diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 index cb15baaec..4b04402cb 100644 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 +++ b/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ARG OPENSSL_VERSION=3.1.5 ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.22.3 ARG SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION=2405 -ARG MSYSTEM=UCRT64 +ARG MSYSTEM=MINGW64 ARG BUILD_ARCH=x64 ARG CPU_MODEL=AMD64 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.15 ARG GIT_URL=https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.33.0.windows.2/MinGit- ARG SEVEN_ZIP_URL=https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z$SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION-$BUILD_ARCH.msi -ARG MINGW_URL=https://github.com/niXman/mingw-builds-binaries/releases/download/13.2.0-rt_v11-rev1/x86_64-13.2.0-release-win32-seh-ucrt-rt_v11-rev1.7z +ARG MINGW_URL=https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-win32/sjlj/x86_64-8.1.0-release-win32-sjlj-rt_v6-rev0.7z ARG VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL=https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe ARG GOLANG_URL=https://go.dev/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip ARG MSYS2_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/msys2/msys2-installer/releases/latest @@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` }; ` ` Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:MINGW_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\mingw.7z -Uri $env:MINGW_URL; ` + (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("""$env:MINGW_URL""","""$env:TEMP\mingw.7z"""); ` ` - $sha256 = '74ca64c55220edd3196681782fbff653c2b9cb4f427f9e532ab6e9a0823dc997'; ` + $sha256 = 'e8c65ddc655534b0330f66f7b480565621e8617cda9937d76ba141a22bf3b2fa'; ` $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\mingw.7z -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` & $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -y -o"""$env:SystemDrive\""" | Out-Null; ` bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --sync --quiet --noconfirm mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-cmake'; ` + bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --sync --quiet --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake'; ` bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Scc'; ` bash -lc 'rm -rf /usr/share/man/* /usr/share/doc/* /usr/share/locale/*'; ` bash -lc 'rm -rf /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/man/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/doc/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/locale/*'; ` diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 deleted file mode 100644 index 7d33d20b1..000000000 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ -# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 -# escape=` -ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2022 -FROM $BUILD_BASE_IMAGE as builder_base - -ARG PCRE2_VERSION=10.43 -ARG OPENSSL_VERSION=3.1.5 -ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.22.3 - -ARG MSYSTEM=CLANG64 - -ARG BUILD_ARCH=x64 -ARG CPU_MODEL=AMD64 - -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 - -ARG GIT_URL=https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.33.0.windows.2/MinGit- - -ARG VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL=https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe -ARG GOLANG_URL=https://go.dev/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip -ARG MSYS2_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/msys2/msys2-installer/releases/latest - -ARG PCRE2_URL=https://github.com/PhilipHazel/pcre2/releases/download/pcre2-$PCRE2_VERSION/pcre2-$PCRE2_VERSION.zip -ARG OPENSSL_URL=https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$OPENSSL_VERSION.tar.gz - -ENV ZBX_VERSION=$ZBX_VERSION ` - BUILD_ARCH=$BUILD_ARCH CPU_MODEL=$CPU_MODEL ` - GIT_URL=$GIT_URL ` - GOLANG_VERSION=$GOLANG_VERSION MSYS2_URL=$MSYS2_URL ` - PCRE2_VERSION=$PCRE2_VERSION OPENSSL_VERSION=$OPENSSL_VERSION ` - PCRE2_URL=$PCRE2_URL OPENSSL_URL=$OPENSSL_URL ` - CHERE_INVOKING=yes MSYSTEM=$MSYSTEM - -LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Zabbix agent 2 build base for Windows" ` - org.opencontainers.image.authors="Alexey Pustovalov " ` - org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Zabbix SIA" ` - org.opencontainers.image.url="https://zabbix.com/" ` - org.opencontainers.image.description="Zabbix build base image contains all required packages to build Zabbix agent 2 images" ` - org.opencontainers.image.licenses="GPL v2.0" ` - org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${MAJOR_VERSION}/manual/installation/containers" ` - org.opencontainers.image.version="${ZBX_VERSION}" - -SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] - -RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; ` - ` - $env:PATH = [string]::Format('{0}\mingw64\bin;{0}\go\bin;{0}\git\cmd;{0}\git\mingw64\bin;{0}\git\usr\bin;{1}\7-Zip;', $env:SystemDrive, ${env:ProgramFiles}) + $env:PATH; ` - $env:PATH = $env:PATH + [string]::Format(';{0}\msys64\usr\bin;{0}\msys64\{1}\bin', $env:SystemDrive, $env:MSYSTEM.ToLower()); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - $env:BUILD_OUTPUT = [string]::Format('{0}\build_output', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_OUTPUT', $env:BUILD_OUTPUT, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - $env:BUILD_SRC = [string]::Format('{0}\build_src', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_SRC', $env:BUILD_SRC, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GIT_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\git.zip -Uri $env:GIT_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '273f55e881094d00877d64f56570b0c997c4da5dedcb26738d56481033c1eba1'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\git.