# Build settings and site core config [build] base = "/" command = "yarn build" publish = "build" functions = "api" # Environmental variables and optional secrets [build.environment] PLATFORM = "netlify" # Build configuration env vars (uncomment if you want to conigure these) # CI="false" # Set CI to false, to prevent warnings from exiting the build # CHROME_PATH='/usr/bin/chromium' # Path to Chromium binary # NODE_VERSION = "16.16.0" # Set the version of Node.js to use # Optional secrets and API keys (uncomment if you want to add these) # GOOGLE_CLOUD_API_KEY='' # Google Cloud API key, for running Lighthouse scans # BUILT_WITH_API_KEY='' # BuiltWith API key, for detecting site features # REACT_APP_SHODAN_API_KEY='' # Shodan API key, for using Shodan scan API # REACT_APP_WHO_API_KEY='' # WhoAPI key, for iniiating client-side whois lookup # Redirect the /api/* path to the lambda functions [[redirects]] from = "/api/*" to = "/.netlify/functions/:splat" status = 301 force = true # For router history mode, ensure pages land on index [[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "/index.html" status = 200 # Plugins [[plugins]] package = "netlify-plugin-chromium" [plugins.inputs] packageManager = "yarn" # Set any security headers here [[headers]] for = "/*" [headers.values] # Uncomment to enable Netlify user control. Requires premium plan. # Basic-Auth = "someuser:somepassword anotheruser:anotherpassword"