wchess: basic chess rules

This commit is contained in:
Fraxy V 2023-11-27 10:41:04 +02:00
parent a44b21bce0
commit 8f2d8eae10
5 changed files with 286 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ target_include_directories(libwchess
add_executable(test-chessboard test-chessboard.cpp Chessboard.cpp)

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "Chessboard.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 64> positions = {
"a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1", "f1", "g1", "h1",
@ -85,207 +87,197 @@ std::string Chessboard::stringifyBoard() {
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (auto p = board[i * 8 + j]; p) result.push_back(p->color == Piece::White ? whiteShort[p->type] : blackShort[p->type]);
else result.push_back('.');
else result.push_back((i + j) % 2 ? '.' : '*');
result.push_back(' ');
result.push_back('0' + i + 1);
return result;
std::vector<std::string_view> split(std::string_view str, char del) {
std::vector<std::string_view> res;
size_t cur = 0;
size_t last = 0;
while (cur != std::string::npos) {
if (str[last] == ' ') { // trim white
cur = str.find(del, last);
size_t len = cur == std::string::npos ? str.size() - last : cur - last;
res.emplace_back(str.data() + last, len);
last = cur + 1;
return res;
Chessboard::Piece::Types Chessboard::tokenToType(std::string_view token) {
auto it = std::find(pieceNames.begin(), pieceNames.end(), token);
return it != pieceNames.end() ? Piece::Types(it - pieceNames.begin()) : Piece::Taken;
size_t Chessboard::tokenToPos(std::string_view token) {
if (token.size() < 2) return positions.size();
int file = token[0] - 'a';
int rank = token[1] - '1';
int pos = rank * 8 + file;
if (pos < 0 || pos >= int(positions.size())) return positions.size();
return pos;
std::string Chessboard::process(const std::string& transcription) {
auto commands = split(transcription, ',');
// fixme: lookup depends on grammar
int count = m_moveCounter;
std::vector<Move> moves;
std::string result;
result.reserve(commands.size() * 6);
for (auto& command : commands) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Command '%s%.*s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", int(command.size()), command.data(), "\033[0m");
if (command.empty()) continue;
auto tokens = split(command, ' ');
Piece::Types type = Piece::Types::Taken;
size_t pos = positions.size();
if (tokens.size() == 1) {
type = Piece::Types::Pawn;
pos = tokenToPos(tokens[0]);
else if (tokens.size() == 3) {
type = tokenToType(tokens[0]);
assert(tokens[1] == "to");
pos = tokenToPos(tokens[2]);
if (type == Piece::Types::Taken || pos == positions.size()) continue;
auto& pieces = count % 2 ? blackPieces : whitePieces;
auto pieceIndex = 0u;
for (; pieceIndex < pieces.size(); ++pieceIndex) {
if (pieces[pieceIndex].type == type && validateMove(pieces[pieceIndex], pos)) break;
Move m = {pieces[pieceIndex].pos, pos};
if (pieceIndex < pieces.size() && move({m})) {
result.push_back(' ');
if (!result.empty()) result.pop_back();
m_moveCounter = count;
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Moves '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", result.data(), "\033[0m");
return result;
std::string Chessboard::processTranscription(const std::string& t) {
std::vector<std::string> moves;
size_t cur = 0;
size_t last = 0;
while (cur != std::string::npos) {
cur = t.find(',', last);
moves.push_back(t.substr(last, cur));
last = cur + 1;
// fixme: lookup depends on grammar
int count = m_moveCounter;
std::vector<Move> pendingMoves;
for (auto& move : moves) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Move '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", move.c_str(), "\033[0m");
if (move.empty()) continue;
auto pieceIndex = 0u;
for (; pieceIndex < pieceNames.size(); ++pieceIndex) {
if (std::string::npos != move.find(pieceNames[pieceIndex])) break;
auto posIndex = 0u;
for (; posIndex < positions.size(); ++posIndex) {
if (std::string::npos != move.find(positions[posIndex])) break;
if (pieceIndex >= pieceNames.size() || posIndex >= positions.size()) continue;
auto& pieces = count % 2 ? blackPieces : whitePieces;
auto type = Piece::Types(pieceIndex);
pieceIndex = 0;
for (; pieceIndex < pieces.size(); ++pieceIndex) {
if (pieces[pieceIndex].type == type && checkNext(pieces[pieceIndex], posIndex)) break;
if (pieceIndex < pieces.size()) {
pendingMoves.emplace_back(pieces[pieceIndex].pos, posIndex);
auto result = stringifyMoves(pendingMoves);
m_moveCounter = count;
return result;
bool Chessboard::validatePawnMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
int direction = color == Piece::White ? 1 : -1;
if (from_file == to_file) {
if (from_rank == to_rank - direction) return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr;
if (from_rank == to_rank - direction * 2) return board[(to_rank - direction) * 8 + to_file] == nullptr && board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr;
bool Chessboard::checkNext(const Piece& piece, int pos, bool kingCheck) {
if (piece.type == Piece::Taken) return false;
if (piece.pos == pos) return false;
int i = piece.pos / 8;
int j = piece.pos - i * 8;
int ii = pos / 8;
int jj = pos - ii * 8;
