#!/bin/bash # # Transcribe twitch.tv livestream by feeding audio input to whisper.cpp at regular intervals # Thanks to @keyehzy # ref: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/209 # # The script currently depends on the third-party tool "streamlink" # On Mac OS, you can install it via "brew install streamlink" # set -eo pipefail step=10 model=base.en threads=4 help() { echo "Example program for captioning a livestream from twitch.tv." echo echo "Usage: ./twitch.sh -s [step] -m [model] -t [threads] [url]" echo "options:" echo "-s Step in seconds (default is $step)." echo "-m Choose model, options are: 'tiny.en' 'tiny' 'base.en' 'base' 'small.en' 'small' 'medium.en' 'medium' 'large-v1' 'large-v2' 'large-v3' 'large-v3-turbo' (default is '$model')." echo "-t Number of threads to use." echo "-h Print this help page." echo } check_requirements() { if ! command -v ./main &>/dev/null; then echo "whisper.cpp main executable is required (make)" exit 1 fi if ! command -v streamlink &>/dev/null; then echo "streamlink is required (https://streamlink.github.io)" exit 1 fi if ! command -v ffmpeg &>/dev/null; then echo "ffmpeg is required (https://ffmpeg.org)" exit 1 fi } check_requirements while getopts ":s:m:t:h" option; do case $option in s) step=$OPTARG;; m) model=$OPTARG;; t) threads=$OPTARG;; h) help exit;; \?) help exit;; esac done url=${@:$OPTIND:1} if [ -z $url ]; then help exit fi echo "Piping from streamlink url=$url model=$model step=$step threads=$threads" streamlink $url best -O 2>/dev/null | ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i - -y -probesize 32 -y -ar 16000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le /tmp/whisper-live0.wav & if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf "error: ffmpeg failed\n" exit 1 fi echo "Buffering stream... (this should take $step seconds)" sleep $(($step)) set +e echo "Starting..." i=0 SECONDS=0 while true do err=1 while [ $err -ne 0 ]; do if [ $i -gt 0 ]; then ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -v error -noaccurate_seek -i /tmp/whisper-live0.wav -y -ss $(($i*$step-1)).5 -t $step -c copy /tmp/whisper-live.wav 2> /tmp/whisper-live.err else ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -v error -noaccurate_seek -i /tmp/whisper-live0.wav -y -ss $(($i*$step)) -t $step -c copy /tmp/whisper-live.wav 2> /tmp/whisper-live.err fi err=$(cat /tmp/whisper-live.err | wc -l) done ./main -t $threads -m ./models/ggml-$model.bin -f /tmp/whisper-live.wav --no-timestamps -otxt 2> /tmp/whispererr | tail -n 1 while [ $SECONDS -lt $((($i+1)*$step)) ]; do sleep 1 done ((i=i+1)) done