use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::{env, fs, io, process}; static MANIFEST_DIR: Lazy<&'static Path> = Lazy::new(|| Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))); static EMPTY_CONFIG: Lazy<PathBuf> = Lazy::new(|| MANIFEST_DIR.join("empty_config.toml")); #[cfg(windows)] const EXE_PATH: &str = "./target/debug/starship.exe"; #[cfg(not(windows))] const EXE_PATH: &str = "./target/debug/starship"; /// Render the full starship prompt pub fn render_prompt() -> process::Command { let mut command = process::Command::new(EXE_PATH); command .arg("prompt") .env_clear() .env("PATH", env!("PATH")) // Provide the $PATH variable so that external programs are runnable .env("STARSHIP_CONFIG", EMPTY_CONFIG.as_os_str()); command } /// Render a specific starship module by name pub fn render_module(module_name: &str) -> process::Command { let binary = fs::canonicalize(EXE_PATH).unwrap(); let mut command = process::Command::new(binary); command .arg("module") .arg(module_name) .env_clear() .env("PATH", env!("PATH")) // Provide the $PATH variable so that external programs are runnable .env("STARSHIP_CONFIG", EMPTY_CONFIG.as_os_str()); command } /// Create a repo from the fixture to be used in git module tests pub fn create_fixture_repo() -> io::Result<PathBuf> { let fixture_repo_path = tempfile::tempdir()?.path().join("fixture"); let repo_path = tempfile::tempdir()?.path().join("rocket"); let fixture_path = env::current_dir()?.join("tests/fixtures/rocket.bundle"); let fixture_repo_dir = path_str(&fixture_repo_path)?; let repo_dir = path_str(&repo_path)?; Command::new("git") .args(&["clone", "-b", "master"]) .args(&[&fixture_path, &repo_path]) .output()?; git2::Repository::clone(&fixture_repo_dir, &repo_dir).ok(); Command::new("git") .args(&["config", "--local", "", ""]) .current_dir(&repo_path) .output()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["config", "--local", "", "starship"]) .current_dir(&repo_path) .output()?; Command::new("git") .args(&["reset", "--hard", "HEAD"]) .current_dir(&repo_path) .output()?; Ok(repo_path) } fn path_str(repo_dir: &PathBuf) -> io::Result<String> { repo_dir .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| Error::from(ErrorKind::Other)) .map(|i| i.replace("\\", "/")) } /// Extends `std::process::Command` with methods for testing pub trait TestCommand { fn use_config(&mut self, toml: toml::value::Value) -> &mut process::Command; } impl TestCommand for process::Command { /// Create a configuration file with the provided TOML and use it fn use_config(&mut self, toml: toml::value::Value) -> &mut process::Command { // Create a persistent config file in a tempdir let (mut config_file, config_path) = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().keep().unwrap(); write!(config_file, "{}", toml.to_string()).unwrap(); // Set that newly-created file as the config for the prompt instance self.env("STARSHIP_CONFIG", config_path) } }