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [lua] format = "via [🌕 $version](bold blue) " ``` ## Memory Usage `memory_usage` 组件显示当前系统内存和交换区使用情况。 默认情况下,如果系统交换区使用不为 0,则会显示交换区使用情况。 ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | | `threshold` | `75` | 隐藏内存使用情况,除非它超过这个百分比。 | | `format` | `"via $symbol [${ram}( \| ${swap})]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"🐏"` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前内存使用情况之前。 | | `style` | `"bold dimmed white"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `true` | 禁用 `memory_usage` 模块 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ---------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | ram | `31GiB/65GiB` | The usage/total RAM of the current system memory. | | ram_pct | `48%` | The percentage of the current system memory. | | swap\*\* | `1GiB/4GiB` | The swap memory size of the current system swap memory file. | | swap_pct\*\* | `77%` | The swap memory percentage of the current system swap memory file. | | symbol | `🐏` | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string *\*: The SWAP file information is only displayed if detected on the current system ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [memory_usage] disabled = false threshold = -1 symbol = " " style = "bold dimmed green" ``` ## Mercurial Branch `hg_branch` 组件显示当前目录的 hg 仓库的活动分支。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | `symbol` | `" "` | 该字段的内容显示于当前仓库的 hg 书签或活动分支名之前。 | | `style` | `"bold purple"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"on [$symbol$branch]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `truncation_length` | `2^63 - 1` | Truncates the hg branch name to `N` graphemes | | `truncation_symbol` | `"…"` | 此字段的内容用来表示分支名称被截断。 | | `disabled` | `true` | 禁用 `hg_branch` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------------- | | branch | `master` | The active mercurial branch | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [hg_branch] format = "on [🌱 $branch](bold purple)" truncation_length = 4 truncation_symbol = "" ``` ## Nim The `nim` module shows the currently installed version of [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `nim.cfg` 文件 - The current directory contains a file with the `.nim` extension - The current directory contains a file with the `.nims` extension - The current directory contains a file with the `.nimble` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format for the module | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"👑 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim. | | `detect_extensions` | `["nim", "nims", "nimble"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["nim.cfg"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `nim` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v1.2.0` | The version of `nimc` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [nim] style = "yellow" symbol = "🎣 " ``` ## Nix-shell The `nix_shell` module shows the [nix-shell](https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html) environment. 当处于一个 nix-shell 环境中时,此组件会被显示。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'via [$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style) '` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"❄️ "` | A format string representing the symbol of nix-shell. | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `impure_msg` | `"impure"` | A format string shown when the shell is impure. | | `pure_msg` | `"pure"` | A format string shown when the shell is pure. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `nix_shell` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------- | -------------------------- | | state | `纯色` | The state of the nix-shell | | name | `lorri` | The name of the nix-shell | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [nix_shell] disabled = true impure_msg = "[impure shell](bold red)" pure_msg = "[pure shell](bold green)" format = 'via [☃️ $state( \($name\))](bold blue) ' ``` ## Node.js The `nodejs` module shows the currently installed version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `package.json` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.node-version` file - The current directory contains a `.nvmrc` file - 当前目录包含 `node_modules` 目录 - The current directory contains a file with the `.js`, `.mjs` or `.cjs` extension - The current directory contains a file with the `.ts`, `.mts` or `.cts` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `" "` | A format string representing the symbol of Node.js. | | `detect_extensions` | `["js", "mjs", "cjs", "ts", "mts", "cts"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["package.json", ".node-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `["node_modules"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold green"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `nodejs` 组件。 | | `not_capable_style` | `bold red` | The style for the module when an engines property in package.json does not match the Node.js version. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------- | --------------------- | | version | `v13.12.0` | The version of `node` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [nodejs] format = "via [🤖 $version](bold green) " ``` ## OCaml The `ocaml` module shows the currently installed version of [OCaml](https://ocaml.