Starship – Cross-shell prompt

깃헙 액션 워크풀로 상태 버전 패키징 상태
디스코드에 채팅을 하세요 트위터에서 @StarshipPrompt를 팔로우 하세요

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Starship with iTerm2 and the Snazzy theme **간결하고 화끈하게 빠르며 무제한으로 커스터마이징이 가능한 프롬프트. 어떤 쉘에서든 사용할 수 있습니다!** - ** Fast:** 빨라요 – _엄청 엄청_ 빠릅니다! 🚀 - ** Customizable:** 프롬프트의 모든 측면을 커스텀 가능합니다. - **Universal:** 어떤 쉘 위에서도, 어떤 운영체제 위에서도 동작합니다. - **Intelligent:** 관련 정보를 한눈에 보여줍니다. - **Feature rich:** 원하는 모든 도구를 지원합니다. - **Easy:** 빠른 설치 - 몇 분 안에 사용할 수 있습니다.

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## 🚀 설치 ### 준비 사항 - 터미널에 [Nerd Font](가 설치되어 있고 사용 가능해야 합니다. (ex. [Fira Code Nerd Font]( ### 1단계. Starship 설치하기 Select your operating system from the list below to view installation instructions:
Android Install Starship using any of the following package managers: | Repository | Instructions | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | | [Termux]( | `pkg install starship` |
BSD Install Starship using any of the following package managers: | Distribution | Repository | Instructions | | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | **_Any_** | **[](** | `cargo install starship --locked` | | FreeBSD | [FreshPorts]( | `pkg install starship` | | NetBSD | [pkgsrc]( | `pkgin install starship` |
Linux Install the latest version for your system: ```sh curl -sS | sh ``` Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers: | Distribution | Repository | Instructions | | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **_Any_** | **[](** | `cargo install starship --locked` | | _Any_ | [conda-forge]( | `conda install -c conda-forge starship` | | _Any_ | [Linuxbrew]( | `brew install starship` | | _Any_ | [Snapcraft]( | `snap install starship` | | Alpine Linux 3.13+ | [Alpine Linux Packages]( | `apk add starship` | | Arch Linux | [Arch Linux Community]( | `pacman -S starship` | | CentOS 7+ | [Copr]( | `dnf copr enable atim/starship`
`dnf install starship` | | Fedora 31+ | [Fedora Packages]( | `dnf install starship` | | NixOS | [nixpkgs]( | `nix-env -iA nixos.starship` | | Gentoo | [Gentoo Packages]( | `emerge app-shells/starship` | | Manjaro | | `pacman -S starship` | | NixOS | [nixpkgs]( | `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.starship` | | Void Linux | [Void Linux Packages]( | `xbps-install -S starship` |
macOS Install the latest version for your system: ```sh curl -sS | sh ``` Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers: | Repository | Instructions | | -------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | **[](** | `cargo install starship --locked` | | [conda-forge]( | `conda install -c conda-forge starship` | | [Homebrew]( | `brew install starship` | | [MacPorts]( | `port install starship` |
Windows Install Starship using any of the following package managers: | Repository | Instructions | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | **[](** | `cargo install starship --locked` | | [Chocolatey]( | `choco install starship` | | [conda-forge]( | `conda install -c conda-forge starship` | | [Scoop]( | `scoop install starship` |
### 2단계. 쉘에 Starship 적용하기 Configure your shell to initialize starship. Select yours from the list below:
Bash `~/.bashrc`의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```sh eval "$(starship init bash)" ```
Cmd Cmd를 이용하려면 [Clink]( (v1.2.30+) 를 사용해야 합니다. Create a file at this path `%LocalAppData%\clink\starship.lua` with the following contents: ```lua load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))() ```
Elvish `~/.elvish/rc.elv` 의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```sh eval (starship init elvish) ``` Note: Only Elvish v0.17+ is supported
Fish `~/.config/fish/`의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```fish starship init fish | source ```
Ion `~/.config/ion/initrc` 의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```sh eval $(starship init ion) ```
Nushell Run the following: ```sh mkdir ~/.cache/starship starship init nu | save ~/.cache/starship/ ``` And add the following to the end of your Nushell configuration (find it by running `$nu.config-path`): ```sh starship init nu | save ~/.cache/starship/ source ~/.cache/starship/ ``` Note: Only Nushell v0.60+ is supported
파워셀 Add the following to the end of your PowerShell configuration (find it by running `$PROFILE`): ```powershell Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell) ```
Tcsh `~/.tcshrc` 의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```sh eval `starship init tcsh` ```
Xonsh `~/.xonshrc` 의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가: ```python execx($(starship init xonsh)) ```
Zsh `~/.zshrc`의 끝부분에 아래 라인을 추가 ```sh eval "$(starship init zsh)" ```
### 3단계. Starship 설정하기 Start a new shell instance, and you should see your beautiful new shell prompt. If you're happy with the defaults, enjoy! If you're looking to further customize Starship: - **[Configuration](** – 원하는대로 프롬프트를 수정할 수 있도록 Starship 설정을 배울 수 있습니다. - **[Presets](** – 다른 사람들이 만들어둔 설정들을 보고 영감을 받을 수 있습니다. ## 🤝 기여하기 We are always looking for contributors of **all skill levels**! If you're looking to ease your way into the project, try out a [good first issue](🌱%20good%20first%20issue). If you are fluent in a non-English language, we greatly appreciate any help keeping our docs translated and up-to-date in other languages. If you would like to help, translations can be contributed on the [Starship Crowdin]( If you are interested in helping contribute to starship, please take a look at our [Contributing Guide]( Also, feel free to drop into our [Discord server]( and say hi. 👋 ## 💭 Inspired By Please check out these previous works that helped inspire the creation of starship. 🙏 - **[denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt](** – A ZSH prompt for astronauts. - **[denysdovhan/robbyrussell-node](** – Cross-shell robbyrussell theme written in JavaScript. - **[reujab/silver](** – A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons.

Starship rocket icon

## 📝라이선스 Copyright © 2019-present, [Starship Contributors](
This project is [ISC]( licensed.