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum GIT for Windows ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GOLANG_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Uri $env:GOLANG_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = 'cab2af6951a6e2115824263f6df13ff069c47270f5788714fa1d776f7f60cb39'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum Go Lang ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:MSYS2_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -Uri $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $env:MSYS2_URL | ` - Select -ExpandProperty "assets" | ` - Select -ExpandProperty "browser_download_url" | ` - Select-String -Pattern '.sfx.exe$').ToString(); ` - ` - $sha256 = 'D96C53ECBFA4B9D81F6C58077965BB2E31472A8BDA4D4446EF8F45F9C601B11D'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ((Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -Algorithm sha256).Hash -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum MSYS2 ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` -# exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing GIT...'; ` - Expand-Archive ` - -Path $env:TEMP\git.zip ` - -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\git\.; ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("git version") ...'; ` - git version; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing Go Lang...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("go version") ...'; ` - go version; ` - ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing MSYS2...'; ` - & $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -y -o"""$env:SystemDrive\""" | Out-Null; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --sync --quiet --noconfirm mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-gcc-compat mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-make'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Scc'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /usr/share/man/* /usr/share/doc/* /usr/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/man/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/doc/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /$MSYSTEM/share/man/* /$MSYSTEM/share/doc/* /$MSYSTEM/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*'; ` - taskkill /F /FI 'MODULES eq msys-2.0.dll' | Out-Null; ` - compact /c /i /s:$env:SystemDrive\msys64 | Out-Null; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("bash --version") ...'; ` - bash --version; ` - ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installing...' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - cmd /C start /w $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe ` - --quiet ` - --wait ` - --norestart ` - --nocache ` - --installPath """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools""" ` - --channelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --installChannelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --channelId VisualStudio.17.Release ` - # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/workload-component-id-vs-build-tools?view=vs-2022 - --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64; ` - if ($err = dir $Env:TEMP -Filter dd_setup_*_errors.log | where Length -gt 0 | Get-Content) { ` - throw $err; ` - }; ` - Wait-Process -name msiexec; ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installed' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - ` - $env:VS_PATH = &(Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} """\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe""") -latest -products Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools -property installationPath; ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('VS_PATH', $env:VS_PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host 'Visual Studio components installation cleanup'; ` - Get-ChildItem -Path """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer""" -Directory -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $env:TEMP\*; ` - Write-Host 'Build environment is ready...'; ` - ` - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; ` - ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT -Force | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:BUILD_SRC -Force | Out-Null; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:PCRE2_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -Uri $env:PCRE2_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = 'F2816E84DD7A402068797501BF69E24ECA18D882ADB2143DE9F831F39B850257'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum PCRE2 library ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:OPENSSL_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz -Uri $env:OPENSSL_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '6ae015467dabf0469b139ada93319327be24b98251ffaeceda0221848dc09262'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum OpenSSL library ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Extracting PCRE2 archive ...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -DestinationPath $env:BUILD_SRC; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded ...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Path $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip; ` - Rename-Item -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2-$env:PCRE2_VERSION -NewName $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Extracting OpenSSL archive ...'; ` - $env:SystemDirectory = [Environment]::SystemDirectory; ` - tar -zxf "$env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz"; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Path $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz; ` - Rename-Item -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl-$env:OPENSSL_VERSION -NewName $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Building PCRE2 library ...'; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2; ` - cmake --log-level=ERROR ` - -G 'MinGW Makefiles' ` - -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF ` - -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON ` - -DPCRE2_DEBUG=OFF ` - -DPCRE2_BUILD_TESTS=OFF ` - -DINSTALL_MSVC_PDB=OFF ` - -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc ` - -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-O2 -g' ` - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="""$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2""" . ; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"""; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" install; ` - mingw32-make -s clean | Out-Null; ` - Remove-Item -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\man -Force -Recurse; ` - Remove-Item -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\share -Force -Recurse; ` - Write-Host 'PCRE2 is ready...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Building OpenSSL library...'; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl; ` - perl Configure ` - mingw64 ` - no-shared ` - no-ui-console ` - no-tests ` - no-unit-test ` - no-capieng ` - --api=1.1.0 ` - --libdir=lib ` - --prefix=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT/openssl ` - --openssldir=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT/openssl_ssl; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" build_sw; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" install_dev; ` - mingw32-make -s clean | Out-Null; ` - Write-Host 'OpenSSL is ready...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $env:TEMP\*; diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_msvcrt.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_msvcrt.agent2 deleted file mode 100644 index 3e2a55526..000000000 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_msvcrt.agent2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@ -# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 -# escape=` -ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2022 -FROM $BUILD_BASE_IMAGE as builder_base - -ARG PCRE2_VERSION=10.43 -ARG OPENSSL_VERSION=3.1.5 -ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.22.3 -ARG SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION=2405 - -ARG MSYSTEM=MINGW64 - -ARG BUILD_ARCH=x64 -ARG CPU_MODEL=AMD64 - -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 - -ARG GIT_URL=https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.33.0.windows.2/MinGit- -ARG SEVEN_ZIP_URL=https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z$SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION-$BUILD_ARCH.msi - -ARG MINGW_URL=https://github.com/niXman/mingw-builds-binaries/releases/download/13.2.0-rt_v11-rev1/x86_64-13.2.0-release-win32-seh-msvcrt-rt_v11-rev1.7z -ARG VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL=https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe -ARG GOLANG_URL=https://go.dev/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip -ARG MSYS2_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/msys2/msys2-installer/releases/latest - -ARG PCRE2_URL=https://github.com/PhilipHazel/pcre2/releases/download/pcre2-$PCRE2_VERSION/pcre2-$PCRE2_VERSION.zip -ARG OPENSSL_URL=https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$OPENSSL_VERSION.tar.gz - -ENV ZBX_VERSION=$ZBX_VERSION ` - BUILD_ARCH=$BUILD_ARCH CPU_MODEL=$CPU_MODEL ` - GIT_URL=$GIT_URL SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION=$SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION ` - MINGW_URL=$MINGW_URL VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL=$VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL GOLANG_VERSION=$GOLANG_VERSION MSYS2_URL=$MSYS2_URL ` - PCRE2_VERSION=$PCRE2_VERSION OPENSSL_VERSION=$OPENSSL_VERSION ` - PCRE2_URL=$PCRE2_URL OPENSSL_URL=$OPENSSL_URL ` - CHERE_INVOKING=yes MSYSTEM=$MSYSTEM - -LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Zabbix agent 2 build base for Windows" ` - org.opencontainers.image.authors="Alexey Pustovalov " ` - org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Zabbix SIA" ` - org.opencontainers.image.url="https://zabbix.com/" ` - org.opencontainers.image.description="Zabbix build base image contains all required packages to build Zabbix agent 2 images" ` - org.opencontainers.image.licenses="GPL v2.0" ` - org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${MAJOR_VERSION}/manual/installation/containers" ` - org.opencontainers.image.version="${ZBX_VERSION}" - -SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] - -RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; ` - ` - $env:PATH = [string]::Format('{0}\mingw64\bin;{0}\go\bin;{0}\git\cmd;{0}\git\mingw64\bin;{0}\git\usr\bin;{1}\7-Zip;', $env:SystemDrive, ${env:ProgramFiles}) + $env:PATH; ` - $env:PATH = $env:PATH + [string]::Format(';{0}\msys64\usr\bin;{0}\msys64\{1}\bin', $env:SystemDrive, $env:MSYSTEM.ToLower()); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - $env:BUILD_OUTPUT = [string]::Format('{0}\build_output', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_OUTPUT', $env:BUILD_OUTPUT, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - $env:BUILD_SRC = [string]::Format('{0}\build_src', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_SRC', $env:BUILD_SRC, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GIT_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\git.zip -Uri $env:GIT_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '273f55e881094d00877d64f56570b0c997c4da5dedcb26738d56481033c1eba1'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\git.