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a file with `.opam` extension or `_opam` directory - The current directory contains a `esy.lock` directory - The current directory contains a `dune` or `dune-project` file - The current directory contains a `jbuild` or `jbuild-ignore` file - The current directory contains a `.merlin` file - The current directory contains a file with `.ml`, `.mli`, `.re` or `.rei` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\) )]($style)"` | The format string for the module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐫 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml. | | `global_switch_indicator` | `""` | The format string used to represent global OPAM switch. | | `local_switch_indicator` | `"*"` | The format string used to represent local OPAM switch. | | `detect_extensions` | `["opam", "ml", "mli", "re", "rei"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["dune", "dune-project", "jbuild", "jbuild-ignore", ".merlin"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `["_opam", "esy.lock"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `ocaml` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ---------------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | version | `v4.10.0` | The version of `ocaml` | | switch_name | `my-project` | The active OPAM switch | | switch_indicator | | Mirrors the value of `indicator` for currently active OPAM switch | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [ocaml] format = "via [🐪 $version]($style) " ``` ## OpenStack The `openstack` module shows the current OpenStack cloud and project. The module only active when the `OS_CLOUD` env var is set, in which case it will read `clouds.yaml` file from any of the [default locations](https://docs.openstack.org/python-openstackclient/latest/configuration/index.html#configuration-files). to fetch the current project in use. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"on [$symbol$cloud(\\($project\\))]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"☁️ "` | The symbol used before displaying the current OpenStack cloud. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `openstack` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------ | ----------------------------- | | cloud | `corp` | The current OpenStack cloud | | project | `dev` | The current OpenStack project | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [openstack] format = "on [$symbol$cloud(\\($project\\))]($style) " style = "bold yellow" symbol = "☁️ " ``` ## Package Version 当前目录是软件包的代码仓库时,将显示 `package` 组件,并显示软件包当前版本。 The module currently supports `npm`, `nimble`, `cargo`, `poetry`, `python`, `composer`, `gradle`, `julia`, `mix`, `helm`, `shards`, `daml` and `dart` packages. - [**npm**](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/commands/npm) – The `npm` package version is extracted from the `package.json` present in the current directory - [**Cargo**](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/) – The `cargo` package version is extracted from the `Cargo.toml` present in the current directory - [**Nimble**](https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble) - The `nimble` package version is extracted from the `*.nimble` file present in the current directory with the `nimble dump` command - [**Poetry**](https://python-poetry.org/) – The `poetry` package version is extracted from the `pyproject.toml` present in the current directory - [**Python**](https://www.python.org) - The `python` package version is extracted from a [PEP 621](https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/) compliant `pyproject.toml` or a `setup.cfg` present in the current directory - [**Composer**](https://getcomposer.org/) – The `composer` package version is extracted from the `composer.json` present in the current directory - [**Gradle**](https://gradle.org/) – The `gradle` package version is extracted from the `build.gradle` present in the current directory - [**Julia**](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/stdlib/Pkg/) - The package version is extracted from the `Project.toml` present in the current directory - [**Mix**](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/) - The `mix` package version is extracted from the `mix.exs` present in the current directory - [**Helm**](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_package/) - The `helm` chart version is extracted from the `Chart.yaml` present in the current directory - [**Maven**](https://maven.apache.org/) - The `maven` package version is extracted from the `pom.xml` present in the current directory - [**Meson**](https://mesonbuild.com/) - The `meson` package version is extracted from the `meson.build` present in the current directory - [**Shards**](https://crystal-lang.org/reference/the_shards_command/index.html) - The `shards` package version is extracted from the `shard.yml` present in the current directory - [**V**](https://vlang.io) - The `vlang` package version is extracted from the `v.mod` present in the current directory - [**SBT**](https://scala-sbt.org) - The `sbt` package version is extracted from the `build.sbt` present in the current directory - [**Daml**](https://www.digitalasset.com/developers) - The `daml` package version is extracted from the `daml.yaml` present in the current directory - [**Dart**](https://pub.dev/) - The `dart` package version is extracted from the `pubspec.yaml` present in the current directory > ⚠ 此组件显示的是源代码在当前目录中的软件包的版本,而不是包管理器的版本。 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"is [$symbol$version]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"📦 "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前软件包版本之前。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `style` | `"bold 208"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `display_private` | `false` | Enable displaying version for packages marked as private. | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `package` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------------- | | version | `v1.0.0` | The version of your package | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [package] format = "via [🎁 $version](208 bold) " ``` ## Perl The `perl` module shows the currently installed version of [Perl](https://www.perl.