#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tmate.h" #define TMATE_DNS_RETRY_TIMEOUT 10 struct tmate_session tmate_session; static void lookup_and_connect(void); static void on_dns_retry(__unused evutil_socket_t fd, __unused short what, __unused void *arg) { lookup_and_connect(); } static void dns_cb(int errcode, struct evutil_addrinfo *addr, void *ptr) { struct evutil_addrinfo *ai; struct timeval tv; const char *host = ptr; if (errcode) { tmate_status_message("%s lookup failure. Retrying in %d seconds (%s)", host, TMATE_DNS_RETRY_TIMEOUT, evutil_gai_strerror(errcode)); tv.tv_sec = TMATE_DNS_RETRY_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; evtimer_assign(&tmate_session.ev_dns_retry, tmate_session.ev_base, on_dns_retry, NULL); evtimer_add(&tmate_session.ev_dns_retry, &tv); return; } tmate_status_message("Connecting to %s...", host); for (ai = addr; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) { char buf[128]; const char *ip = NULL; if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr; ip = evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sin->sin_addr, buf, 128); } else if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr; ip = evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sin6->sin6_addr, buf, 128); } tmate_debug("Trying server %s", ip); /* * Note: We don't deal with the client list. Clients manage it * and free client structs when necessary. */ (void)tmate_ssh_client_alloc(&tmate_session, ip); } evutil_freeaddrinfo(addr); /* * XXX For some reason, freeing the DNS resolver makes MacOSX flip out... * not sure what's going on... * evdns_base_free(tmate_session.ev_dnsbase, 0); * tmate_session.ev_dnsbase = NULL; */ } static void lookup_and_connect(void) { struct evutil_addrinfo hints; const char *tmate_server_host; if (!tmate_session.ev_dnsbase) tmate_session.ev_dnsbase = evdns_base_new(tmate_session.ev_base, 1); if (!tmate_session.ev_dnsbase) tmate_fatal("Cannot initialize the DNS lookup service"); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = 0; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; tmate_server_host = options_get_string(global_s_options, "tmate-server-host"); tmate_info("Looking up %s...", tmate_server_host); (void)evdns_getaddrinfo(tmate_session.ev_dnsbase, tmate_server_host, NULL, &hints, dns_cb, (void *)tmate_server_host); } static void ssh_log_function(int priority, const char *function, const char *buffer, __unused void *userdata) { tmate_debug("[%d] [%s] %s", priority, function, buffer); } void tmate_session_init(struct event_base *base) { tmate_session.ev_base = base; ssh_set_log_callback(ssh_log_function); tmate_catch_sigsegv(); tmate_encoder_init(&tmate_session.encoder); tmate_decoder_init(&tmate_session.decoder); TAILQ_INIT(&tmate_session.clients); tmate_session.need_passphrase = 0; tmate_session.passphrase = NULL; /* The header will be written as soon as the first client connects */ tmate_write_header(); } void tmate_session_start(void) { /* We split init and start because: * - We need to process the tmux config file during the connection as * we are setting up the tmate identity. * - While we are parsing the config file, we need to be able to * serialize it, and so we need a worker encoder. */ lookup_and_connect(); }