const normalizeUrl = (url) => { return url.startsWith('http') ? url : `https://${url}`; }; // If present, set a shorter timeout for API requests const TIMEOUT = process.env.API_TIMEOUT_LIMIT ? parseInt(process.env.API_TIMEOUT_LIMIT, 10) : 60000; // If present, set CORS allowed origins for responses const ALLOWED_ORIGINS = process.env.API_CORS_ORIGIN || '*'; // Set the platform currently being used let PLATFORM = 'NETLIFY'; if (process.env.PLATFORM) { PLATFORM = process.env.PLATFORM.toUpperCase(); } else if (process.env.VERCEL) { PLATFORM = 'VERCEL'; } else if (process.env.WC_SERVER) { PLATFORM = 'NODE'; } // Define the headers to be returned with each response const headers = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': ALLOWED_ORIGINS, 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true, 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', }; const timeoutErrorMsg = 'You can re-trigger this request, by clicking "Retry"\n' + 'If you\'re running your own instance of Web Check, then you can ' + 'resolve this issue, by increasing the timeout limit in the ' + '`API_TIMEOUT_LIMIT` environmental variable to a higher value (in milliseconds), ' + 'or if you\'re hosting on Vercel increase the maxDuration in vercel.json.\n\n' + `The public instance currently has a lower timeout of ${TIMEOUT}ms ` + 'in order to keep running costs affordable, so that Web Check can ' + 'remain freely available for everyone.'; // A middleware function used by all API routes on all platforms const commonMiddleware = (handler) => { // Create a timeout promise, to throw an error if a request takes too long const createTimeoutPromise = (timeoutMs) => { return new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error(`Request timed-out after ${timeoutMs} ms`)); }, timeoutMs); }); }; // Vercel const vercelHandler = async (request, response) => { const queryParams = request.query || {}; const rawUrl = queryParams.url; if (!rawUrl) { return response.status(500).json({ error: 'No URL specified' }); } const url = normalizeUrl(rawUrl); try { // Race the handler against the timeout const handlerResponse = await Promise.race([ handler(url, request), createTimeoutPromise(TIMEOUT) ]); if (handlerResponse.body && handlerResponse.statusCode) { response.status(handlerResponse.statusCode).json(handlerResponse.body); } else { response.status(200).json( typeof handlerResponse === 'object' ? handlerResponse : JSON.parse(handlerResponse) ); } } catch (error) { let errorCode = 500; if (error.message.includes('timed-out') || response.statusCode === 504) { errorCode = 408; error.message = `${error.message}\n\n${timeoutErrorMsg}`; } response.status(errorCode).json({ error: error.message }); } }; // Netlify const netlifyHandler = async (event, context, callback) => { const queryParams = event.queryStringParameters || event.query || {}; const rawUrl = queryParams.url; if (!rawUrl) { callback(null, { statusCode: 500, body: JSON.stringify({ error: 'No URL specified' }), headers, }); return; } const url = normalizeUrl(rawUrl); try { // Race the handler against the timeout const handlerResponse = await Promise.race([ handler(url, event, context), createTimeoutPromise(TIMEOUT) ]); if (handlerResponse.body && handlerResponse.statusCode) { callback(null, handlerResponse); } else { callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: typeof handlerResponse === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(handlerResponse) : handlerResponse, headers, }); } } catch (error) { callback(null, { statusCode: 500, body: JSON.stringify({ error: error.message }), headers, }); } }; // The format of the handlers varies between platforms const nativeMode = (['VERCEL', 'NODE'].includes(PLATFORM)); return nativeMode ? vercelHandler : netlifyHandler; }; module.exports = commonMiddleware;