Adds TLS results, uses str array for IDs, reorders components

This commit is contained in:
Alicia Sykes 2023-08-24 20:36:41 +01:00
parent 823873bce2
commit 4bd3085fe9

View File

@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ import ArchivesCard from 'components/Results/Archives';
import RankCard from 'components/Results/Rank';
import BlockListsCard from 'components/Results/BlockLists';
import ThreatsCard from 'components/Results/Threats';
import TlsCipherSuitesCard from 'components/Results/TlsCipherSuites';
import TlsIssueAnalysisCard from 'components/Results/TlsIssueAnalysis';
import TlsClientSupportCard from 'components/Results/TlsClientSupport';
import keys from 'utils/get-keys';
import { determineAddressType, AddressType } from 'utils/address-type-checker';
@ -96,12 +99,13 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
const [modalOpen, setModalOpen] = useState(false);
const [modalContent, setModalContent] = useState<ReactNode>(<></>);
const updateLoadingJobs = useCallback((job: string, newState: LoadingState, error?: string, retry?: () => void, data?: any) => {
const updateLoadingJobs = useCallback((jobs: string | string[], newState: LoadingState, error?: string, retry?: () => void, data?: any) => {
(typeof jobs === 'string' ? [jobs] : jobs).forEach((job: string) => {
const now = new Date();
const timeTaken = now.getTime() - startTime;
setLoadingJobs((prevJobs) => {
const newJobs = LoadingJob) => {
if ( === job) {
if (job.includes( {
return { ...loadingJob, error, state: newState, timeTaken, retry };
return loadingJob;
@ -137,6 +141,7 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
return newJobs;
}, [startTime]);
const parseJson = (response: Response): Promise<any> => {
@ -239,7 +244,7 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
// Get hostnames and associated domains from Shodan
const [shoadnResults, updateShodanResults] = useMotherHook<ShodanResults>({
jobId: 'hosts',
jobId: ['hosts', 'server-info'],
addressInfo: { address: ipAddress, addressType: 'ipV4', expectedAddressTypes: ['ipV4', 'ipV6'] },
fetchRequest: () => fetch(`${ipAddress}?key=${keys.shodan}`)
@ -457,6 +462,14 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
fetchRequest: () => fetch(`${api}/threats?url=${address}`).then(res => parseJson(res)),
// Get TLS security info, from Mozilla Observatory
const [tlsResults, updateTlsResults] = useMotherHook({
jobId: ['tls-cipher-suites', 'tls-security-config', 'tls-client-support'],
addressInfo: { address, addressType, expectedAddressTypes: urlTypeOnly },
fetchRequest: () => fetch(`${api}/tls?url=${address}`).then(res => parseJson(res)),
/* Cancel remaining jobs after 10 second timeout */
useEffect(() => {
const checkJobs = () => {
@ -470,7 +483,7 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
return () => {
}, [loadingJobs, updateLoadingJobs]); // dependencies for the effect
}, [loadingJobs, updateLoadingJobs]);
const makeSiteName = (address: string): string => {
try {
@ -483,40 +496,42 @@ const Results = (): JSX.Element => {
// A list of state sata, corresponding component and title for each card
const resultCardData = [
{ id: 'location', title: 'Server Location', result: locationResults, Component: ServerLocationCard, refresh: updateLocationResults },
{ id: 'ssl', title: 'SSL Info', result: sslResults, Component: SslCertCard, refresh: updateSslResults },
{ id: 'ssl', title: 'SSL Certificate', result: sslResults, Component: SslCertCard, refresh: updateSslResults },
{ id: 'domain', title: 'Domain Whois', result: domainLookupResults, Component: DomainLookup, refresh: updateDomainLookupResults },
{ id: 'quality', title: 'Quality Summary', result: lighthouseResults, Component: LighthouseCard, refresh: updateLighthouseResults },
{ id: 'tech-stack', title: 'Tech Stack', result: techStackResults, Component: TechStackCard, refresh: updateTechStackResults },
{ id: 'server-info', title: 'Server Info', result: shoadnResults?.serverInfo, Component: ServerInfoCard, refresh: updateShodanResults },
{ id: 'cookies', title: 'Cookies', result: cookieResults, Component: CookiesCard, refresh: updateCookieResults },
{ id: 'headers', title: 'Headers', result: headersResults, Component: HeadersCard, refresh: updateHeadersResults },
{ id: 'domain', title: 'Whois', result: domainLookupResults, Component: DomainLookup, refresh: updateDomainLookupResults },
{ id: 'dns', title: 'DNS Records', result: dnsResults, Component: DnsRecordsCard, refresh: updateDnsResults },
{ id: 'hosts', title: 'Host Names', result: shoadnResults?.hostnames, Component: HostNamesCard, refresh: updateShodanResults },
{ id: 'http-security', title: 'HTTP Security', result: httpSecurityResults, Component: HttpSecurityCard, refresh: updateHttpSecurityResults },
{ id: 'tech-stack', title: 'Tech Stack', result: techStackResults, Component: TechStackCard, refresh: updateTechStackResults },
{ id: 'quality', title: 'Quality Summary', result: lighthouseResults, Component: LighthouseCard, refresh: updateLighthouseResults },
{ id: 'social-tags', title: 'Social Tags', result: socialTagResults, Component: SocialTagsCard, refresh: updateSocialTagResults },
