# talk

Talk with an Artificial Intelligence in your terminal

[Demo Talk](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1991296/206805012-48e71cc2-588d-4745-8798-c1c70ea3b40d.mp4)

Web version: [examples/talk.wasm](/examples/talk.wasm)

## Building

The `talk` tool depends on SDL2 library to capture audio from the microphone. You can build it like this:

# Install SDL2
# On Debian based linux distributions:
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

# On Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install SDL2 SDL2-devel

# Install SDL2 on Mac OS
brew install sdl2

# Build the "talk" executable
make talk

# Run it
./talk -p Santa

## GPT-2

To run this, you will need a ggml GPT-2 model: [instructions](https://github.com/ggerganov/ggml/tree/master/examples/gpt-2#downloading-and-converting-the-original-models)

Alternatively, you can simply download the smallest ggml GPT-2 117M model (240 MB) like this:

wget --quiet --show-progress -O models/ggml-gpt-2-117M.bin https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/ggml/resolve/main/ggml-model-gpt-2-117M.bin

## TTS

For best experience, this example needs a TTS tool to convert the generated text responses to voice.
You can use any TTS engine that you would like - simply edit the [speak](speak) script to your needs.
By default, it is configured to use MacOS's `say` or `espeak` or Windows SpeechSynthesizer, but you can use whatever you wish.