#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Name: Database Manager Creator: K4YT3X Date Created: July 19, 2020 Last Modified: May 21, 2021 """ # built-in imports import contextlib import copy import json import pathlib import sys # third party imports with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): from prettytable import PrettyTable # local imports try: from wireguard import WireGuard except ImportError: from .wireguard import WireGuard INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES = [ "Address", "ListenPort", "FwMark", "PrivateKey", "DNS", "MTU", "Table", "PreUp", "PostUp", "PreDown", "PostDown", "SaveConfig", ] INTERFACE_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES = [ "ListenPort", "FwMark", "DNS", "MTU", "Table", "PreUp", "PostUp", "PreDown", "PostDown", "SaveConfig", ] PEER_ATTRIBUTES = [ "PublicKey", "PresharedKey", "AllowedIPs", "Endpoint", "PersistentKeepalive", ] PEER_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES = [ "PersistentKeepalive", ] class DatabaseManager: def __init__(self, database_path: pathlib.Path): self.database_path = database_path self.database_template = {"peers": {}} self.wireguard = WireGuard() def read_database(self): """read database file into dict Returns: dict: content of database file in dict format """ if not self.database_path.is_file(): return self.database_template with self.database_path.open(mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as database_file: return json.load(database_file) def write_database(self, data: dict): """dump data into database file Args: data (dict): content of database """ with self.database_path.open(mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as database_file: json.dump(data, database_file, indent=4) def addpeer( self, name: str, Address: list, Endpoint: str = None, AllowedIPs: list = None, ListenPort: int = None, PersistentKeepalive: int = None, FwMark: str = None, PrivateKey: str = None, DNS: str = None, MTU: int = None, Table: str = None, PreUp: str = None, PostUp: str = None, PreDown: str = None, PostDown: str = None, SaveConfig: bool = None, ): database = copy.deepcopy(self.database_template) database.update(self.read_database()) if name in database["peers"]: print(f"Peer with name {name} already exists") return database["peers"][name] = {} # if private key is not specified, generate one if locals().get("PrivateKey") is None: privatekey = self.wireguard.genkey() database["peers"][name]["PrivateKey"] = privatekey for key in INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES + PEER_ATTRIBUTES: if locals().get(key) is not None: database["peers"][name][key] = locals().get(key) self.write_database(database) def updatepeer( self, name: str, Address: list = None, Endpoint: str = None, AllowedIPs: list = None, ListenPort: int = None, PersistentKeepalive: int = None, FwMark: str = None, PrivateKey: str = None, DNS: str = None, MTU: int = None, Table: str = None, PreUp: str = None, PostUp: str = None, PreDown: str = None, PostDown: str = None, SaveConfig: bool = None, ): database = copy.deepcopy(self.database_template) database.update(self.read_database()) if name not in database["peers"]: print(f"Peer with name {name} does not exist") return for key in INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES + PEER_ATTRIBUTES: if locals().get(key) is not None: database["peers"][name][key] = locals().get(key) self.write_database(database) def delpeer(self, name: str): database = copy.deepcopy(self.database_template) database.update(self.read_database()) # abort if user doesn't exist if name not in database["peers"]: print(f"Peer with ID {name} does not exist") return database["peers"].pop(name, None) # write changes into database self.write_database(database) def showpeers(self, name: str, style: str = "table", simplify: bool = False): database = self.read_database() # if name is specified, show the specified peer if name is not None: if name not in database["peers"]: print(f"Peer with ID {name} does not exist") return peers = [name] # otherwise, show all peers else: peers = [p for p in database["peers"]] field_names = ["name"] # exclude all columns that only have None's in simplified mode if simplify is True: for peer in peers: for key in INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES + PEER_ATTRIBUTES: if ( database["peers"][peer].get(key) is not None and key not in field_names ): field_names.append(key) # include all columns by default else: field_names += INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTES + PEER_ATTRIBUTES # if the style is table # print with prettytable if style == "table": table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = field_names for peer in peers: table.add_row( [peer] + [ database["peers"][peer].get(k) if not isinstance(database["peers"][peer].get(k), list) else ",".join(database["peers"][peer].get(k)) for k in [i for i in table.field_names if i != "name"] ] ) print(table) # if the style is text # print in plaintext format elif style == "text": for peer in peers: print(f"{'peer': <14}{peer}") for key in field_names: print( f"{key: <14}{database['peers'][peer].get(key)}" ) if not isinstance( database["peers"][peer].get(key), list ) else print( f"{key: <14}{','.join(database['peers'][peer].get(key))}" ) print() def genconfig(self, name: str, output: pathlib.Path): database = self.read_database() # check if peer ID is specified if name is not None: peers = [name] else: peers = [p for p in database["peers"]] # check if output directory is valid # create output directory if it does not exist if output.exists() and not output.is_dir(): print( "Error: output path already exists and is not a directory", file=sys.stderr, ) raise FileExistsError elif not output.exists(): print(f"Creating output directory: {output}") output.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # for every peer in the database for peer in peers: with (output / f"{peer}.conf").open("w") as config: config.write("[Interface]\n") config.write("# Name: {}\n".format(peer)) config.write( "Address = {}\n".format( ", ".join(database["peers"][peer]["Address"]) ) ) config.write( "PrivateKey = {}\n".format(database["peers"][peer]["PrivateKey"]) ) for key in INTERFACE_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES: if database["peers"][peer].get(key) is not None: config.write( "{} = {}\n".format(key, database["peers"][peer][key]) ) # generate [Peer] sections for all other peers for p in [i for i in database["peers"] if i != peer]: config.write("\n[Peer]\n") config.write("# Name: {}\n".format(p)) config.write( "PublicKey = {}\n".format( self.wireguard.pubkey(database["peers"][p]["PrivateKey"]) ) ) if database["peers"][p].get("Endpoint") is not None: config.write( "Endpoint = {}:{}\n".format( database["peers"][p]["Endpoint"], database["peers"][p]["ListenPort"], ) ) if database["peers"][p].get("Address") is not None: if database["peers"][p].get("AllowedIPs") is not None: allowed_ips = ", ".join( database["peers"][p]["Address"] + database["peers"][p]["AllowedIPs"] ) else: allowed_ips = ", ".join(database["peers"][p]["Address"]) config.write("AllowedIPs = {}\n".format(allowed_ips)) for key in PEER_OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES: if database["peers"][p].get(key) is not None: config.write( "{} = {}\n".format(key, database["peers"][p][key]) )