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum GIT for Windows ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:SEVEN_ZIP_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\7z.msi -Uri $env:SEVEN_ZIP_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '0F6AA6596D418B1694F62C8583DE05D24589B8D7FFACCE5A7DAB52AE71F832B6'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\7z.msi -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum 7-zip ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GOLANG_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Uri $env:GOLANG_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = 'cab2af6951a6e2115824263f6df13ff069c47270f5788714fa1d776f7f60cb39'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum Go Lang ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:MINGW_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\mingw.7z -Uri $env:MINGW_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '15B914F38F2F2E2D6F7B9B8425FF22B7E406878B01920190B09CE0DD8259C6AA'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\mingw.7z -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum Mingw-w64 ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:MSYS2_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -Uri $(Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $env:MSYS2_URL | ` - Select -ExpandProperty "assets" | ` - Select -ExpandProperty "browser_download_url" | ` - Select-String -Pattern '.sfx.exe$').ToString(); ` - ` - $sha256 = 'D96C53ECBFA4B9D81F6C58077965BB2E31472A8BDA4D4446EF8F45F9C601B11D'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum MSYS2 ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` -# exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing GIT...'; ` - Expand-Archive ` - -Path $env:TEMP\git.zip ` - -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\git\.; ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("git version") ...'; ` - git version; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing 7z...'; ` - Start-Process ` - -FilePath $env:TEMP\7z.msi ` - -Wait ` - -ArgumentList '/qn /norestart'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("7z -h") ...'; ` - 7z -h | Select -first 2; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing Go Lang...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("go version") ...'; ` - go version; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing Mingw-w64...'; ` - 7z x $env:TEMP\mingw.7z; ` - compact /c /i /s:$env:SystemDrive\mingw64 | Out-Null; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("gcc -v") ...'; ` - gcc -v; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing MSYS2...'; ` - & $env:TEMP\msys2.sfx.exe -y -o"""$env:SystemDrive\""" | Out-Null; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Syuu'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --sync --quiet --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake'; ` - bash -lc 'pacman --noprogressbar --noconfirm -Scc'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /usr/share/man/* /usr/share/doc/* /usr/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/man/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/doc/* /$MSYSTEM/usr/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /$MSYSTEM/share/man/* /$MSYSTEM/share/doc/* /$MSYSTEM/share/locale/*'; ` - bash -lc 'rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*'; ` - taskkill /F /FI 'MODULES eq msys-2.0.dll' | Out-Null; ` - compact /c /i /s:$env:SystemDrive\msys64 | Out-Null; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("bash --version") ...'; ` - bash --version; ` - ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installing...' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - cmd /C start /w $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe ` - --quiet ` - --wait ` - --norestart ` - --nocache ` - --installPath """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools""" ` - --channelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --installChannelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --channelId VisualStudio.17.Release ` - # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/workload-component-id-vs-build-tools?view=vs-2022 - --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64; ` - if ($err = dir $Env:TEMP -Filter dd_setup_*_errors.log | where Length -gt 0 | Get-Content) { ` - throw $err; ` - }; ` - Wait-Process -name msiexec; ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installed' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - ` - $env:VS_PATH = &(Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} """\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe""") -latest -products Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools -property installationPath; ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('VS_PATH', $env:VS_PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host 'Visual Studio components installation cleanup'; ` - Get-ChildItem -Path """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer""" -Directory -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $env:TEMP\*; ` - Write-Host 'Build environment is ready...'; ` - ` - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; ` - ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT -Force | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:BUILD_SRC -Force | Out-Null; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:PCRE2_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -Uri $env:PCRE2_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = 'F2816E84DD7A402068797501BF69E24ECA18D882ADB2143DE9F831F39B850257'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum PCRE2 library ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:OPENSSL_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz -Uri $env:OPENSSL_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '6ae015467dabf0469b139ada93319327be24b98251ffaeceda0221848dc09262'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum OpenSSL library ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Extracting PCRE2 archive ...