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `Makefile.PL` or `Build.PL` file - The current directory contains a `cpanfile` or `cpanfile.snapshot` file - The current directory contains a `META.json` file or `META.yml` file - The current directory contains a `.perl-version` file - The current directory contains a `.pl`, `.pm` or `.pod` ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | The format string for the module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐪 "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Perl | | `detect_extensions` | `["pl", "pm", "pod"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Makefile.PL", "Build.PL", "cpanfile", "cpanfile.snapshot", "META.json", "META.yml", ".perl-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold 149"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `perl` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --------- | --------------------- | | version | `v5.26.1` | The version of `perl` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [perl] format = "via [🦪 $version]($style) " ``` ## PHP The `php` module shows the currently installed version of [PHP](https://www.php.net/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含一个 `composer.json` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.php-version` file - The current directory contains a `.php` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐘 "` | 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 PHP 版本之前。 | | `detect_extensions` | `["php"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["composer.json", ".php-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"147 bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `php` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | -------------------- | | version | `v7.3.8` | The version of `php` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [php] format = "via [🔹 $version](147 bold) " ``` ## Pulumi The `pulumi` module shows the current username, selected [Pulumi Stack](https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/stack/), and version. ::: tip By default the Pulumi version is not shown, since it takes an order of magnitude longer to load then most plugins (~70ms). If you still want to enable it, [follow the example shown below](#with-pulumi-version). ::: By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains either `Pulumi.yaml` or `Pulumi.yml` - A parent directory contains either `Pulumi.yaml` or `Pulumi.yml` ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($username@)$stack]($style) "` | The format string for the module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `" "` | A format string shown before the Pulumi stack. | | `style` | `"bold 5"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `pulumi` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------- | --------------------------- | | version | `v0.12.24` | The version of `pulumi` | | stack | `dev` | The current Pulumi stack | | username | `alice` | The current Pulumi username | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 #### With Pulumi Version ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [pulumi] format = "[🛥 ($version )$stack]($style) " ``` #### Without Pulumi version ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [pulumi] symbol = "🛥 " format = "[$symbol$stack]($style) " ``` ## PureScript The `purescript` module shows the currently installed version of [PureScript](https://www.purescript.org/) version. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `spago.dhall` 文件 - The current directory contains a file with the `.purs` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"<=> "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of PureScript. | | `detect_extensions` | `["purs"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["spago.dhall"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold white"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `purescript` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------------- | | version | `0.13.5` | The version of `purescript` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [purescript] format = "via [$symbol$version](bold white)" ``` ## Python The `python` module shows the currently installed version of [Python](https://www.python.org/) and the current [Python virtual environment](https://docs.python.org/tutorial/venv.html) if one is activated. 如果`pyenv_version_name`被设置为`true`, 本组件将会展示pyenv版本名。 否则则显示通过`python --version`获得的版本号 By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `.python-version` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `Pipfile` 文件 - 当前目录包含一个名为`__init__.py`的文件 - 当前目录包含 `pyproject.toml` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `requirements.txt` 文件 - 当前目录包含 `setup.py` 文件 - 当前目录包含一个 `tox.ini` 文件 - 当前目录包含一个使用 `.py` 扩展名的文件. - 当前处于一个活跃的 python 虚拟环境中 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `'via [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )(\($virtualenv\) )]($style)'` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐍 "` | 用于表示Python的格式化字符串。 | | `style` | `"yellow bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `pyenv_version_name` | `false` | 使用 pyenv 获取 Python 版本 | | `pyenv_prefix` | `pyenv` | Prefix before pyenv version display, only used if pyenv is used | | `python_binary` | `["python", "python3", "python2"]` | Configures the python binaries that Starship should executes when getting the version. | | `detect_extensions` | `["py"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module | | `detect_files` | `[".python-version", "Pipfile", "__init__.py", "pyproject.toml", "requirements.txt", "setup.py", "tox.ini"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `python` 组件。 | ::: tip The `python_binary` variable accepts either a string or a list of strings. Starship will try executing each binary until it gets a result. Note you can only change the binary that Starship executes to get the version of Python not the arguments that are used. The default values and order for `python_binary` was chosen to first identify the Python version in a virtualenv/conda environments (which currently still add a `python`, no matter if it points to `python3` or `python2`). This has the side effect that if you still have a system Python 2 installed, it may be picked up before any Python 3 (at least on Linux Distros that always symlink `/usr/bin/python` to Python 2). If you do not work with Python 2 anymore but cannot remove the system Python 2, changing this to `"python3"` will hide any Python version 2, see example below. ::: ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | version | `"v3.8.1"` | `python`版本 | | symbol | `"🐍 "` | `symbol`对应值 | | style | `"yellow bold"` | `style`对应值 | | pyenv_prefix | `"pyenv "` | Mirrors the value of option `pyenv_prefix` | | virtualenv | `"venv"` | 当前`virtualenv`名称 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [python] symbol = "👾 " pyenv_version_name = true ``` ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [python] # Only use the `python3` binary to get the version. python_binary = "python3" ``` ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [python] # Don't trigger for files with the py extension detect_extensions = [] ``` ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [python] # Display the version of python from inside a local venv. # # Note this will only work when the venv is inside the project and it will only # work in the directory that contains the venv dir but maybe this is ok? python_binary = ["./venv/bin/python", "python", "python3", "python2"] ``` ## R The `rlang` module shows the currently installed version of [R](https://www.r-project.org/). The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a file with the `.R` extension. - The current directory contains a file with the `.Rd` extension. - The current directory contains a file with the `.Rmd` extension. - The current directory contains a file with the `.Rproj` extension. - The current directory contains a file with the `.Rsx` extension. - The current directory contains a `.Rprofile` file - The current directory contains a `.Rproj.user` folder ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"📐"` | A format string representing the symbol of R. | | `style` | `"blue bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `detect_extensions` | `["R", "Rd", "Rmd", "Rproj", "Rsx"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module | | `detect_files` | `[".Rprofile"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module | | `detect_folders` | `[".Rproj.user"]` | Which folders should trigger this module | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `r` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------- | ------------- | ------------------ | | version | `v4.0.5` | The version of `R` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style | `"blue bold"` | `style`对应值 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [rlang] format = "with [📐 $version](blue bold) " ``` ## Red By default the `red` module shows the currently installed version of [Red](https://www.red-lang.org/). 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - The current directory contains a file with `.red` or `.reds` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🔺 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Red. | | `detect_extensions` | `["red"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"red bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `red` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | -------------------- | | version | `v2.5.1` | The version of `red` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [red] symbol = "🔴 " ``` ## Ruby By default the `ruby` module shows the currently installed version of [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/). 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - 当前目录包含 `Gemfile` 文件 - The current directory contains a `.ruby-version` file - 当前目录包含 `.rb` 文件 - The environment variables `RUBY_VERSION` or `RBENV_VERSION` are set Starship gets the current Ruby version by running `ruby -v`. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"💎 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Ruby. | | `detect_extensions` | `["rb"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Gemfile", ".ruby-version"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `detect_variables` | `["RUBY_VERSION", "RBENV_VERSION"]` | Which environment variables should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `ruby` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | --------------------- | | version | `v2.5.1` | The version of `ruby` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [ruby] symbol = "🔺 " ``` ## Rust By default the `rust` module shows the currently installed version of [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/). 