function fish_prompt switch "$fish_key_bindings" case fish_hybrid_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings set keymap "$fish_bind_mode" case '*' set keymap insert end set -l exit_code $status # Account for changes in variable name between v2.7 and v3.0 set -l starship_duration "$CMD_DURATION$cmd_duration" ::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$exit_code --keymap=$keymap --cmd-duration=$starship_duration --jobs=(count (jobs -p)) end # disable virtualenv prompt, it breaks starship set VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1 function fish_mode_prompt; end set -gx STARSHIP_SHELL "fish" # Set up the session key that will be used to store logs set -gx STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY (random 10000000000000 9999999999999999)