# WireGuard Mesh Configurator ## 1.1.2 (October 15, 2018) 1. Added output path detection. 1. Added profile exporting path detection. 1. Ask user if a output directory should be made if it doesn't exist. ## 1.1.1 (October 15, 2018) 1. Added endpoint generation. 2. Added "ShowPeers" command to show current config. 3. Added "AddPeers" command to append peers to current config. ## Introduction WireGuard mesh configurator is a tool that will help you generating peer configuration files for wireguard mesh networks. You generate configuration files for a large amount of peers easily and quickly via this tool. ## Gallery ![new_profile](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21986859/46922682-bb7aaf80-cfda-11e8-812e-b2458009302a.png) *Creating a new mesh profile* ![save_load](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21986859/46922686-c9303500-cfda-11e8-9685-062a8a24ed27.png) *Saving and Loading Profiles* ![generated_configs](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21986859/46964450-17464680-d076-11e8-9306-bfe69a88c858.png) *Generated configuration files* ## Usages ### Installing WGC Clone the repository and enter it. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/K4YT3X/wireguard-mesh-configurator.git $ cd wireguard-mesh-configurator/ ``` Run the tool. ``` $ python3 wireguard_mesh_configurator.py interactive ``` or ``` $ python3 wireguard_mesh_configurator.py int ``` ### Creating a Profile Run the `NewProfile` command to create a new profile. ``` [WGC]> NewProfile # Create new profile ``` Then the peer enrolling wizard will ask you for all the information needed for all the peers. Select `n` when being asked if you want to add a new peer to end the wizard. ### Generating Configurations Run the following command to dump your currently-loaded profile into configuration files and export them to `output path`. ``` [WGC]> GenerateConfigurations [output path] ``` ### Viewing All Peers To view all the peers configurations in the current profile: ``` [WGC]> ShowPeers ``` ### Saving / Loading Profiles To save a profile: ``` [WGC]> SaveProfile [output path] ``` To load a profile: ``` [WGC]> LoadProfile [output path] ```