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - 当前目录包含 `Cargo.toml` 文件 - 当前目录包含一个使用 `.rs` 扩展名的文件 ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🦀 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Rust | | `detect_extensions` | `["rs"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Cargo.toml"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `rust` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | version | `v1.43.0-nightly` | The version of `rustc` | | numver | `1.51.0` | The numeric component of the `rustc` version | | toolchain | `beta` | The toolchain version | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [rust] format = "via [⚙️ $version](red bold)" ``` ## Scala The `scala` module shows the currently installed version of [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `build.sbt`, `.scalaenv` or `.sbtenv` file - The current directory contains a file with the `.scala` or `.sbt` extension - The current directory contains a directory named `.metals` ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `detect_extensions` | `["sbt", "scala"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[".scalaenv", ".sbtenv", "build.sbt"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[".metals"]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. | | `symbol` | `"🆂 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Scala. | | `style` | `"red dimmed"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `scala` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | ---------------------- | | version | `2.13.5` | The version of `scala` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [scala] symbol = "🌟 " ``` ## Shell The `shell` module shows an indicator for currently used shell. ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `bash_indicator` | `bsh` | A format string used to represent bash. | | `fish_indicator` | `fsh` | A format string used to represent fish. | | `zsh_indicator` | `zsh` | A format string used to represent zsh. | | `powershell_indicator` | `psh` | A format string used to represent powershell. | | `ion_indicator` | `ion` | A format string used to represent ion. | | `elvish_indicator` | `esh` | A format string used to represent elvish. | | `tcsh_indicator` | `tsh` | A format string used to represent tcsh. | | `xonsh_indicator` | `xsh` | A format string used to represent xonsh. | | `cmd_indicator` | `cmd` | A format string used to represent cmd. | | `nu_indicator` | `nu` | A format string used to represent nu. | | `unknown_indicator` | | The default value to be displayed when the shell is unknown. | | `format` | `"[$indicator]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `style` | `"white bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `shell` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 默认值 | 描述 | | --------- | --- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | indicator | | Mirrors the value of `indicator` for currently used shell. | | style\* | | `style`对应值. | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### Examples ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [shell] fish_indicator = "" powershell_indicator = "_" unknown_indicator = "mystery shell" style = "cyan bold" disabled = false ``` ## SHLVL The `shlvl` module shows the current [`SHLVL`](https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internalvariables.html#SHLVLREF) ("shell level") environment variable, if it is set to a number and meets or exceeds the specified threshold. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `threshold` | `2` | Display threshold. | | `format` | `"[$symbol$shlvl]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `"↕️ "` | The symbol used to represent the `SHLVL`. | | `repeat` | `false` | Causes `symbol` to be repeated by the current `SHLVL` amount. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `shlvl` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | --- | ---------------------------- | | shlvl | `3` | The current value of `SHLVL` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [shlvl] disabled = false format = "$shlvl level(s) down" threshold = 3 ``` ## Singularity The `singularity` module shows the current [Singularity](https://sylabs.io/singularity/) image, if inside a container and `$SINGULARITY_NAME` is set. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | `format` | `'[$symbol\[$env\]]($style) '` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `symbol` | `""` | A format string displayed before the image name. | | `style` | `"bold dimmed blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `singularity` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------ | ----------------------------- | | env | `centos.img` | The current Singularity image | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [singularity] format = '[📦 \[$env\]]($style) ' ``` ## Spack The `spack` module shows the current [Spack](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) environment, if `$SPACK_ENV` is set. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `truncation_length` | `1` | The number of directories the environment path should be truncated to. `0` 表示不用截断。 另请参阅 [`directory`](#directory) 组件。 | | `symbol` | `"🅢 "` | 在环境名之前显示的符号。 | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"via [$symbol$environment]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `spack` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ----------- | ------------ | ----------------------------- | | environment | `astronauts` | The current spack environment | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [spack] format = "[$symbol$environment](dimmed blue) " ``` ## Status The `status` module displays the exit code of the previous command. If $success_symbol is empty (default), the module will be shown only if the exit code is not `0`. The status code will cast to a signed 32-bit integer. ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"[$symbol$status]($style) "` | The format of the module | | `symbol` | `"✖"` | The symbol displayed on program error | | `success_symbol` | `""` | The symbol displayed on program success | | `not_executable_symbol` | `"🚫"` | The symbol displayed when file isn't executable | | `not_found_symbol` | `"🔍"` | The symbol displayed when the command can't be found | | `sigint_symbol` | `"🧱"` | The symbol displayed on SIGINT (Ctrl + c) | | `signal_symbol` | `"⚡"` | The symbol displayed on any signal | | `style` | `"bold red"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `recognize_signal_code` | `true` | Enable signal mapping from exit code | | `map_symbol` | `false` | Enable symbols mapping from exit code | | `pipestatus` | `false` | Enable pipestatus reporting | | `pipestatus_separator` | `|` | | | `pipestatus_format` | `\\[$pipestatus\\] => [$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int]($style)` | The format of the module when the command is a pipeline | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `status` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | status | `127` | The exit code of the last command | | hex_status | `0x7F` | The exit code of the last command in hex | | int | `127` | The exit code of the last command | | common_meaning | `ERROR` | Meaning of the code if not a signal | | signal_number | `9` | Signal number corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled | | signal_name | `KILL` | Name of the signal corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled | | maybe_int | `7` | Contains the exit code number when no meaning has been found | | pipestatus | | Rendering of in pipeline programs's exit codes, this is only available in pipestatus_format | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [status] style = "bg:blue" symbol = "🔴 " success_symbol = "🟢 SUCCESS" format = '[\[$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) ' map_symbol = true disabled = false ``` ## Sudo The `sudo` module displays if sudo credentials are currently cached. The module will only be shown if credentials are cached. ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | --------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `[as $symbol]($style)"` | The format of the module | | `symbol` | `"🧙 "` | The symbol displayed when credentials are cached | | `style` | `"bold blue"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `allow_windows` | `false` | Since windows has no default sudo, default is disabled. | | `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `sudo` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -- | ----------- | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [sudo] style = "bold green" symbol = "👩‍💻 " disabled = false ``` ```toml # On windows # $HOME\.starship\config.toml [sudo] allow_windows = true disabled = false ``` ## Swift By default the `swift` module shows the currently installed version of [Swift](https://swift.org/). 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - The current directory contains a `Package.swift` file - The current directory contains a file with the `.swift` extension ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"🐦 "` | A format string representing the symbol of Swift | | `detect_extensions` | `["swift"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Package.swift"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold 202"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `swift` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | ---------------------- | | version | `v5.2.4` | The version of `swift` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [swift] format = "via [🏎 $version](red bold)" ``` ## Terraform The `terraform` module shows the currently selected [Terraform workspace](https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/state/workspaces.html) and version. ::: tip By default the Terraform version is not shown, since this is slow for current versions of Terraform when a lot of plugins are in use. If you still want to enable it, [follow the example shown below](#with-terraform-version). ::: By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - 当前目录包含 `.terraform` 目录 - Current directory contains a file with the `.tf`, `.tfplan` or `.tfstate` extensions ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol$workspace]($style) "` | The format string for the module. | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"💠"` | A format string shown before the terraform workspace. | | `detect_extensions` | `["tf", "tfplan", "tfstate"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[".terraform"]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"bold 105"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `terraform` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------- | ------------------------------- | | version | `v0.12.24` | The version of `terraform` | | workspace | `default` | The current Terraform workspace | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 #### With Terraform Version ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [terraform] format = "[🏎💨 $version$workspace]($style) " ``` #### Without Terraform version ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [terraform] format = "[🏎💨 $workspace]($style) " ``` ## Time `time` 组件显示当前的 **本地** 时间。 `format` 字段值会提供给 [`chrono`](https://crates.io/crates/chrono) crate 用来控制时间显示方式。 请参阅 [chrono strftime 文档](https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.7/chrono/format/strftime/index.html) 以了解可用格式选项。 ::: tip 此组件默认被禁用。 若要启用此组件,请在配置文件中设置 `disable` 字段为 `false`。 ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ----------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"at [$time]($style) "` | The format string for the module. | | `use_12hr` | `false` | 启用 12 小时格式 | | `time_format` | 见下文解释 | 用来格式化时间显示的 [chrono 格式字符串](https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.7/chrono/format/strftime/index.html) | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 显示时间的样式。 | | `utc_time_offset` | `"local"` | 设置所用 UTC 偏移量。 Range from -24 < x < 24. 允许使用浮点数来得到 30/45 分钟的时区偏移。 | | `disabled` | `true` | 禁用 `time` 组件。 | | `time_range` | `"-"` | Sets the time range during which the module will be shown. Times must be specified in 24-hours format | If `use_12hr` is `true`, then `time_format` defaults to `"%r"`. 否则,其默认值为 `"%T"`。 Manually setting `time_format` will override the `use_12hr` setting. ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------- | ----------------- | | time | `13:08:10` | The current time. | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [time] disabled = false format = '🕙[\[ $time \]]($style) ' time_format = "%T" utc_time_offset = "-5" time_range = "10:00:00-14:00:00" ``` ## Username `username` 组件显示当前活跃的用户名。 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - The current user is root/admin - 当前用户与登录用户不相同 - 用户正通过 SSH 会话连接访问 - 字段 `show_always` 被设置为 true ::: tip SSH connection is detected by checking environment variables `SSH_CONNECTION`, `SSH_CLIENT`, and `SSH_TTY`. If your SSH host does not set up these variables, one workaround is to set one of them with a dummy value. ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | `style_root` | `"bold red"` | The style used when the user is root/admin. | | `style_user` | `"bold yellow"` | 非 root 用户使用的样式。 | | `format` | `"[$user]($style) in "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `show_always` | `false` | 总是显示 `username` 组件。 | | `disabled` | `false` | 禁用 `username` 组件。 | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | ------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `style` | `"red bold"` | Mirrors the value of option `style_root` when root is logged in and `style_user` otherwise. | | `user` | `"matchai"` | The currently logged-in user ID. | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [username] style_user = "white bold" style_root = "black bold" format = "user: [$user]($style) " disabled = false show_always = true ``` ## Vagrant The `vagrant` module shows the currently installed version of [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a `Vagrantfile` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"⍱ "` | A format string representing the symbol of Vagrant. | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["Vagrantfile"]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"cyan bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `vagrant` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------ | | version | `Vagrant 2.2.10` | The version of `Vagrant` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [vagrant] format = "via [⍱ $version](bold white) " ``` ## V The `vlang` module shows you your currently installed version of [V](https://vlang.io/). By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a file with `.v` extension - The current directory contains a `v.mod`, `vpkg.json` or `.vpkg-lock.json` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"V "` | A format string representing the symbol of V | | `detect_extensions` | `["v"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `["v.mod", "vpkg.json", ".vpkg-lock.json" ]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | | `style` | `"blue bold"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `vlang` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------ | ------------------ | | version | `v0.2` | The version of `v` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [vlang] format = "via [V $version](blue bold) " ``` ## VCSH The `vcsh` module displays the current active [VCSH](https://github.com/RichiH/vcsh) repository. The module will be shown only if a repository is currently in use. ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ---------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | `symbol` | | The symbol used before displaying the repository name. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"vcsh [$symbol$repo]($style) "` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `vcsh` module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | | repo | `dotfiles` if in a VCSH repo named dotfiles | The active repository name | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | `black bold dimmed` | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [vcsh] format = "[🆅 $repo](bold blue) " ``` ## Zig By default the the `zig` module shows the currently installed version of [Zig](https://ziglang.org/). 此组件只有满足以下条件之一时才会被显示: - The current directory contains a `.zig` file ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `format` | `"via [$symbol($version )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `version_format` | `"v${raw}"` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` | | `symbol` | `"↯ "` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Zig. | | `style` | `"bold yellow"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `zig` module. | | `detect_extensions` | `["zig"]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. | ### Variables | 字段 | 示例 | 描述 | | --------- | -------- | -------------------- | | version | `v0.6.0` | The version of `zig` | | symbol | | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [zig] symbol = "⚡️ " ``` ## Custom commands The `custom` modules show the output of some arbitrary commands. These modules will be shown if any of the following conditions are met: - The current directory contains a file whose name is in `detect_files` - The current directory contains a directory whose name is in `detect_folders` - The current directory contains a file whose extension is in `detect_extensions` - The `when` command returns 0 - The current Operating System (std::env::consts::OS) matchs with `os` field if defined. ::: tip Multiple custom modules can be defined by using a `.