############ # Settings # ############ image: docker:24.0.6 services: - docker:24.0.6-dind stages: - readme - revert - build - test - manifest variables: BASE_TAG: "{{ BASE_TAG }}" USE_PRIVATE_IMAGES: {{ USE_PRIVATE_IMAGES }} KASM_RELEASE: "{{ KASM_RELEASE }}" DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" TEST_INSTALLER: "{{ TEST_INSTALLER }}" before_script: - docker login --username $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD - export SANITIZED_BRANCH="$(echo $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | sed -r 's#^release/##' | sed 's/\//_/g')" ############################################### # Build Containers and push to cache endpoint # ############################################### {% for IMAGE in multiImages %} build_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: build script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/build.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "{{ IMAGE.base }}" "{{ IMAGE.dockerfile }}" {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING tags: - ${TAG} retry: 1 parallel: matrix: - TAG: [ oci-fixed-amd, oci-fixed-arm ] {% endfor %} {% for IMAGE in singleImages %} build_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: build script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/build.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "{{ IMAGE.base }}" "{{ IMAGE.dockerfile }}" {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING tags: - oci-fixed-amd retry: 1 {% endfor %} ###################################### # Test containers and upload results # ###################################### {% for IMAGE in multiImages %} test_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: test when: always script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/test.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "{{ IMAGE.base }}" "{{ IMAGE.dockerfile }}" "${ARCH}" "${EC2_LAUNCHER_ID}" "${EC2_LAUNCHER_SECRET}" {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING needs: - build_{{ IMAGE.name }} when: on_success tags: - oci-fixed-amd retry: 1 parallel: matrix: - ARCH: [ "x86_64", "aarch64" ] {% endfor %} {% for IMAGE in singleImages %} test_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: test when: always script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/test.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "{{ IMAGE.base }}" "{{ IMAGE.dockerfile }}" "x86_64" "${EC2_LAUNCHER_ID}" "${EC2_LAUNCHER_SECRET}" {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING needs: - build_{{ IMAGE.name }} when: on_success tags: - oci-fixed-amd retry: 1 {% endfor %} ############################################ # Manifest Containers if their test passed # ############################################ {% for IMAGE in multiImages %} manifest_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: manifest when: always script: - apk add bash tar - bash ci-scripts/manifest.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "multi"{% if IMAGE.singleapp %} - bash ci-scripts/app-layer.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "multi" "{{ IMAGE.base }}"{% endif %} {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING needs: - test_{{ IMAGE.name }} when: on_success tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %} {% for IMAGE in singleImages %} manifest_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: manifest when: always script: - apk add bash tar - bash ci-scripts/manifest.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "single"{% if IMAGE.singleapp %} - bash ci-scripts/app-layer.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "single" "{{ IMAGE.base }}"{% endif %} {% if FILE_LIMITS %}only: changes: {% for FILE in files %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% for FILE in IMAGE.changeFiles %}- {{ FILE }} {% endfor %}{% endif %} except: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING needs: - test_{{ IMAGE.name }} when: on_success tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %} #################### # Helper Functions # #################### ## Update Readmes ## {% for IMAGE in multiImages %} update_readmes_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: readme script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/readme.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" only: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %} {% for IMAGE in singleImages %} update_readmes_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: readme script: - apk add bash - bash ci-scripts/readme.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" only: variables: - $README_USERNAME - $README_PASSWORD tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %} ## Revert Images to specific build id ## {% for IMAGE in multiImages %} dockerhub_revert_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: revert script: - /bin/bash ci-scripts/manifest.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "multi" "${DOCKERHUB_REVERT}" "${REVERT_IS_ROLLING}" only: variables: - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %} {% for IMAGE in singleImages %} dockerhub_revert_{{ IMAGE.name }}: stage: revert script: - /bin/bash ci-scripts/manifest.sh "{{ IMAGE.name }}" "single" "${DOCKERHUB_REVERT}" "${REVERT_IS_ROLLING}" only: variables: - $DOCKERHUB_REVERT - $REVERT_IS_ROLLING tags: - oci-fixed-amd {% endfor %}