06 June 2008

* New window option: aggressive-resize. Normally, windows are resized to the
  size of the smallest attached session to which they are linked. This means a
  window only changes size when sessions are detached or attached, or they are
  linked or unlinked from a session. This flag changes a window to be the size
  of the smallest attached session for which it is the current window - it is
  resized every time a session changes to it or away from it. This is nice for
  things that handle SIGWINCH well (like irssi) and bad for things like shells.
* The server now exits when no sessions remain.
* Fix bug with inserting characters with TERM=xterm-color.

05 June 2008

* Completely reorganise command parsing. Much more common code in cmd-generic.c
  and a new way of specifying windows, clients or sessions. Now, most commands
  take a -t argument, which specifies a client, a session, or a window target. 
  Clients and sessions are given alone (sessions are fnmatch(3)d and 
  clients currently not), windows are give by (client|session):index. For
  example, if a user is in session "1" window 0 on /dev/ttypi, these should all
  be equivalent:

	tmux renamew newname			(current session and window)
	tmux renamew -t: newname		(current session and window)
	tmux renamew -t:0 newname		(current session, window 0)
	tmux renamew -t0 newname		(current session, window 0)
	tmux renamew -t1:0 newname		(session 1, window 0)
	tmux renamew -t1: newname		(session 1's current window)
	tmux renamew -t/dev/ttypi newname	(client /dev/ttypi's current
						 session and window)
	tmux renamew -t/dev/ttypi: newname	(client /dev/ttypi's current
						 session and window)
	tmux renamew -t/dev/ttypi:0 newname	(client /dev/ttypi's current
						 session, window 0)

  This does have some downsides, for example, having to use -t on selectw,

	tmux selectw -t7

  is annoying. But then using non-flagged arguments would mean renaming the
  current window would need to be something like:
	tmux renamew : newname

  It might be better not to try and be so consistent; comments to the usual
  address ;-).
* Infrastructure for printing arguments in list-keys output. Easy ones only for

04 June 2008

* Add some vi(1) key bindings in copy mode, and support binding ^[, ^\, ^]
  ^^ and ^_. Both from/prompted by Will Maier.
* setw monitor-activity and set status without arguments now toggle the current
  value; suggested by merdely.
* New command set-window-option (alias setw) to set the single current window
  option: monitor-activity to determine whether window activity is shown in
  the status bar for that window (default off).
* Change so active/bell windows are inverted in status line.
* Activity monitoring - window with activity are marked in status line. No
  way to disable this/filter windows yet.
* Brought select-window command into line with everything else; it now uses
  -i for the window index.
* Strings to display on the left and right of the status bar may now be set
  with the status-left and status-right options. These are passed through
  strftime(3) before being displayed. The status bar is automatically updated
  at an interval set by the status-interval option. The default is to display
  nothing on the left and the date and time on the left; the default update
  interval is 15 seconds.

03 June 2008

* Per session options. Setting options without specifying a session sets the
  global options as normal (global options are inherited by all sessions);
  passing -c or -s will set the option only for that session.
* Because a client has a session attached, any command needing a session can
  take a client and use its session. So, anything that used to accept -s now
  accepts -c as well.
* -s to specify session name now supports fnmatch(3) wildcards; if multiple
  sessions are found, or if no -s is specified, the most newly created is used.
* If no command is specified, assume new-session. As a byproduct, clean up 
  command default values into seperate init functions.
* kill-server command.

02 June 2008

* New command, start-server (alias "start"), to start the tmux server and do
  nothing else. This is good if you have a configuration file which creates
  windows or sessions (like me): in that case, starting the server the first
  time tmux new is run is bad since it creates a new session and window (as
  it is supposed to - starting the server is a side-effect).

