#[macro_use] extern crate clap; mod config; mod context; mod module; mod modules; mod print; mod segment; mod utils; use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand}; fn main() { pretty_env_logger::init(); let status_code_arg = Arg::with_name("status_code") .short("s") .long("status") .value_name("STATUS_CODE") .help("The status code of the previously run command") .takes_value(true); let path_arg = Arg::with_name("path") .short("p") .long("path") .value_name("PATH") .help("The path that the prompt should render for") .takes_value(true); let matches = App::new("Starship") .about("The cross-shell prompt for astronauts. ✨🚀") // pull the version number from Cargo.toml .version(crate_version!()) // pull the authors from Cargo.toml .author(crate_authors!()) .after_help("https://github.com/matchai/starship") .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("prompt") .about("Prints the full starship prompt") .arg(&status_code_arg) .arg(&path_arg), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("module") .about("Prints a specific prompt module") .arg( Arg::with_name("name") .help("The name of the module to be printed") .required(true), ) .arg(&status_code_arg) .arg(&path_arg), ) .get_matches(); match matches.subcommand() { ("prompt", Some(sub_m)) => print::prompt(sub_m.clone()), ("module", Some(sub_m)) => { let module_name = sub_m.value_of("name").expect("Module name missing."); print::module(module_name, sub_m.clone()); } _ => {} } }