#include #include #include #include int main(void) { msgpack::type::tuple src(1, true, "example"); // serialize the object into the buffer. // any classes that implements write(const char*,size_t) can be a buffer. std::stringstream buffer; msgpack::pack(buffer, src); // send the buffer ... buffer.seekg(0); // deserialize the buffer into msgpack::object instance. std::string str(buffer.str()); // deserialized object is valid during the msgpack::zone instance alive. msgpack::zone mempool; msgpack::object deserialized; msgpack::unpack(str.data(), str.size(), NULL, &mempool, &deserialized); // msgpack::object supports ostream. std::cout << deserialized << std::endl; // convert msgpack::object instance into the original type. // if the type is mismatched, it throws msgpack::type_error exception. msgpack::type::tuple dst; deserialized.convert(&dst); return 0; }