Usage: $ curl # current location $ curl # weather in the Munich airport Supported location types: /paris # city name /~Eiffel+tower # any location (+ for spaces) /Москва # Unicode name of any location in any language /muc # airport code (3 letters) / # domain name /94107 # area codes /-78.46,106.79 # GPS coordinates Moon phase information: /moon # Moon phase (add ,+US or ,+France for these cities) /moon@2016-10-25 # Moon phase for the date (@2016-10-25) Units: m # metric (SI) (used by default everywhere except US) u # USCS (used by default in US) M # show wind speed in m/s View options: 0 # only current weather 1 # current weather + today's forecast 2 # current weather + today's + tomorrow's forecast A # ignore User-Agent and force ANSI output format (terminal) F # do not show the "Follow" line n # narrow version (only day and night) q # quiet version (no "Weather report" text) Q # superquiet version (no "Weather report", no city name) T # switch terminal sequences off (no colors) PNG options: /paris.png # generate a PNG file p # add frame around the output t # transparency 150 transparency=... # transparency from 0 to 255 (255 = not transparent) background=... # background color in form RRGGBB, e.g. 00aaaa Options can be combined: /Paris?0pq /Paris?0pq&lang=fr /Paris_0pq.png # in PNG the file mode are specified after _ /Rome_0pq_lang=it.png # long options are separated with underscore Localization: $ curl $ curl $ curl -H "Accept-Language: fr" Supported languages: FULL_TRANSLATION (supported) PARTIAL_TRANSLATION (in progress) Special URLs: /:help # show this page /:bash.function # show recommended bash function wttr() /:translation # show the information about the translators