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip -DestinationPath $env:BUILD_SRC; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded ...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Path $env:TEMP\pcre2.zip; ` - Rename-Item -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2-$env:PCRE2_VERSION -NewName $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Extracting OpenSSL archive ...'; ` - $env:SystemDirectory = [Environment]::SystemDirectory; ` - tar -zxf "$env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz"; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Path $env:TEMP\openssl.tar.gz; ` - Rename-Item -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl-$env:OPENSSL_VERSION -NewName $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Building PCRE2 library ...'; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\pcre2; ` - cmake --log-level=ERROR ` - -G 'MinGW Makefiles' ` - -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF ` - -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON ` - -DPCRE2_DEBUG=OFF ` - -DPCRE2_BUILD_TESTS=OFF ` - -DINSTALL_MSVC_PDB=OFF ` - -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc ` - -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-O2 -g' ` - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="""$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2""" . ; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"""; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" install; ` - mingw32-make -s clean | Out-Null; ` - Remove-Item -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\man -Force -Recurse; ` - Remove-Item -Path $env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\share -Force -Recurse; ` - Write-Host 'PCRE2 is ready...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Building OpenSSL library...'; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:BUILD_SRC\openssl; ` - perl Configure ` - mingw64 ` - no-shared ` - no-ui-console ` - no-tests ` - no-unit-test ` - no-capieng ` - --api=1.1.0 ` - --libdir=lib ` - --prefix=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT/openssl ` - --openssldir=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT/openssl_ssl; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" build_sw; ` - mingw32-make -s -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" install_dev; ` - mingw32-make -s clean | Out-Null; ` - Write-Host 'OpenSSL is ready...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $env:TEMP\*; diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 deleted file mode 100644 index 62d54d030..000000000 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-base/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 -# escape=` -ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2022 -FROM $BUILD_BASE_IMAGE as builder_base - -ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.22.3 - -ARG BUILD_ARCH=x64 -ARG CPU_MODEL=AMD64 - -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 - -ARG GIT_URL=https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.33.0.windows.2/MinGit- - -ARG VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL=https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe -ARG GOLANG_URL=https://go.dev/dl/go$GOLANG_VERSION.windows-amd64.zip -ARG LLVM_MINGW=https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw/releases/download/20240502/llvm-mingw-20240502-ucrt-x86_64.zip -ARG VCPKG_GIT=https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg - -ENV ZBX_VERSION=$ZBX_VERSION ` - BUILD_ARCH=$BUILD_ARCH CPU_MODEL=$CPU_MODEL ` - GIT_URL=$GIT_URL ` - GOLANG_VERSION=$GOLANG_VERSION LLVM_MINGW=$LLVM_MINGW VCPKG_GIT=$VCPKG_GIT ` - VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES=clear VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=$BUILD_ARCH-mingw-static-release - -LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Zabbix agent 2 build base for Windows" ` - org.opencontainers.image.authors="Alexey Pustovalov " ` - org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Zabbix SIA" ` - org.opencontainers.image.url="https://zabbix.com/" ` - org.opencontainers.image.description="Zabbix build base image contains all required packages to build Zabbix agent 2 images" ` - org.opencontainers.image.licenses="GPL v2.0" ` - org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${MAJOR_VERSION}/manual/installation/containers" ` - org.opencontainers.image.version="${ZBX_VERSION}" - -SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] - -RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; ` - ` - $env:PATH = [string]::Format('{0}\vcpkg;{0}\llvm_mingw\bin;{0}\go\bin;{0}\git\cmd;{0}\git\mingw64\bin;{0}\git\usr\bin;', $env:SystemDrive, ${env:ProgramFiles}) + $env:PATH; ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - $env:BUILD_OUTPUT = [string]::Format('{0}\build_output', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_OUTPUT', $env:BUILD_OUTPUT, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - $env:BUILD_SRC = [string]::Format('{0}\build_src', $env:SystemDrive); ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('BUILD_SRC', $env:BUILD_SRC, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GIT_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\git.zip -Uri $env:GIT_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = '273f55e881094d00877d64f56570b0c997c4da5dedcb26738d56481033c1eba1'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\git.