`. ::: ::: tip The order in which custom modules are shown can be individually set by including `${custom.foo}` in the top level `format` (as it includes a dot, you need to use `${...}`). By default, the `custom` module will simply show all custom modules in the order they were defined. ::: ::: tip [Issue #1252](https://github.com/starship/starship/discussions/1252) contains examples of custom modules. If you have an interesting example not covered there, feel free to share it there! ::: ::: warning Command output is printed unescaped to the prompt Whatever output the command generates is printed unmodified in the prompt. This means if the output contains special sequences that are interpreted by your shell they will be expanded when displayed. These special sequences are shell specific, e.g. you can write a command module that writes bash sequences, e.g. `\h`, but this module will not work in a fish or zsh shell. Format strings can also contain shell specific prompt sequences, e.g. [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Controlling-the-Prompt.html), [Zsh](https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html). ::: ### 配置项 | 选项 | 默认值 | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `command` | `""` | The command whose output should be printed. The command will be passed on stdin to the shell. | | `when` | `false` | Either a boolean value (`true` or `false`, without quotes) or a string shell command used as a condition to show the module. In case of a string, the module will be shown if the command returns a `0` status code. | | `shell` | | [See below](#custom-command-shell) | | `描述` | `""` | The description of the module that is shown when running `starship explain`. | | `detect_files` | `[]` | The files that will be searched in the working directory for a match. | | `detect_folders` | `[]` | The directories that will be searched in the working directory for a match. | | `detect_extensions` | `[]` | The extensions that will be searched in the working directory for a match. | | `symbol` | `""` | The symbol used before displaying the command output. | | `style` | `"bold green"` | 此组件的样式。 | | `format` | `"[$symbol($output )]($style)"` | 组件格式化模板。 | | `disabled` | `false` | Disables this `custom` module. | | `os` | | Operating System name on which the module will be shown (unix, linux, macos, windows, ... ) [See possible values](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/env/consts/constant.OS.html). | | `use_stdin` | | An optional boolean value that overrides whether commands should be forwarded to the shell via the standard input or as an argument. If unset standard input is used by default, unless the shell does not support it (cmd, nushell). Setting this disables shell-specific argument handling. | | `ignore_timeout` | `false` | Ignore global `command_timeout` setting and keep running external commands, no matter how long they take. | ### Variables | 字段 | 描述 | | --------- | -------------------------------------- | | output | The output of shell command in `shell` | | symbol | `symbol`对应值 | | style\* | `style`对应值 | *: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string #### Custom command shell `shell` accepts a non-empty list of strings, where: - The first string is the path to the shell to use to execute the command. - Other following arguments are passed to the shell. If unset, it will fallback to STARSHIP_SHELL and then to "sh" on Linux, and "cmd /C" on Windows. The `command` will be passed in on stdin. If `shell` is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects PowerShell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: `-NoProfile -Command -`. If `shell` is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects Cmd will be used, the following argument will automatically be added: `/C` and `stdin` will be set to `false`. If `shell` is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects Nushell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: `-c` and `stdin` will be set to `false`. This behavior can be avoided by explicitly passing arguments to the shell, e.g. ```toml shell = ["pwsh", "-Command", "-"] ``` ::: warning Make sure your custom shell configuration exits gracefully If you set a custom command, make sure that the default Shell used by starship will properly execute the command with a graceful exit (via the `shell` option). For example, PowerShell requires the `-Command` parameter to execute a one liner. Omitting this parameter might throw starship into a recursive loop where the shell might try to load a full profile environment with starship itself again and hence re-execute the custom command, getting into a never ending loop. Parameters similar to `-NoProfile` in PowerShell are recommended for other shells as well to avoid extra loading time of a custom profile on every starship invocation. Automatic detection of shells and proper parameters addition are currently implemented, but it's possible that not all shells are covered. [Please open an issue](https://github.com/starship/starship/issues/new/choose) with shell details and starship configuration if you hit such scenario. ::: ### 示例 ```toml # ~/.config/starship.toml [custom.foo] command = "echo foo" # shows output of command detect_files = ["foo"] # can specify filters but wildcards are not supported when = """ test "$HOME" == "$PWD" """ format = " transcending [$output]($style)" [custom.time] command = "time /T" detect_extensions = ["pst"] # filters *.pst files shell = ["pwsh.exe", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "-"] [custom.time-as-arg] command = "time /T" detect_extensions = ["pst"] # filters *.pst files shell = ["pwsh.exe", "-NoProfile", "-Command"] use_stdin = false ```