**Disclaimer:** _These manifests are experimental and as such are NOT SUPPORTED. I have done my best to make them as secure as possible however I am NOT responsible for anything that happens to you or your data as a result of using these files. Please do your due dilligence security-wise and open a Github issue if you wish to report a problem. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. By using these files you agree that you are the sole entity responsible for any damages that may arise as a result._
- Kubernetes [NFS provisioner](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner) or another storage provisioner that supports ```ReadWriteMany```
- [cert-manager](https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager) or a Lets Encrypt cert issuer of your choice. Alternatively, you can mount your own certs as secret volumes into the pods
The load balancer has ```externalTrafficPolicy: Local``` disabled by default, as it caused a health check issue with the Digital Ocean Load Balancer these manifests were tested on. It may need to be enabled depending on your cloud provider, see https://docs.nats.io/running-a-nats-service/introduction/running/nats-kubernetes/nats-external-nlb for more info