var localStorage = window.localStorage; var backgroundTextBox = document.getElementById('backgroundSet'); var backgroundOpacityTextBox = document.getElementById('backgroundOpacitySet'); var foregroundTextBox = document.getElementById('foregroundSet'); var foregroundOpacityTextBox = document.getElementById('foregroundOpacitySet'); var blurTextBox = document.getElementById('blurSet'); var applyTheme = document.getElementById('themeEngineAsDefault'); var resetTheme = document.getElementById('themeEngineReset'); // Save CSS color variables default in localStorage // Will only save if you visit the webpage for the very first time const saveDefaultCSS = () => { var origBaseBG = localStorage.getItem('origBaseBG'); var origBaseColor = localStorage.getItem('origBaseColor'); var origBlurStrength = localStorage.getItem('origBlurStrength'); if ((origBaseBG === null) || (origBaseColor === null) || (origBlurStrength) === null) { localStorage.setItem( 'origBaseBG', window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--base-bg') ); localStorage.setItem( 'origBaseColor', window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--base-color') ); localStorage.setItem( 'origBlurStrength', window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--blur-strength') ); } } // Check color validity const checkColorValidity = (colorStr) => { // Check if RGBA - (#RRGGBBAA) var colorRGBA = /^#[0-9A-F]{8}$/i.test(colorStr); // If not RGBA if (!colorRGBA) { // If RGB - (#RRGGBB) if (/^#([0-9A-F]{3}){1,2}$/i.test(colorStr)) { // Add completely opaque alpha return colorStr + 'FF'; // If three-charactered HEX color - (#RGB) } else if (/^#([0-9A-F]{3}){1,2}$/i.test(colorStr)) { // Convert it to RRGGBB return colorStr.replace(/^#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3"); // If three-charactered HEX Color(#RGB) with AA - (#RGBAA) } else if (colorStr.length == 6) { var bg = colorStr.slice(0, -2); var op = colorStr.slice(-2); return bg.replace(/^#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3") + op; } else { alert('Invalid color'); } } // It's RGBA and a valid color so just return it return colorStr; } // Update textboxes const updateTextBoxValues = (bgColor, bgOpacity, fgColor, fgOpacity, blurPower) => { // Set placeholders backgroundTextBox.value = ''; backgroundTextBox.placeholder = bgColor; backgroundOpacityTextBox.value = ''; backgroundOpacityTextBox.placeholder = bgOpacity; foregroundTextBox.value = ''; foregroundTextBox.placeholder = fgColor; foregroundOpacityTextBox.value = ''; foregroundOpacityTextBox.placeholder = fgOpacity; blurTextBox.value = ''; blurTextBox.placeholder = blurPower; } // Theme processing const processTheme = () => { // Retrieve custom colors var baseBG = localStorage.getItem('baseBG'); var baseColor = localStorage.getItem('baseColor'); var blurStrength = localStorage.getItem('blurStrength'); // If custom color doesn't exist, use the value in CSS if (baseBG === null) { baseBG = localStorage.getItem('origBaseBG'); } if (baseColor === null) { baseColor = localStorage.getItem('origBaseColor'); } if (blurStrength === null) { blurStrength = localStorage.getItem('origBlurStrength'); } // Remove whitespace baseBG = baseBG.replace(/ /g,''); baseColor = baseColor.replace(/ /g,''); blurStrength = blurStrength.replace(/ /g,''); // Check validity baseBG = checkColorValidity(baseBG); baseColor = checkColorValidity(baseColor); // Slice to separate RGB and A of background color // Slice alpha out var backgroundColor = baseBG.slice(0, -2); // Get alpha var backgroundOpacity = baseBG.slice(-2); // Slice to separate RGB and A of foreground color // Slice alpha out var foregroundColor = baseColor.slice(0, -2); // Get alpha var foregroundOpacity = baseColor.slice(-2); updateTextBoxValues( backgroundColor, backgroundOpacity, foregroundColor, foregroundOpacity, blurStrength ) } // Update colors const updateCSSVariables = () => { // Get value from input fields var background = (backgroundTextBox.value || backgroundTextBox.placeholder) + (backgroundOpacityTextBox.value || backgroundOpacityTextBox.placeholder); var foreground = (foregroundTextBox.value || foregroundTextBox.placeholder) + (foregroundOpacityTextBox.value || foregroundOpacityTextBox.placeholder); var blurPower = (blurTextBox.value || blurTextBox.placeholder); // Check color validity var bgColor = checkColorValidity(background); var fgColor = checkColorValidity(foreground); // Change CSS colors'--base-bg', bgColor);'--base-color', fgColor);'--blur-strength', blurPower); // Save custom color localStorage.setItem('baseBG', bgColor); localStorage.setItem('baseColor', fgColor); localStorage.setItem('blurStrength', blurPower); processTheme(); } // Run on window onload const updateOnStartUp = () => { // Update processTheme(); // Update settings updateCSSVariables(); } // Apply button event handler applyTheme.onclick = () => { updateCSSVariables(); alert('Success!'); } // Reset button event handler resetTheme.onclick = () => { localStorage.removeItem('baseBG'); localStorage.removeItem('baseColor'); localStorage.removeItem('blurStrength'); saveDefaultCSS(); processTheme(); updateCSSVariables(); alert('Success!'); } // Initialize const onStartUp = () => { saveDefaultCSS(); updateOnStartUp(); } // Call Initialize window.onload = onStartUp();