{ id: 'cookies', title: 'Cookies', result: cookieResults, Component: CookiesCard, refresh: updateCookieResults },
{ id: 'trace-route', title: 'Trace Route', result: traceRouteResults, Component: TraceRouteCard, refresh: updateTraceRouteResults },
{ id: 'screenshot', title: 'Screenshot', result: screenshotResult || lighthouseResults?.fullPageScreenshot?.screenshot, Component: ScreenshotCard, refresh: updateScreenshotResult },
{ id: 'security-txt', title: 'Security.Txt', result: securityTxtResults, Component: SecurityTxtCard, refresh: updateSecurityTxtResults },
{ id: 'dns-server', title: 'DNS Server', result: dnsServerResults, Component: DnsServerCard, refresh: updateDnsServerResults },
{ id: 'firewall', title: 'Firewall', result: firewallResults, Component: FirewallCard, refresh: updateFirewallResults },
{ id: 'server-info', title: 'Server Info', result: shoadnResults?.serverInfo, Component: ServerInfoCard, refresh: updateShodanResults },
{ id: 'redirects', title: 'Redirects', result: redirectResults, Component: RedirectsCard, refresh: updateRedirectResults },
{ id: 'robots-txt', title: 'Crawl Rules', result: robotsTxtResults, Component: RobotsTxtCard, refresh: updateRobotsTxtResults },
{ id: 'dnssec', title: 'DNSSEC', result: dnsSecResults, Component: DnsSecCard, refresh: updateDnsSecResults },
{ id: 'hsts', title: 'HSTS Check', result: hstsResults, Component: HstsCard, refresh: updateHstsResults },
{ id: 'threats', title: 'Threats', result: threatResults, Component: ThreatsCard, refresh: updateThreatResults },
{ id: 'mail-config', title: 'Email Configuration', result: mailConfigResults, Component: MailConfigCard, refresh: updateMailConfigResults },
{ id: 'archives', title: 'Archive History', result: archivesResults, Component: ArchivesCard, refresh: updateArchivesResults },
{ id: 'rank', title: 'Global Ranking', result: rankResults, Component: RankCard, refresh: updateRankResults },
{ id: 'tls-cipher-suites', title: 'TLS Cipher Suites', result: tlsResults, Component: TlsCipherSuitesCard, refresh: updateTlsResults },
{ id: 'tls-security-config', title: 'TLS Security Issues', result: tlsResults, Component: TlsIssueAnalysisCard, refresh: updateTlsResults },
{ id: 'tls-client-support', title: 'TLS Handshake Simulation', result: tlsResults, Component: TlsClientSupportCard, refresh: updateTlsResults },
{ id: 'redirects', title: 'Redirects', result: redirectResults, Component: RedirectsCard, refresh: updateRedirectResults },
{ id: 'linked-pages', title: 'Linked Pages', result: linkedPagesResults, Component: ContentLinksCard, refresh: updateLinkedPagesResults },
{ id: 'robots-txt', title: 'Crawl Rules', result: robotsTxtResults, Component: RobotsTxtCard, refresh: updateRobotsTxtResults },
{ id: 'status', title: 'Server Status', result: serverStatusResults, Component: ServerStatusCard, refresh: updateServerStatusResults },
{ id: 'ports', title: 'Open Ports', result: portsResults, Component: OpenPortsCard, refresh: updatePortsResults },
{ id: 'security-txt', title: 'Security.Txt', result: securityTxtResults, Component: SecurityTxtCard, refresh: updateSecurityTxtResults },
{ id: 'rank', title: 'Global Ranking', result: rankResults, Component: RankCard, refresh: updateRankResults },
{ id: 'screenshot', title: 'Screenshot', result: screenshotResult || lighthouseResults?.fullPageScreenshot?.screenshot, Component: ScreenshotCard, refresh: updateScreenshotResult },
{ id: 'mail-config', title: 'Email Configuration', result: mailConfigResults, Component: MailConfigCard, refresh: updateMailConfigResults },
{ id: 'hsts', title: 'HSTS Check', result: hstsResults, Component: HstsCard, refresh: updateHstsResults },
{ id: 'archives', title: 'Archive History', result: archivesResults, Component: ArchivesCard, refresh: updateArchivesResults },
{ id: 'whois', title: 'Domain Info', result: whoIsResults, Component: WhoIsCard, refresh: updateWhoIsResults },
{ id: 'dns-server', title: 'DNS Server', result: dnsServerResults, Component: DnsServerCard, refresh: updateDnsServerResults },
{ id: 'linked-pages', title: 'Linked Pages', result: linkedPagesResults, Component: ContentLinksCard, refresh: updateLinkedPagesResults },
{ id: 'txt-records', title: 'TXT Records', result: txtRecordResults, Component: TxtRecordCard, refresh: updateTxtRecordResults },
{ id: 'block-lists', title: 'Block Lists', result: blockListsResults, Component: BlockListsCard, refresh: updateBlockListsResults },
{ id: 'threats', title: 'Threats', result: threatResults, Component: ThreatsCard, refresh: updateThreatResults },
{ id: 'features', title: 'Site Features', result: siteFeaturesResults, Component: SiteFeaturesCard, refresh: updateSiteFeaturesResults },
{ id: 'sitemap', title: 'Pages', result: sitemapResults, Component: SitemapCard, refresh: updateSitemapResults },
{ id: 'carbon', title: 'Carbon Footprint', result: carbonResults, Component: CarbonFootprintCard, refresh: updateCarbonResults },
const MakeActionButtons = (title: string, refresh: () => void, showInfo: (id: string) => void): ReactNode => {