class SearchEngineSettings { constructor() { this._localStorage = window.localStorage; this._searchBox = document.querySelector('#searchBox'); this._selectSearchEngine = document.querySelector('#searchEngineSelect'); this._selectSearchEngineApply = document.querySelector('#searchEngineAsDefault'); this._placeholderPrefix = ' Search with '; this._searchQueryPrefix = ''; this._searchEngines = config.getSearchEngines(); this._onClickEvent = this._onClickEvent.bind(this); this._onChangeEvent = this._onChangeEvent.bind(this); this._init(); } _init = () => { this._updateDefaultSearchEngine(); this._createSearchEngineOptions(); this._selectTheEngine(); this._registerOnChangeEvent(); this._registerOnClickEvent(); } _updateDefaultSearchEngine = () => { // Update default search engine and current search engine this._defaultSearchEngine = this._localStorage.getItem('searchEngine') || 'google'; this._currentSearchEngine = this._defaultSearchEngine; } // Get query prefix getSearchQueryPrefix = () => { return this._searchQueryPrefix; } // Parse the this._searchEngines object to automatically create a selection _createSearchEngineOptions = () => { Object.keys(this._searchEngines) .forEach(key => { const seValue = key; const seData = this._searchEngines[key]; const seOption = document.createElement('option'); // Generate search engine suggestions this._selectSearchEngine.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', ` ` ) }) // Call to update query string and placeholder this._updateSearchEngineElements(); } // Update query string and placeholder _updateSearchEngineElements = () => { const seData = this._searchEngines[this._currentSearchEngine]; this._searchQueryPrefix = seData.prefix; this._searchBox.placeholder = this._placeholderPrefix +; } // Use this to select the current/default search engine on startup _selectTheEngine = () => { this._selectSearchEngine.value = this._currentSearchEngine; this._updateSearchEngineElements(); } // Execute this on change event of