# Essential site config [build] base = "/" command = "yarn build" publish = "build" functions = "server/lambda" # Environmental variables and optioanl secrets # [build.environment] # NODE_VERSION = "16.16.0" # GOOGLE_CLOUD_API_KEY='' # SHODAN_API_KEY='' # REACT_APP_SHODAN_API_KEY='' # WHO_API_KEY='' # REACT_APP_WHO_API_KEY='' # SECURITY_TRAILS_API_KEY='' # BUILT_WITH_API_KEY='' # CI=false # Site info, used for the 1-Click deploy page [template.environment] STATUSKIT_PAGE_TITLE = "Web Check" STATUSKIT_COMPANY_LOGO = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lissy93/web-check/master/public/apple-touch-icon.png" STATUSKIT_SUPPORT_CONTACT_LINK = "https://github.com/lissy93/web-check" # Redirect the Node endpoints to serverless functions [[redirects]] from = "/api" to = "/.netlify/functions/web-check" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/find-url-ip" to = "/.netlify/functions/find-url-ip" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/lighthouse-report" to = "/.netlify/functions/lighthouse-report" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/ssl-check" to = "/.netlify/functions/ssl-check" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/get-headers" to = "/.netlify/functions/get-headers" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/get-cookies" to = "/.netlify/functions/get-cookies" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/get-dns" to = "/.netlify/functions/get-dns" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/read-robots-txt" to = "/.netlify/functions/read-robots-txt" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/follow-redirects" to = "/.netlify/functions/follow-redirects" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/get-txt" to = "/.netlify/functions/get-txt" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/server-status" to = "/.netlify/functions/server-status" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/check-ports" to = "/.netlify/functions/check-ports" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/trace-route" to = "/.netlify/functions/trace-route" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/get-carbon" to = "/.netlify/functions/get-carbon" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/site-features" to = "/.netlify/functions/site-features" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/dns-sec" to = "/.netlify/functions/dns-sec" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/check-hsts" to = "/.netlify/functions/check-hsts" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/whois-lookup" to = "/.netlify/functions/whois-lookup" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/dns-server" to = "/.netlify/functions/dns-server" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/tech-stack" to = "/.netlify/functions/tech-stack" status = 301 force = true [[redirects]] from = "/sitemap" to = "/.netlify/functions/sitemap" status = 301 force = true # For router history mode, ensure pages land on index [[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "/index.html" status = 200 # Set any security headers here [[headers]] for = "/*" [headers.values] # Uncomment to enable Netlify user control. Requires premium plan. # Basic-Auth = "someuser:somepassword anotheruser:anotherpassword"