  Instead, I have a little script which does the equivalent of:

  	tmux has -s0 2>/dev/null || tmux start
  	tmux attach -d -s0

  And I use it to start the server if necessary and attach to my primary
* Basic configuration file in ~/.tmux.conf or specified with -f. This is file
  contains a set of tmux commands that are run the first time the server is
  started. The configuration commands are executed before any others, so
  if you have a configuration file that contains:

	new -d
	neww -s0

  And you do the following without an existing server running:

	tmux new

  You will end up with two sessions, session 0 with two windows (created by
  the configuration file) and your client attached to session 1 with one
  window (created by the command-line command). I'm not completely happy with
  this, it seems a little non-obvious, but I haven't yet decided what to do
  about it.

  There is no environment variable handling or other special stuff yet.

  In the future, it might be nice to be able to have per-session configuration
  settings, probably by having conditionals in the file (so you could, for
  example, have commands to define a particular window layout that would only
  be invoked if you called tmux new -smysession and mysession did not already
* BIG CHANGE: -s and -c to specify session name and client name are now passed
  after the command rather than before it. So, for example:

	tmux -s0 neww


	tmux neww -s0

  This is to allow them to be used in the (forthcoming) configuration file

01 June 2008

* Bug fix: don't die if -k passed to link-window and the destination doesn't
* New command, send-keys, will send a set of keys to a window.

31 May 2008

* Fix so tmux doesn't hang if the initial window fails for some reason. This
  was highlighted by problems on Darwin, thanks to Elias Pipping for the report
  and access to a test account. (tmux still won't work on Darwin since its
  poll(2) is broken.)

02 January 2008

* Don't attempt to reset the tty on exit if it has been closed externally.

06 December 2007

* Restore checks for required termcap entries and add a few more obvious
* Another major reorganisation, this time of screen handling. A new set of
  functions, screen_write_*, are now used to write to a screen and a tty
  simultaneously. These are used by the input parser to update the base
  window screen and also by the different modes which now interpose their own

30 November 2007

* Support \ek...\e\ to set window name.

27 November 2007

* Enable/disable mouse when asked, if terminal claims to support it. Mouse
  sequences are just passed through unaltered for the moment.
* Big internal reorganisation. Rather than leaving control of the tty solely in
  the client and piping all data through a socket to it, change so that the
  server opens the tty again and reads and writes to it directly. This avoids
  a lot of buffering and copying. Also reorganise the redrawing stuff so that
  everything goes through screen_draw_* - this makes the code simpler, but
  still needs broken up more, and all the ways of writing to screens should be
  more consistent.

26 November 2007

* Rather than shifting up one line at a time once the history is full,
  shift by 10% of the history each time. This is faster.
* Add ^A and ^E to copy mode to move to start-of-line/end-of-line.

24 November 2007

* Support for alt charset mode (VT100 graphics characters).

23 November 2007

* Mostly complete copy & paste. Copy mode entered with C-b [ (copy-mode
  command). In copy mode, arrow keys/page up/page down/hjkl/C-u/C-f navigate,
  space or C-space starts selection, and enter or C-w copies and (important!)
  exits copy mode. C-b ] (paste-buffer) pastes into current window. No
  extra utility keys (bol/eol/clear selection/etc), only one single buffer,
  and no buffer manipulation commands (clear/view/etc) yet. The code is also
  fugly :-(.
* history-limit option to set maximum history. Does not apply retroactively to
  existing windows! Lines take up a variable amount of space, but a reasonable
  guess for an 80-column terminal is 250 KB per 1000 lines (of history used,
  an empty history takes no space).

21 November 2007

* Create every line as zero length and only expand it as data is written,
  rather than creating at full size immediately.
* Make command output (eg list-keys) go to a scrollable window similar to
  scroll mode.
* Redo screen redrawing so it is a) readable b) split into utility functions
  that can be used outside screen.c. Use these to make scroll mode only
  redraw what it has to which gets rid of irritating flickering status box and
  makes it much faster.
* Full line width memory and horizontal scrolling in history.
* Initial support for scroll history. = to enter scrolling mode, and then
  vi keys or up/down/pgup/pgdown to navigate. Q to exit. No horizontal history
  yet (need per-line sizes) and a few kinks to be worked out (resizing while in
  history mode will probably cause trouble).