if (piece.type == Piece::Pawn) {
if (piece.color == Piece::White) {
int direction = piece.color == Piece::White ? 1 : -1;
if (j == jj) {
if (i == ii - direction) return board[pos] == nullptr;
if (i == ii - direction * 2) return board[(ii - direction) * 8 + jj] == nullptr && board[pos] == nullptr;
else if (j + 1 == jj || j - 1 == jj) {
if (i == ii - direction) return board[pos] != nullptr && board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Knight) {
int di = std::abs(i - ii);
int dj = std::abs(j - jj);
if ((di == 2 && dj == 1) || (di == 1 && dj == 2)) return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Bishop) {
if (i - j == ii - jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i + j == ii + jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Rook) {
if (i == ii) {
int direction = j < jj ? 1 : -1;
j += direction;
while (j != jj) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (j == jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Queen) {
if (i - j == ii - jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i + j == ii + jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i == ii) {
int direction = j < jj ? 1 : -1;
j += direction;
while (j != jj) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (j == jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::King) {
if (std::abs(i - ii) < 2 && std::abs(j - jj) < 2) {
auto& pieces = piece.color == Piece::White ? whitePieces : blackPieces;
for (auto& enemyPiece: pieces) {
if (!kingCheck && piece.type != Piece::Taken && checkNext(enemyPiece, pos, true)) return false;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
else if (from_file + 1 == to_file || from_file - 1 == to_file) {
if (from_rank == to_rank - direction) return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] != nullptr && board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
return false;
bool Chessboard::validateKnightMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
int dr = std::abs(from_rank - to_rank);
int df = std::abs(from_file - to_file);
if ((dr == 2 && df == 1) || (dr == 1 && df == 2)) return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
return false;
std::string Chessboard::stringifyMoves(const std::vector<Move>& pendingMoves) {
std::string res;
for (auto& m : pendingMoves) {
res.push_back(' ');
bool Chessboard::validateBishopMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
if (from_rank - from_file == to_rank - to_file) {
int direction = from_rank < to_rank ? 1 : -1;
from_rank += direction;
from_file += direction;
while (from_rank != to_rank) {
if (board[from_rank * 8 + from_file]) return false;
from_rank += direction;
from_file += direction;
if (!res.empty()) res.pop_back();
return res;
return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
void Chessboard::commitMoves(std::vector<Move>& pendingMoves) {
for (auto& m : pendingMoves) {
if (!board[m.first] || (board[m.second] && board[m.first]->type == board[m.second]->type)) continue;
if (board[m.second]) board[m.second]->type = Piece::Taken;
board[m.second] = board[m.first];
board[m.first] = nullptr;
if (from_rank + from_file == to_rank + to_file) {
int direction = from_rank < to_rank ? 1 : -1;
from_rank += direction;
from_file -= direction;
while (from_rank != to_rank) {
if (board[from_rank * 8 + from_file]) return false;
from_rank += direction;
from_file -= direction;
return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
return false;
bool Chessboard::validateRookMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
if (from_rank == to_rank) {
int direction = from_file < to_file ? 1 : -1;
from_file += direction;
while (from_file != to_file) {
if (board[from_rank * 8 + from_file]) return false;
from_file += direction;
return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
if (from_file == to_file) {
int direction = from_rank < to_rank ? 1 : -1;
from_rank += direction;
while (from_rank != to_rank) {
if (board[from_rank * 8 + from_file]) return false;
from_rank += direction;
return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
return false;
bool Chessboard::validateQueenMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
if (validateBishopMove(color, from_rank, from_file, to_rank, to_file)) return true;
return validateRookMove(color, from_rank, from_file, to_rank, to_file);
bool Chessboard::validateKingMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file) {
if (std::abs(from_rank - to_rank) < 2 && std::abs(from_file - to_file) < 2) {
return board[to_rank * 8 + to_file] == nullptr || board[to_rank * 8 + to_file]->color != color;
return false;
bool Chessboard::validateMove(const Piece& piece, int pos) {
if (piece.type == Piece::Taken) return false;
if (piece.pos == pos) return false;
int i = piece.pos / 8;
int j = piece.pos - i * 8;
int ii = pos / 8;
int jj = pos - ii * 8;
switch (piece.type) {
case Piece::Pawn: return validatePawnMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
case Piece::Knight: return validateKnightMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
case Piece::Bishop: return validateBishopMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
case Piece::Rook: return validateRookMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
