function fish_prompt switch "$fish_key_bindings" case fish_hybrid_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings set STARSHIP_KEYMAP "$fish_bind_mode" case '*' set STARSHIP_KEYMAP insert end set STARSHIP_CMD_PIPESTATUS $pipestatus set STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS $status # Account for changes in variable name between v2.7 and v3.0 set STARSHIP_DURATION "$CMD_DURATION$cmd_duration" set STARSHIP_JOBS (count (jobs -p)) if test "$TRANSIENT" = "1" # Clear from cursor to end of screen as `commandline -f repaint` does not do this # See printf \e\[0J if type -q starship_transient_prompt_func starship_transient_prompt_func else printf "\e[1;32m❯\e[0m " end else ::STARSHIP:: prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --status=$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS --pipestatus="$STARSHIP_CMD_PIPESTATUS" --keymap=$STARSHIP_KEYMAP --cmd-duration=$STARSHIP_DURATION --jobs=$STARSHIP_JOBS end end function fish_right_prompt switch "$fish_key_bindings" case fish_hybrid_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings set STARSHIP_KEYMAP "$fish_bind_mode" case '*' set STARSHIP_KEYMAP insert end set STARSHIP_CMD_PIPESTATUS $pipestatus set STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS $status # Account for changes in variable name between v2.7 and v3.0 set STARSHIP_DURATION "$CMD_DURATION$cmd_duration" set STARSHIP_JOBS (count (jobs -p)) if test "$TRANSIENT" = "1" if type -q starship_transient_rprompt_func starship_transient_rprompt_func else printf "" end else ::STARSHIP:: prompt --right --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --status=$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS --pipestatus="$STARSHIP_CMD_PIPESTATUS" --keymap=$STARSHIP_KEYMAP --cmd-duration=$STARSHIP_DURATION --jobs=$STARSHIP_JOBS end end # Disable virtualenv prompt, it breaks starship set -g VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1 # Remove default mode prompt builtin functions -e fish_mode_prompt set -gx STARSHIP_SHELL "fish" # Transience related functions function reset-transient --on-event fish_postexec set -g TRANSIENT 0 end function transient_execute if commandline --is-valid set -g TRANSIENT 1 commandline -f repaint else set -g TRANSIENT 0 end commandline -f execute end function enable_transience bind \r transient_execute end function disable_transience bind \r execute end # Set up the session key that will be used to store logs # We don't use `random [min] [max]` because it is unavailable in older versions of fish shell set -gx STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY (string sub -s1 -l16 (random)(random)(random)(random)(random)0000000000000000)