20 November 2007

* Fix format string error with "must specify a client" message. Also
  sprinkle some printflike tags.
* tmux 0.1 released.

17 November 2007

* (nicm) Add -k option to link-window to kill target window if it exists.

16 November 2007

* (nicm) Split in-client display into two columns. This is a hack but not a lot
  more so than that bit is already and it helps with lots of keys.
* (nicm) switch-client command to switch client between different sessions. This
  is pretty cool:

	$ tmux bind q switch 0
	$ tmux bind w switch 1

  Then you can switch between sessions 0 and 1 with a key :-). 
* (nicm) Accept "-c client-tty" on command line to allow client manipulation
  commands, and change detach-/refresh-session to detach-/refresh-client (this
  loses the -a behaviour, but at some point -session versions may return, and
  -c will allow fnmatch(3)).
* (nicm) List available commands on ambiguous command.

12 November 2007

* (nicm) If the terminal supports default colours (AX present), force black 
  background and white foreground to default. This is useful on transparent
  *terms for programs which don't do it themselves (like most(1)).
* (nicm) Fill in the rest of the man page.
* (nicm) kill-session command.

09 November 2007

* (nicm) C-space is now "^ " not "^@".
* (nicm) Support tab (\011).
* (nicm) Initial man page outline.
* (nicm) -V to show version.
* (nicm) rename-session command.

08 November 2007

* (nicm) Check for required terminal capabilities on start.

31 October 2007

* (nicm) Linux port.

30 October 2007

* (nicm) swap-window command. Same as link-window but swaps windows.

26 October 2007

* (nicm) Saving scroll region on \e7 causes problems with ncmpc so I guess
  it is not required.
* (nicm) unlink-window command.
* (nicm) link-window command to link an existing window into another session
  (or another index in the same session). Syntax:

	tmux -s dstname link-window [-i dstidx] srcname srcidx

* (nicm) Redo window data structures. The global array remains, but each per-
  session list is now a RB tree of winlink structures. This disassociates the
  window index from the array size (allowing arbitrary indexes) which still
  allowing windows to have multiple indexes.

25 October 2007

* (nicm) has-session command: checks if session exists.

24 October 2007

* (nicm) Support for \e6n to request cursor position. resize(1) now works.
* (nicm) Support for \e7, \e8 save/restore cursor and attribute sequences.
  Currently don't save mode (probably should). Also change some cases where
  out-of-bound values are ignored to limit them to within range (there are
  others than need to be checked too).

23 October 2007

* (nicm) Lift limit on session name passed with -s.
* (nicm) Show size in session/window lists.
* (nicm) Pass tty up to server when client identifies and add a list-clients
  command to list connected clients.

20 October 2007

* (nicm) Add default-command option and change default to be $SHELL rather than
  $SHELL -l. Also try to read shell from passwd db if $SHELL isn't present.

19 October 2007

* (nicm) -n on new-session is now -s, and -n is now the initial window name.
  This was documented but not implemented :-/.
* (nicm) kill-window command, bound to & by default (because it should be hard
  to hit accidently).
* (nicm) bell-style option with three choices: "none" completely ignore bell;
  "any" pass through a bell in any window to current; "current" ignore bells
  except in current window. This applies only to the bell terminal signal,
  the status bar always reflects any bells.
* (nicm) Refresh session command.

12 October 2007

* (nicm) Add a warning if $TMUX exists on new/attach.
* (nicm) send-prefix command. Bound to C-b by default.
* (nicm) set status, status-fg, status-bg commands. fg and bg are as a number
  from 0 to 8 or a string ("red", "blue", etc). status may be 1/0, on/off,
* (nicm) Make status line mark window in yellow on bell.

