var webMenu = document.getElementById("webMenu"); var webMenuList = document.getElementById("webMenuList"); var webMenuListContainer = document.getElementById("webMenuListContainer"); var webMenuSearchBox = document.getElementById("webMenuSearchBox"); let webMenuVisibility = false; let webItemFocus; let webListIndex = 0; // Create mouse event for passed li const createCallback = (li, url) => { // Create a callback property for the passed li li.callback = () => { window.location.href = encodeURI(url); } } // Sort list alphabetically const sortList = () => { Array.from(webMenuList.getElementsByTagName("li")) .sort((a, b) => a.textContent.localeCompare(b.textContent)) .forEach(li => webMenuList.appendChild(li)); } // Populate web menu const populateWebMenu = () => { // Generate a list for (i = 0; i < (webSites.length); i++) { var site = webSites[i].site; var icon = webSites[i].icon; var url = webSites[i].url; var li = document.createElement('li'); // Add mouseup event createCallback(li, url); // Create a href var aWebLink = document.createElement('a'); aWebLink.className = 'webMenuLink'; aWebLink.href = url; // Create an outer div, child of li let webItemDiv = document.createElement('div') webItemDiv.className = 'webItem'; // webItemDiv.tabitemIndex = '1'; = "id" + site; // Create a second div, webItemContainer var webItemContainer = document.createElement('div'); webItemContainer.className = 'webItemContainer'; // Create the innermost div, contains icon and label var webItemBody = document.createElement('div'); webItemBody.className = 'webItemBody'; // Create div for webItemIcon var webItemIconContainer = document.createElement('div'); webItemIconContainer.className = 'webItemIconContainer'; var webItemIcon = document.createElement('div'); webItemIcon.className = 'webItemIcon'; = "url('assets/webcons/" + icon + ".svg')"; = 'cover'; // Create webItemName var webItemName = document.createElement('div'); webItemName.className = 'webItemName'; webItemName.innerHTML = site; // Append divs with heirarchy webItemDiv.appendChild(webItemContainer); webItemContainer.appendChild(webItemBody); webItemIconContainer.appendChild(webItemIcon); webItemBody.appendChild(webItemIconContainer); webItemBody.appendChild(webItemName); aWebLink.appendChild(webItemDiv); li.appendChild(aWebLink); webMenuList.appendChild(li); } // Call to sort list sortList(); } // Fuzzy search String.prototype.fuzzy = function(term, ratio) { var string = this.toLowerCase(); var compare = term.toLowerCase(); var matches = 0; if (string.indexOf(compare) > -1) return true; // covers basic partial matches for (var i = 0; i < compare.length; i++) { string.indexOf(compare[i]) > -1 ? matches += 1 : matches -=1; } return (matches/this.length >= ratio || term == ""); }; // Search through the list const filterWebList = () => { var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; input = webMenuSearchBox; filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); ul = webMenuList; li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li'); // Loop through all list items, and focus if matches the search query for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { a = li[i].getElementsByClassName("webItemName")[0]; txtValue = a.innerHTML || a.textContent || a.innerText; // If an item match, hightlight it and focus // if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) { if (txtValue.toUpperCase().fuzzy(filter, 1) === true) { // Unselect/Unhightlight old active var oldWebItemFocus = webItemFocus; var oldWebItemFocusChild = oldWebItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocusChild.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); // Update webItemFocus webItemFocus = li[i]; // Update weblistindex webListIndex = i; // Get child var webItemFocusChild = webItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class to child webItemFocusChild.classList.add('webItemFocus'); // Scroll focus into active webItemFocus.scrollIntoView(); } } } // Reset focus on web menu close const focusReset = () => { var oldWebItemFocus = webItemFocus; var oldWebItemFocusChild = oldWebItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocusChild.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); webListIndex = 0; } // Get first item of ul const getFirstItem = () => { var ul = webMenuList; var li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li'); // Focus on first item webItemFocus = li[0]; // Get child var webItemFocusChildren = webItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class webItemFocusChildren.classList.add('webItemFocus'); } const showWebMenu = () => { webMenu.classList.add('showWebMenu'); webMenuVisibility = !webMenuVisibility; // Focus to input field webMenuSearchBox.focus(); } const hideWebMenu = () => { // Clear input field webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; // Unfocus input field webMenuSearchBox.blur(); // Refilter web list filterWebList(); // Scroll to top webMenuListContainer.scrollTop = 0; // Reset focus item focusReset(); // Get first item getFirstItem(); webMenu.classList.remove('showWebMenu'); webMenuVisibility = !webMenuVisibility; } const toggleWebMenu = () => { console.log('toggle web menu'); // If profile anim is still running, // Return to avoid spam if (profileAnimRunning) return; // Rotate profile rotateProfile(); if (webMenuVisibility) { // Hide web menu hideWebMenu(); } else { // Show Web menu showWebMenu(); } // Check if any of these are open, if yes, close it if (weatherScreen.classList.contains('showWeatherScreen')) { console.log('weather screen is open, closing...'); hideWeatherScreen(); return; } else if (searchBoxContainer.classList.contains('showSearchBox')) { console.log('searchbox is open, closing...'); hideSearchBox(); } else if (dashboard.classList.contains('showRightDashboard')) { console.log('dashboard is open, closing...'); hideDashboard(); } // Toggle center box toggleCenteredBox(); } // Remove class to focused item const removeClass = (el, className) => { // Remove webItemFocus class var oldWebItemFocus = el.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocus.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); }; // Add class to focused item const addClass = (el, className) => { var webItemFocusChild = el.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class to child webItemFocusChild.classList.add('webItemFocus'); // Scroll focus into active webItemFocusChild.scrollIntoView(); }; // Keyboard navigation webMenu.addEventListener( 'keydown', (event) => { var len = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li').length - 1; // Right and Down if((event.which === 39) || (event.which === 40)) { // Clear web menu searchbox webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; webListIndex++; if (webItemFocus) { removeClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); next = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[webListIndex]; if(typeof next !== undefined && webListIndex <= len) { webItemFocus = next; } else { webListIndex = 0; webItemFocus = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]; } addClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); // console.log(webListIndex); } else { webListIndex = 0; webItemFocus = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]; addClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); } } // Up and left else if ((event.which === 37) || (event.which === 38)) { // Clear web menu searchbox webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; if (webItemFocus) { removeClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); webListIndex--; // console.log(webListIndex); next = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[webListIndex]; if(typeof next !== undefined && webListIndex >= 0) { webItemFocus = next; } else { webListIndex = len; webItemFocus = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[len]; } addClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); } else { webListIndex = 0; webItemFocus = webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[len]; addClass(webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); } } }, false ); // Type event on web mmenu search box webMenuSearchBox.onkeydown = (event) => { // Don't hijack keyboard navigation buttons (up, down, left, right) if ((event.key === 'ArrowRight') || (event.key === 'ArrowDown') || (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') || (event.key === 'ArrowUp')) return; if (event.key === 'Enter' && webItemFocus) { // Run the focused li's callback webItemFocus.callback(); // Hide web menu toggleWebMenu(); } else if (event.key === 'Backspace' && webMenuSearchBox.value.length < 1) { // Hide web menu if backspace is pressed and searchbox value is 0 toggleWebMenu(); return; } else if ((event.key === 'Escape') || (event.key === 'Alt')) { // Ignore escape and alt key return; } // Filter filterWebList(); } // Populate and get first child const initWebMenu = () => { populateWebMenu(); getFirstItem(); } // Initialize web menu window.onload = initWebMenu();