WireGuard mesh configurator is a tool that will help you generating peer configuration files for wireguard mesh networks. You generate configuration files for a large amount of peers easily and quickly via this tool.
In this section, we will be going through how to configure a mesh network with the topology shown below using wireguard mesh configurator (this tool, **WGC**).
Launch the WGC interactive shell. This will be where you give instructions to WGC.
$ python3 wireguard_mesh_configurator.py int
Every profile in WGC contains a complete topology. To create a new mesh network, we start by creating a new profile. Once a profile is created, you will be prompted automatically to enroll new peers. This leads us to the next step.
Now that we have all the peers in the profile, it's time to export everything into wireguard configuration files. We can dump configuration files into a directory using the `GenerateConfigurations` command. The following command will dump all the configuration files into the `/tmp/wg` directory.
With the configuration files generated, all that's left to do is to copy the configuration files to the endpoints. Copy each configuration to the corresponding device with any method you like (sftp, ftps, plain copy & paste, etc.).
Put the configuration file to `/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf` is recommended, since it will make us able to use the `wg-quick` command for express configuration.
### Step 5: Enable WireGuard and Apply the Configuration
Lets tell wireguard to create an interface with this configuration and make it a service, so the interface will be created as system is booted up.
Run the `NewProfile` command to create a new profile.
[WGC]> NewProfile # Create new profile
Then the peer enrolling wizard will ask you for all the information needed for all the peers. Select `n` when being asked if you want to add a new peer to end the wizard.