name: Build images (DockerHub, Windows) on: release: types: - published push: branches: - '[0-9]+.[0-9]+' - 'trunk' paths: - 'Dockerfiles/*/windows/*' - '!**/' - '.github/workflows/images_build_windows.yml' schedule: - cron: '49 12 * * *' workflow_dispatch: defaults: run: shell: pwsh env: TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT: ${{ contains(fromJSON('["schedule", "workflow_dispatch2"]'), github.event_name) }} AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES: ${{ vars.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} DOCKER_REPOSITORY: ${{ vars.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }} LATEST_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }} TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH: "refs/heads/trunk" IMAGES_PREFIX: "zabbix-" MSFT_BASE_BUILD_IMAGE: "" PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_NAME: "" PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_PREFIX: "lts-nanoserver-" BASE_IMAGE_NAME: "build-base" BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME: "build-mysql" MATRIX_FILE: "build.json" DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: "Dockerfiles" OIDC_ISSUER: "" IDENITY_REGEX: "" jobs: init_build: name: Initialize build runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read outputs: os: ${{ steps.os.outputs.list }} components: ${{ steps.components.outputs.list }} is_default_branch: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.is_default_branch }} current_branch: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.current_branch }} sha_short: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.sha_short }} steps: - name: Block egress traffic uses: step-security/harden-runner@63c24ba6bd7ba022e95695ff85de572c04a18142 # v2.7.0 with: disable-sudo: true egress-policy: block allowed-endpoints: > - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH) || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 sparse-checkout: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} - name: Check ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} file id: build_exists shell: bash env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | if [[ ! -f "$MATRIX_FILE" ]]; then echo "::error::File $MATRIX_FILE is missing" exit 1 fi - name: Prepare Operating System list id: os shell: bash env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | os_list=$(jq -r '.["os-windows"] | keys | [ .[] | tostring ] | @json' "$MATRIX_FILE") echo "::group::Operating System List" echo "$os_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$os_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Prepare Zabbix component list id: components shell: bash run: | component_list='["agent","agent2"]' echo "::group::Zabbix Component List" echo "$component_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$component_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Get branch info id: branch_info shell: bash env: LATEST_BRANCH: ${{ env.LATEST_BRANCH }} github_ref: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH) || github.ref }} run: | result=false sha_short=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [[ "$github_ref" == "refs/tags/"* ]]; then github_ref=${github_ref%.*} fi github_ref=${github_ref##*/} if [[ "$github_ref" == "$LATEST_BRANCH" ]]; then result=true fi echo "::group::Branch data" echo "is_default_branch - $result" echo "current_branch - $github_ref" echo "sha_short - $sha_short" echo "::endgroup::" echo "is_default_branch=$result" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "current_branch=$github_ref" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "sha_short=$sha_short" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT build_base: name: Build ${{ matrix.component }} base on ${{ matrix.os }} needs: init_build runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} timeout-minutes: 70 permissions: contents: read id-token: write strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} component: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.components) }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH) || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version run: cosign version - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Base Windows OS tag id: base_os_tag env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | $os_tag=$(Get-Content -Path $Env:MATRIX_FILE | ConvertFrom-Json).'os-windows'."$Env:MATRIX_OS" echo "::group::Base Microsoft Windows OS tag" echo "$os_tag" echo "::endgroup::" echo "os_tag=$os_tag" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@v5 with: images: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGES_PREFIX }}${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }} context: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && 'git') || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') }},value=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- flavor: | latest=false - name: Build and push image id: docker_build env: DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: ${{ env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY }} BASE_BUILD_IMAGE: ${{ env.MSFT_BASE_BUILD_IMAGE }} BASE_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }} MATRIX_COMPONENT: ${{ matrix.component }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} BASE_OS_TAG: ${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }} LABEL_REVISION: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} LABEL_CREATED: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} run: | echo "::group::Docker version" docker version echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Docker info" docker info echo "::endgroup::" $context="$Env:DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY\$Env:BASE_IMAGE_NAME\windows\" $dockerfile= $context + 'Dockerfile.' + $Env:MATRIX_COMPONENT $base_os_image= $Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE + ':' + $Env:BASE_OS_TAG # Can not build on GitHub due existing symlink. Must be removed before build process Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -Force -Path $context\ $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tags=$( $tags_array | Foreach-Object { "--tag=$_" } ) echo "::group::Image tags" echo "$Env:TAGS" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Pull base image" docker pull $base_os_image if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Build Image" Write-Host @" docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_os_image --file=$dockerfile $tags $context "@ docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION ` --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED ` --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_os_image ` --file=$dockerfile ` $tags ` $context if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Publish Image" if ( $Env:AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES -eq 'true' ) { Foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { echo "docker image push $tag" docker image push $tag