# Hazır Ayarlar Topluluk tarafından gönderilen Starship için yapılandırma ön ayarları koleksiyonu. Paylaşacak bir ön ayarınız varsa, lütfen bu dosyayı güncelleyerek [PR gönderin](https://github.com/starship/starship/edit/master/docs/presets/README.md)! 😊 To get details on how to use a preset, simply click on the image. ## [Nerd Yazı Tipi Sembolleri](./nerd-font.md) This preset changes the symbols for each module to use Nerd Font symbols. [](./nerd-font) ## [No Nerd Fonts](./no-nerd-font.md) This preset changes the symbols for several modules so that no Nerd Font symbols are used anywhere in the prompt. ::: tip This preset will become the default preset [in a future release of starship](https://github.com/starship/starship/pull/3544). ::: [Click to view No Nerd Font preset](./no-nerd-font) ## [Bracketed Segments](./bracketed-segments.md) This preset changes the format of all the built-in modules to show their segment in brackets instead of using the default Starship wording ("via", "on", etc.). [](./bracketed-segments) ## [Plain Text Symbols](./plain-text.md) This preset changes the symbols for each module into plain text. Great if you don't have access to Unicode. [](./plain-text) ## [No Runtime Versions](./no-runtimes.md) This preset hides the version of language runtimes. If you work in containers or virtualized environments, this one is for you! [](./no-runtimes) ## [No Empty Icons](./no-empty-icons.md) This preset does not show icons if the toolset is not found. [](./no-empty-icons.md) ## [Pure Prompt](./pure-preset.md) This preset emulates the look and behavior of [Pure](https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure). [](./pure-preset) ## [Pastel Powerline](./pastel-powerline.md) This preset is inspired by [M365Princess](https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/blob/main/themes/M365Princess.omp.json). It also shows how path substitution works in starship. [](./pastel-powerline) ## [Tokyo Night](./tokyo-night.md) This preset is inspired by [tokyo-night-vscode-theme](https://github.com/enkia/tokyo-night-vscode-theme). [](./tokyo-night) ## [Gruvbox Rainbow](./gruvbox-rainbow.md) This preset is heavily inspired by [Pastel Powerline](./pastel-powerline.md), and [Tokyo Night](./tokyo-night.md). [](./gruvbox-rainbow) ## [Jetpack](./jetpack.md) This is a pseudo minimalist preset inspired by the [geometry](https://github.com/geometry-zsh/geometry) and [spaceship](https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt) prompts. [](./jetpack)