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum GIT for Windows ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:GOLANG_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Uri $env:GOLANG_URL; ` - ` - $sha256 = 'cab2af6951a6e2115824263f6df13ff069c47270f5788714fa1d776f7f60cb39'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ($d_sha256 -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum Go Lang ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:LLVM_MINGW); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\llvm_mingw.zip -Uri $env:LLVM_MINGW; ` - ` - $sha256 = '2487683A7341FFA4D0C1D107268D22DC722A43EA2E7C7F46DA0648E34F4F4C8B'; ` - $d_sha256 = (Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\llvm_mingw.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash; ` - Write-Host ('Verifying SHA256 ({0}) ...' -f $sha256); ` - if ((Get-FileHash $env:TEMP\llvm_mingw.zip -Algorithm sha256).Hash -ne $sha256) { ` - Write-Host ('Checksum LLVM MinGW ({0}) failed!' -f $d_sha256); ` - exit 1; ` - }; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL); ` - Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe $env:VS_BUILDTOOLS_URL; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing GIT...'; ` - Expand-Archive ` - -Path $env:TEMP\git.zip ` - -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\git\.; ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded...'; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("git version") ...'; ` - git version; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing Go Lang...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\go_lang.zip -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\; ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("go version") ...'; ` - go version; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing LLVM MinGW ...'; ` - Expand-Archive -Path $env:TEMP\llvm_mingw.zip -DestinationPath $env:SystemDrive\; ` - Move-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\llvm-mingw-20240502-ucrt-x86_64\ -Destination $env:SystemDrive\llvm_mingw; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying install ("git version") ...'; ` - gcc -v; ` - ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installing...' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - cmd /C start /w $env:TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe ` - --quiet ` - --wait ` - --norestart ` - --nocache ` - --installPath """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools""" ` - --channelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --installChannelUri https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel ` - --channelId VisualStudio.17.Release ` - # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/workload-component-id-vs-build-tools?view=vs-2022 - --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64; ` - if ($err = dir $Env:TEMP -Filter dd_setup_*_errors.log | where Length -gt 0 | Get-Content) { ` - throw $err; ` - }; ` - Wait-Process -name msiexec; ` - Write-Host ('{0} - Visual Studio components installed' -f $(Get-Date -format 'u')); ` - ` - $env:VS_PATH = &(Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} """\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe""") -latest -products Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools -property installationPath; ` - [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('VS_PATH', $env:VS_PATH, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); ` - ` - Write-Host 'Visual Studio components installation cleanup'; ` - Get-ChildItem -Path """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer""" -Directory -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Installing Vcpkg ...'; ` - $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_BINARY_CACHE = $env:TEMP; ` - git clone $env:VCPKG_GIT $env:SystemDrive\vcpkg; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics; ` - Copy-Item $env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\triplets\community\$env:BUILD_ARCH-mingw-static.cmake -Destination $env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\triplets\community\$env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET.cmake; ` - Add-Content -Path $env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\triplets\community\$env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET.cmake -Value """set(VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release)"""; ` - Write-Host 'Installing dependencies ...'; ` - vcpkg install libiconv pcre2 openssl; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Removing downloaded ...'; ` - Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $env:TEMP\*; ` - Write-Host 'Build environment is ready...'; diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 index 5bec5c6a6..688816baa 100644 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 +++ b/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile.agent2 @@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` (Get-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go).replace('{ZABBIX_REVISION}', $ZbxRevision) | Set-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go; ` Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\build\mingw; ` mingw32-make -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" ` - CGO_LDFLAGS="""-lcrypt32 -L$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\openssl\lib -L$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\lib""" ` PCRE2=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2 ` OPENSSL=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\openssl ` RFLAGS="""-DZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM=$env:ZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM"""; ` diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 deleted file mode 100644 index b95671921..000000000 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_llvm_clang.agent2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 -# escape=` -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 -ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=zabbix-build-base:ltsc2022-agent2-${ZBX_VERSION} - -FROM ${BUILD_BASE_IMAGE} as builder - -SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] - -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 -ARG ZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM=2400 -ARG ZBX_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/zbx/zabbix.git -ARG MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/ap/mongodb.git -ARG POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/ap/postgresql.git -ARG GIT_BRANCH - -ENV ZBX_SOURCES=$ZBX_SOURCES MAJOR_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION GIT_BRANCH=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} ` - MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES=$MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} ` - POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES=$POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} - -LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Zabbix agent 2 build (Windows)" ` - org.opencontainers.image.authors="Alexey Pustovalov " ` - org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Zabbix SIA" ` - org.opencontainers.image.url="https://zabbix.com/" ` - org.opencontainers.image.description="Zabbix build for agent 2 images based on Windows" ` - org.opencontainers.image.licenses="GPL v2.0" ` - org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${MAJOR_VERSION}/manual/installation/containers" ` - org.opencontainers.image.version="${ZBX_VERSION}" ` - org.opencontainers.image.source="${ZBX_SOURCES}" - -RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` - ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\sbin | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin | Out-Null; ` - ` - Import-Module (Get-ChildItem $env:VS_PATH -Recurse -File -Filter Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll).FullName; ` - Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstallPath $env:VS_PATH -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdArguments """-arch=$env:BUILD_ARCH"""; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Checkout GIT {0} ({1}) repository ...' -f $env:ZBX_SOURCES, $env:GIT_BRANCH); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:ZBX_SOURCES --branch $env:GIT_BRANCH --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix {0} version ...' -f $env:ZBX_VERSION); ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION; ` - $ZbxRevision=(git rev-parse --short HEAD); ` - (Get-Content include\version.h).replace('{ZABBIX_REVISION}', $ZbxRevision) | Set-Content include\version.h; ` - (Get-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go).replace('{ZABBIX_REVISION}', $ZbxRevision) | Set-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\build\mingw; ` - mingw32-make -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" ` - CGO_LDFLAGS="""-l:libiconv.a -lcrypt32 -L$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\openssl\lib -L$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2\lib""" ` - PCRE2=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\pcre2 ` - OPENSSL=$env:BUILD_OUTPUT\openssl ` - RFLAGS="""-DZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM=$env:ZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM"""; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying build ("zabbix_agent2.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe -V; ` - dumpbin /dependents $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\sbin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\src\go\conf\zabbix_agent2.win.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agent2.conf; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix MongoDB plugin {0} version ...' -f $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES --branch $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin; ` - mingw32-make; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying MongoDB plugin ("zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe -V; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\mongodb.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix PostgreSQL plugin {0} version ...' -f $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES --branch $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin; ` - mingw32-make; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying build ("zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe -V; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\postgresql.