if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} } $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .RepoDigests 0}}").Split('@')[-1] if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from RepoDigests" } else { $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .Id}}") if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from Id" } echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Digest" echo "$digest" echo "::endgroup::" echo "digest=$digest" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tag_list=@() foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { $tag_name=$tag.Split(":")[0] $tag_list+="$tag_name@$Env:DIGEST" } echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$tag_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $tag_list" cosign sign --yes $tag_list echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image digest if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} run: | echo "::group::Image digest" echo "$Env:DIGEST" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache file name" echo "$Env:CACHE_FILE_NAME" echo "::endgroup::" $Env:DIGEST | Set-Content -Path $Env:CACHE_FILE_NAME - name: Cache image digest uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} key: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} build_components: name: Build ${{ matrix.component }} sources on ${{ matrix.os }} needs: [ "build_base", "init_build"] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} timeout-minutes: 70 permissions: contents: read id-token: write strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} component: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.components) }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH) || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version run: cosign version - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Base OS tag id: base_os_tag env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | $os_tag=$(Get-Content -Path $Env:MATRIX_FILE | ConvertFrom-Json).'os-windows'."$Env:MATRIX_OS" echo "::group::Base Windows OS tag" echo "$os_tag" echo "::endgroup::" echo "os_tag=$os_tag" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@v5 with: images: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGES_PREFIX }}${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }} context: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && 'git') || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') }},value=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.component }}-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }},prefix=${{ matrix.component }}- flavor: | latest=false - name: Download SHA256 tag of ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} key: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} - name: Retrieve ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} SHA256 tag id: base_build env: BASE_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }} MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_COMPONENT: ${{ matrix.component }} DOCKER_REPOSITORY: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }} IMAGES_PREFIX: ${{ env.IMAGES_PREFIX }} run: | $base_image_file=$Env:BASE_IMAGE_NAME + '_' + $Env:MATRIX_OS + '_' + $Env:MATRIX_COMPONENT $base_tag = Get-Content $base_image_file -Raw $build_base_image="$Env:DOCKER_REPOSITORY/$Env:IMAGES_PREFIX$Env:BASE_IMAGE_NAME@" + $base_tag echo "::group::Base image Info" echo "base_tag=$base_tag" echo "base_build_image=$build_base_image" echo "::endgroup::" echo "base_tag=$base_tag" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "base_build_image=$build_base_image" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Verify ${{ env.BASE_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} cosign env: BASE_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} OIDC_ISSUER: ${{ env.OIDC_ISSUER }} IDENITY_REGEX: ${{ env.IDENITY_REGEX }} run: | cosign verify ` --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp "$Env:OIDC_ISSUER" ` --certificate-identity-regexp "$Env:IDENITY_REGEX" ` "$Env:BASE_IMAGE" - name: Build and push image id: docker_build env: DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: ${{ env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY }} BASE_BUILD_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }} BASE_BUILD_OS_TAG: ${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }} MATRIX_COMPONENT: ${{ matrix.component }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} LABEL_REVISION: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} LABEL_CREATED: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} run: | echo "::group::Docker version" docker version echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Docker info" docker info echo "::endgroup::" $context="$Env:DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY\$Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME\windows\" $dockerfile= $context + 'Dockerfile.' + $Env:MATRIX_COMPONENT $base_build_image= $Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE # Can not build on GitHub due existing symlink. Must be removed before build process Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -Force -Path $context\ $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tags=$( $tags_array | Foreach-Object { "--tag=$_" } ) echo "::group::Image tags" echo "$Env:TAGS" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Pull base image" docker pull $base_build_image if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Build Image" Write-Host @" docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_build_image --file=$dockerfile $tags $context "@ docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION ` --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED ` --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_build_image ` --file=$dockerfile ` $tags ` $context if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Publish Image" if ( $Env:AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES -eq 'true' ) { Foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { echo "docker image push $tag" docker image push $tag if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} } $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .RepoDigests 0}}").Split('@')[-1] if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from RepoDigests" } else { $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .Id}}") if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from Id" } echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Digest" echo "$digest" echo "::endgroup::" echo "digest=$digest" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tag_list=@() foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { $tag_name=$tag.Split(":")[0] $tag_list+="$tag_name@$Env:DIGEST" } echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$tag_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $tag_list" cosign sign --yes $tag_list echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image digest