import SwiftUI import AVFoundation import Foundation struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var whisperState = WhisperState() var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { HStack { Button("Transcribe", action: { Task { await whisperState.transcribeSample() } }) .buttonStyle(.bordered) .disabled(!whisperState.canTranscribe) Button(whisperState.isRecording ? "Stop recording" : "Start recording", action: { Task { await whisperState.toggleRecord() } }) .buttonStyle(.bordered) .disabled(!whisperState.canTranscribe) } ScrollView { Text(verbatim: whisperState.messageLog) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading) } .font(.footnote) .padding() .background(Color.gray.opacity(0.1)) .cornerRadius(10) HStack { Button("Clear Logs", action: { whisperState.messageLog = "" }) .font(.footnote) .buttonStyle(.bordered) Button("Copy Logs", action: { UIPasteboard.general.string = whisperState.messageLog }) .font(.footnote) .buttonStyle(.bordered) Button("Bench", action: { Task { await whisperState.benchCurrentModel() } }) .font(.footnote) .buttonStyle(.bordered) .disabled(!whisperState.canTranscribe) Button("Bench All", action: { Task { await whisperState.bench(models: ModelsView.getDownloadedModels()) } }) .font(.footnote) .buttonStyle(.bordered) .disabled(!whisperState.canTranscribe) } NavigationLink(destination: ModelsView(whisperState: whisperState)) { Text("View Models") } .font(.footnote) .padding() } .navigationTitle("Whisper SwiftUI Demo") .padding() } } struct ModelsView: View { @ObservedObject var whisperState: WhisperState @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss private static let models: [Model] = [ Model(name: "tiny", info: "(F16, 75 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny.bin"), Model(name: "tiny-q5_1", info: "(31 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "tiny-q8_0", info: "(42 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "tiny.en", info: "(F16, 75 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny.en.bin"), Model(name: "tiny.en-q5_1", info: "(31 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny.en-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "tiny.en-q8_0", info: "(42 MiB)", url: "", filename: "tiny.en-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "base", info: "(F16, 142 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base.bin"), Model(name: "base-q5_1", info: "(57 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "base-q8_0", info: "(78 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "base.en", info: "(F16, 142 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base.en.bin"), Model(name: "base.en-q5_1", info: "(57 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base.en-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "base.en-q8_0", info: "(78 MiB)", url: "", filename: "base.en-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "small", info: "(F16, 466 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small.bin"), Model(name: "small-q5_1", info: "(181 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "small-q8_0", info: "(252 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "small.en", info: "(F16, 466 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small.en.bin"), Model(name: "small.en-q5_1", info: "(181 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small.en-q5_1.bin"), Model(name: "small.en-q8_0", info: "(252 MiB)", url: "", filename: "small.en-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "medium", info: "(F16, 1.5 GiB)", url: "", filename: "medium.bin"), Model(name: "medium-q5_0", info: "(514 MiB)", url: "", filename: "medium-q5_0.bin"), Model(name: "medium-q8_0", info: "(785 MiB)", url: "", filename: "medium-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "medium.en", info: "(F16, 1.5 GiB)", url: "", filename: "medium.en.bin"), Model(name: "medium.en-q5_0", info: "(514 MiB)", url: "", filename: "medium.en-q5_0.bin"), Model(name: "medium.en-q8_0", info: "(785 MiB)", url: "", filename: "medium.en-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "large-v1", info: "(F16, 2.9 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large.bin"), Model(name: "large-v2", info: "(F16, 2.9 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v2.bin"), Model(name: "large-v2-q5_0", info: "(1.1 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v2-q5_0.bin"), Model(name: "large-v2-q8_0", info: "(1.5 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v2-q8_0.bin"), Model(name: "large-v3", info: "(F16, 2.9 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v3.bin"), Model(name: "large-v3-q5_0", info: "(1.1 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v3-q5_0.bin"), Model(name: "large-v3-turbo", info: "(F16, 1.5 GiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v3-turbo.bin"), Model(name: "large-v3-turbo-q5_0", info: "(547 MiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v3-turbo-q5_0.bin"), Model(name: "large-v3-turbo-q8_0", info: "(834 MiB)", url: "", filename: "large-v3-turbo-q8_0.bin"), ] static func getDownloadedModels() -> [Model] { // Filter models that have been downloaded return models.filter { FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: $0.fileURL.path()) } } func loadModel(model: Model) { Task { dismiss() whisperState.loadModel(path: model.fileURL) } } var body: some View { List { Section(header: Text("Models")) { ForEach(ModelsView.models) { model in DownloadButton(model: model) .onLoad(perform: loadModel) } } } .listStyle(GroupedListStyle()) .navigationBarTitle("Models", displayMode: .inline).toolbar {} } } } //struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { // static var previews: some View { // ContentView() // } //}