Tong Li 54a08bde29
examples : add whisper.android.java for compatibility with older Android versions using Java (#1382)
* save the recorded audio to a file

* Alignment -help

* Save the correct audio

* chage to a consistent coding style

* Correct typo

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* Correct variable misuse

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* Update examples/stream/stream.cpp

* add *.bin .cxx/ .gradle/ cmake-build-debug/ to gitignore

* add whisper.android.java

* Added support for older versions of Android of Java

* add examples for android java

* add README.md for android java

* add fullTranscribeWithTime

* 增加 toString()方法和测试

* change return type to void

* update to v1.4.1

* add WhisperService

* chage to whisper_full_get_segment_t1

* add method transcribeDataWithTime

* modified toString
return "[" + start + " --> " + end + "]:" + sentence;

* Optimize code logic

* update text view on handle

* set max lines

* change Chinese to English

* Update bindings/java/build.gradle

* Update .gitignore

* add android.java to github action

* chage android.java to   android_java in build.yml

* remove gradle

* chage jdk to temurin in android_java of CI

* chage jdk to temurin 11 in android_java of CI

* add x to gradlew

* set api-level for android_java of CI

* Update examples/whisper.android.java/app/src/main/jni/whisper/CMakeLists.txt

* add ndk version in build.gradle

* remove local.properties

* add testFullTranscribeWithTime


Co-authored-by: litongmacos <litongjava@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: bobqianic <129547291+bobqianic@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-11-12 18:31:58 +02:00

19 lines
1.1 KiB

# Project-wide Gradle settings.
# IDE (e.g. Android Studio) users:
# Gradle settings configured through the IDE *will override*
# any settings specified in this file.
# For more details on how to configure your build environment visit
# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/build_environment.html
# Specifies the JVM arguments used for the daemon process.
# The setting is particularly useful for tweaking memory settings.
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
# When configured, Gradle will run in incubating parallel mode.
# This option should only be used with decoupled projects. More details, visit
# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/multi_project_builds.html#sec:decoupled_projects
# org.gradle.parallel=true
# AndroidX package structure to make it clearer which packages are bundled with the
# Android operating system, and which are packaged with your app"s APK
# https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/support-library/androidx-rn
# Automatically convert third-party libraries to use AndroidX