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - Write-Host 'Zabbix binaries are compiled...'; diff --git a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 b/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 deleted file mode 100644 index a0c566651..000000000 --- a/Dockerfiles/build-mysql/windows/Dockerfile_vcpkg.agent2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 -# escape=` -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 -ARG BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=zabbix-build-base:ltsc2022-agent2-${ZBX_VERSION} - -FROM ${BUILD_BASE_IMAGE} as builder - -SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] - -ARG MAJOR_VERSION=6.4 -ARG ZBX_VERSION=${MAJOR_VERSION}.14 -ARG ZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM=2400 -ARG ZBX_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/zbx/zabbix.git -ARG MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/ap/mongodb.git -ARG POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES=https://git.zabbix.com/scm/ap/postgresql.git -ARG GIT_BRANCH - -ENV ZBX_SOURCES=$ZBX_SOURCES MAJOR_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION GIT_BRANCH=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} ` - MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES=$MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} ` - POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES=$POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION=${GIT_BRANCH:-$ZBX_VERSION} - -LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Zabbix agent 2 build (Windows)" ` - org.opencontainers.image.authors="Alexey Pustovalov " ` - org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Zabbix SIA" ` - org.opencontainers.image.url="https://zabbix.com/" ` - org.opencontainers.image.description="Zabbix build for agent 2 images based on Windows" ` - org.opencontainers.image.licenses="GPL v2.0" ` - org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${MAJOR_VERSION}/manual/installation/containers" ` - org.opencontainers.image.version="${ZBX_VERSION}" ` - org.opencontainers.image.source="${ZBX_SOURCES}" - -RUN Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\.; ` - ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\sbin | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d | Out-Null; ` - New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin | Out-Null; ` - ` - Import-Module (Get-ChildItem $env:VS_PATH -Recurse -File -Filter Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll).FullName; ` - Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstallPath $env:VS_PATH -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdArguments """-arch=$env:BUILD_ARCH"""; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Checkout GIT {0} ({1}) repository ...' -f $env:ZBX_SOURCES, $env:GIT_BRANCH); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:ZBX_SOURCES --branch $env:GIT_BRANCH --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix {0} version ...' -f $env:ZBX_VERSION); ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION; ` - $ZbxRevision=(git rev-parse --short HEAD); ` - (Get-Content include\version.h).replace('{ZABBIX_REVISION}', $ZbxRevision) | Set-Content include\version.h; ` - (Get-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go).replace('{ZABBIX_REVISION}', $ZbxRevision) | Set-Content src\go\pkg\version\version.go; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\build\mingw; ` - mingw32-make -j"""$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS""" ` - GOFLAGS="""-buildvcs=false""" ` - CGO_LDFLAGS="""-lcrypt32 -L$env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\installed\x64-mingw-static-release\lib""" ` - PCRE2=$env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\installed\x64-mingw-static-release ` - OPENSSL=$env:SystemDrive\vcpkg\installed\x64-mingw-static-release ` - RFLAGS="""-DZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM=$env:ZABBIX_VERSION_RC_NUM"""; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying build ("zabbix_agent2.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe -V; ` - dumpbin /dependents $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\bin\win64\zabbix_agent2.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\sbin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\zabbix-$env:ZBX_VERSION\src\go\conf\zabbix_agent2.win.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agent2.conf; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix MongoDB plugin {0} version ...' -f $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES --branch $env:MONGODB_PLUGIN_VERSION --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin; ` - mingw32-make; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying MongoDB plugin ("zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe -V; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-mongodb.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\mongodb_plugin\mongodb.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - ` - Write-Host ('Building Zabbix PostgreSQL plugin {0} version ...' -f $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION); ` - git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_SOURCES --branch $env:POSTGRESQL_PLUGIN_VERSION --depth 1 --single-branch $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin; ` - Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin; ` - mingw32-make; ` - ` - Write-Host 'Verifying build ("zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe -V") ...'; ` - & $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe -V; ` - ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\zabbix-agent2-plugin-postgresql.exe $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\zabbix-agent2-plugin; ` - Copy-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_src\postgresql_plugin\postgresql.conf $env:SystemDrive\zabbix_output\conf\zabbix_agentd.d; ` - mingw32-make -s clean; ` - Write-Host 'Zabbix binaries are compiled...';