case Piece::Queen: return validateQueenMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
case Piece::King: return validateKingMove(piece.color, i, j, ii, jj);
default: break;
return false;
bool Chessboard::move(const Move& m) {
if (!board[m.first] || (board[m.second] && board[m.first]->color == board[m.second]->color)) return false;
if (board[m.second]) board[m.second]->type = Piece::Taken;
board[m.second] = board[m.first];
board[m.first] = nullptr;
board[m.second]->pos = m.second;
return true;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
class Chessboard {
std::string processTranscription(const std::string& t);
std::string process(const std::string& t);
std::string stringifyBoard();
using Move = std::pair<int, int>;
std::string stringifyMoves(const std::vector<Move>&);
void commitMoves(std::vector<Move>&);
bool move(const Move& move);
struct Piece {
enum Types {
@ -34,14 +33,24 @@ private:
int pos;
Piece::Types tokenToType(std::string_view token);
size_t tokenToPos(std::string_view token);
using PieceSet = std::array<Piece, 16>;
PieceSet blackPieces;
PieceSet whitePieces;
int m_moveCounter;
int m_moveCounter = 0;
using Board = std::array<Piece*, 64>;
Board board;
bool checkNext(const Piece& piece, int pos, bool kingCheck = false);
bool validateMove(const Piece& piece, int pos);
// just basic validation
// fixme: missing en passant, castling, promotion, etc.
bool validatePawnMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);
bool validateKnightMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);
bool validateBishopMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);
bool validateRookMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);
bool validateQueenMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);
bool validateKingMove(Piece::Colors color, int from_rank, int from_file, int to_rank, int to_file);

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void WChess::run() {
if (!command.empty()) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#include "Chessboard.h"
#define ASSERT(x) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "ASSERT: %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
fflush(stderr); \
exit(1); \
} \
} while (0)
int main() {
// pawns
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to d4, e5, e3, pawn to d5") == "d2-d4 e7-e5 e2-e3 d7-d5");
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to d4") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to c5") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to d5") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to d3") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("pawn to f5") == ""); // wrong, white's turn
ASSERT(chess.process("h4") == "h2-h4");
ASSERT(chess.process("d4") == "e5-d4");
ASSERT(chess.process("e4") == "e3-e4");
ASSERT(chess.process("d4") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("e4") == "d5-e4");
// rook
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to a3") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("a4, h5, rook to a3, rook to h6") == "a2-a4 h7-h5 a1-a3 h8-h6");
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to d3, rook to e6") == "a3-d3 h6-e6");
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to d4, rook to e5") == "d3-d4 e6-e5");
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to a4") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to d8") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to d3") == "d4-d3");
ASSERT(chess.process("rook to e2") == "e5-e2");
// knight
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to c3, knight to c6") == "b1-c3 b8-c6");
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to c3") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to a2") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to b4") == ""); // wrong, white's turn
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to b5") == "c3-b5");
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to a5") == "c6-a5");
ASSERT(chess.process("knight to c7") == "b5-c7");
// bishop
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("b3, b6, bishop to b2, bishop to b7") == "b2-b3 b7-b6 c1-b2 c8-b7");
ASSERT(chess.process("bishop to a1") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("bishop to h8") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("bishop to a6") == ""); // wrong, white's turn
ASSERT(chess.process("bishop to g7") == "b2-g7");
// queen
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("queen to d8") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("queen to f1") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("queen to h5") == ""); // wrong
ASSERT(chess.process("e3, d5, queen to h5, queen to d6") == "e2-e3 d7-d5 d1-h5 d8-d6");
ASSERT(chess.process("queen to c5") == ""); // wrong, white's turn
ASSERT(chess.process("queen to f7") == "h5-f7");
// king
Chessboard chess;
ASSERT(chess.process("d3, d6, king to d2, king to d7, king to c3, king to c6, king to c4") == "d2-d3 d7-d6 e1-d2 e8-d7 d2-c3 d7-c6 c3-c4");
ASSERT(chess.process("bishop to e6") == "c8-e6");
ASSERT(chess.process("king to b3") == "c4-b3"); // !! check check not implemented