if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} run: | echo "::group::Image digest" echo "$Env:DIGEST" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache file name" echo "$Env:CACHE_FILE_NAME" echo "::endgroup::" $Env:DIGEST | Set-Content -Path $Env:CACHE_FILE_NAME - name: Cache image digest uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} key: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} build_images: name: Build ${{ matrix.component }} on ${{ matrix.os }} needs: [ "build_components", "init_build"] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} timeout-minutes: 70 permissions: contents: read id-token: write strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} component: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.components) }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH) || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version run: cosign version - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Base OS tag id: base_os_tag env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | $os_tag=$(Get-Content -Path $Env:MATRIX_FILE | ConvertFrom-Json).'os-windows'."$Env:MATRIX_OS" echo "::group::Base OS tag" echo "$os_tag" echo "::endgroup::" echo "os_tag=$os_tag" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@v5 with: images: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }}/${{ env.IMAGES_PREFIX }}${{ matrix.component }} context: ${{ (env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT && 'git') || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }} type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') }},value=${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }} flavor: | latest=false - name: Download SHA256 tag of ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}_${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.component }} key: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} - name: Retrieve ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} SHA256 tag id: base_build env: BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }} MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_COMPONENT: ${{ matrix.component }} DOCKER_REPOSITORY: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }} IMAGES_PREFIX: ${{ env.IMAGES_PREFIX }} run: | $base_image_file=$Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME + '_' + $Env:MATRIX_OS + '_' + $Env:MATRIX_COMPONENT $base_tag = Get-Content $base_image_file -Raw $build_base_image="$Env:DOCKER_REPOSITORY/$Env:IMAGES_PREFIX$Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME@" + $base_tag echo "::group::Base image Info" echo "base_tag=$base_tag" echo "base_build_image=$build_base_image" echo "::endgroup::" echo "base_tag=$base_tag" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "base_build_image=$build_base_image" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Verify ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} cosign env: BASE_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} OIDC_ISSUER: ${{ env.OIDC_ISSUER }} IDENITY_REGEX: ${{ env.IDENITY_REGEX }} run: | cosign verify ` --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp "$Env:OIDC_ISSUER" ` --certificate-identity-regexp "$Env:IDENITY_REGEX" ` "$Env:BASE_IMAGE" - name: Build and push image id: docker_build env: DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: ${{ env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY }} BASE_BUILD_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME }} MATRIX_COMPONENT: ${{ matrix.component }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} BASE_BUILD_OS_TAG: ${{ steps.base_os_tag.outputs.os_tag }} LABEL_REVISION: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} LABEL_CREATED: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ env.PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_NAME }} PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_PREFIX: ${{ env.PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_PREFIX }} AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} run: | echo "::group::Docker version" docker version echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Docker info" docker info echo "::endgroup::" $context="$Env:DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY\$Env:MATRIX_COMPONENT\windows\" $dockerfile= $context + 'Dockerfile' $base_build_image= $Env:BASE_BUILD_IMAGE # Can not build on GitHub due existing symlink. Must be removed before build process Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -Force -Path $context\ $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tags=$( $tags_array | Foreach-Object { "--tag=$_" } ) # PowerShell images based on LTSC 2019 and LTSC 2016 do not have "ltsc" prefix $os_tag_suffix=$Env:BASE_BUILD_OS_TAG $os_tag_suffix=$os_tag_suffix -replace "ltsc2019",'1809' $base_image=$Env:PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_NAME + ':' + $Env:PWSH_BASE_IMAGE_PREFIX + $os_tag_suffix echo "::group::Image tags" echo "$Env:TAGS" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Pull build base image" docker pull $base_build_image if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Pull Powershell base image" docker pull $base_image if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Build Image" Write-Host @" docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_build_image --build-arg=BASE_IMAGE=$base_image --file=$dockerfile $tags $context "@ docker build --label org.opencontainers.image.revision=$Env:LABEL_REVISION ` --label org.opencontainers.image.created=$Env:LABEL_CREATED ` --build-arg=BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=$base_build_image ` --build-arg=BASE_IMAGE=$base_image ` --file=$dockerfile ` $tags ` $context if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Publish Image" if ( $Env:AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES -eq 'true' ) { Foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { echo "docker image push $tag" docker image push $tag if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} } $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .RepoDigests 0}}").Split('@')[-1] if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from RepoDigests" } else { $digest=$(docker inspect $tags_array[0] --format "{{ index .Id}}") if (-not $?) {throw "Failed"} echo "Image digest got from Id" } echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Digest" echo "$digest" echo "::endgroup::" echo "digest=$digest" >> $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | $tags_array=$( "$Env:TAGS".Split("`n") ) $tag_list=@() foreach ($tag in $tags_array) { $tag_name=$tag.Split(":")[0] $tag_list+="$tag_name@$Env:DIGEST" } echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$tag_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $tag_list" cosign sign --yes $tag_list echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image digest if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} run: | echo "::group::Image digest" echo "$Env:DIGEST" echo "::endgroup::"