04 October 2007

* (nicm) -d option to attach to detach all other clients on the same session.
* (nicm) Partial resizing support. Still buggy. A C-b S and back sometimes fixes
  it when it goes wonky.
* (mxey) Added my tmux start script as an example (examples/start-tmux.sh).
* (mxey) New sessions can now be given a command for their first window.
* (mxey) Fixed usage statement for new-window.
* (nicm) attach-session (can't believe I forgot it until now!) and list-windows
* (nicm) rename-window and select-window commands.
* (nicm) set-option command (alias set): "tmux set-option prefix ^A".
* (nicm) Key binding and unbinding is back.

03 October 2007

* (nicm) {new,next,last,previous}-window.
* (nicm) Rewrite command handling so commands are much more generic and the
  same commands are used for command line and keys (although most will probably
  need to check how they are called). Currently incomplete (only new/detach/ls
  implemented). Change: -s is now passed before command again!
* (nicm) String number arguments. So you can do: tmux bind ^Q create "blah".
* (nicm) Key binding. tmux bind key command [argument] and tmux unbind key.
  Key names are in a table in key-string.c, plus A is A, ^A is ctrl-A.
  Possible commands are in cmd.c (look at cmd_bind_table).
* (nicm) Move command parsing into the client. Also rename some messages and
  tidy up a few bits. Lots more tidying up needed :-/.

02 October 2007

* (nicm) Redraw client status lines on rename.
* (nicm) Error on ambiguous command.

01 October 2007

* (nicm) Restore window title handling.
* (nicm) Simple uncustomisable status line with window list.

30 September 2007

* (nicm) Window info command for debugging, C-b I.

29 September 2007

* (nicm) Deleting/inserting lines should follow scrolling region. Fix.
* (nicm) Allow creation of detached sessions: "tmux new-session -d".
* (nicm) Permit error messages to be passed back for transient clients like 
  rename. Also make rename -i work.
* (nicm) Pass through bell in any window to current.

28 September 2007

* (nicm) Major rewrite of input parser:
	- Lose the old weirdness in favour of a state machine.
	- Merge in parsing from screen.c.
	- Split key parsing off into a separate file.
  This is step one towards hopefully allowing a status line. It requires
  that we output data as if the terminal had one line less than it really does -
  a serious problem when it comes to things like scrolling. This change 
  consolidates all the range checking and limiting together which should make
  it easier.
* (mxey) Added window remaming, like "tmux rename [-s session] [-i index] name"
27 September 2007

* Split "tmux list" into "tmux list-sessions" (ls) and "list-windows" (lsw).
* New command session selection:
	- if name is specified, look for it and use it if it exists, otherwise
	- if no name specified, try the current session from $TMUX
	- if $TMUX doesn't exist, and there is only one session, use it,
	  otherwise error

26 September 2007

* Add command aliases, so "ls" is an alias for "list".
* Rename some commands and alter syntax to take options after a la CVS. Also
  change some flags. So:

	tmux -s/socket -nabc new

	tmux -S/socket new -sabc

* Major tidy and split of client/server code.

22 September 2007

* Window list command (C-b W). Started by Maximilian Gass, finished by me.

20 September 2007

* Specify meta via environment variable (META).
* Record last window and ^L key to switch to it. Largely from Maximilian Gass.
* Reset ignored signals in child after forkpty, makes ^C work.
* Wrap on next/previous. From Maximilian Gass.

19 September 2007

* Don't renumber windows on close.

28 August 2007

* Scrolling region (\e[r) support.

27 August 2007

* Change screen.c to work more logically and hopefully fix heap corruption.

09 July 2007

* Initial import to CVS. Basic functions are working, albeit with a couple of 
  showstopper memory bugs and many missing features. Detaching, reattaching,
  creating new sessions, listing sessions work acceptably for using with shells.
  Simple curses programs (top, systat, tetris) and more complicated ones (mutt,
  emacs) that don't require scrolling regions (ESC[r) mostly work fine
  (including mutt, emacs). No status bar yet and no key remapping or other

$Id: CHANGES,v 1.115 2008-06-06 20:02:27 nicm Exp $