### Option: StartPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of pollers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPollers=5 StartPollers=${ZBX_STARTPOLLERS} ### Option: StartAgentPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous Zabbix agent pollers. Also see MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartAgentPollers=1 StartAgentPollers=${ZBX_STARTAGENTPOLLERS} ### Option: StartHTTPAgentPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous HTTP agent pollers. Also see MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartHTTPAgentPollers=1 StartHTTPAgentPollers=${ZBX_STARTHTTPAGENTPOLLERS} ### Option: StartSNMPPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous SNMP pollers. Also see MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartSNMPPollers=1 StartSNMPPollers=${ZBX_STARTSNMPPOLLERS} ### Option: MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller # Maximum number of asynchronous checks that can be executed at once by each HTTP agent poller or agent poller. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-1000 # Default: # MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller=1000 MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller=${ZBX_MAXCONCURRENTCHECKSPERPOLLER} ### Option: StartIPMIPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers. # The IPMI manager process is automatically started when at least one IPMI poller is started. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartIPMIPollers=0 StartIPMIPollers=${ZBX_STARTIPMIPOLLERS} ### Option: StartPreprocessors # Number of pre-started instances of preprocessing worker threads should be set to no less than # the available CPU core count. More workers should be set if preprocessing is not CPU-bound and has # lots of network requests. # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-1000 # Default: # StartPreprocessors=16 StartPreprocessors=${ZBX_STARTPREPROCESSORS} ### Option: StartConnectors # Number of pre-forked instances of connector workers. # The connector manager process is automatically started when connector worker is started. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartConnectors=0 StartConnectors=${ZBX_STARTCONNECTORS} ### Option: StartPollersUnreachable # Number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java). # At least one poller for unreachable hosts must be running if regular, IPMI or Java pollers # are started. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPollersUnreachable=1 StartPollersUnreachable=${ZBX_STARTPOLLERSUNREACHABLE} ### Option: StartHistoryPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of history pollers. # Only required for calculated checks. # A database connection is required for each history poller instance. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartHistoryPollers=5 StartHistoryPollers=${ZBX_STARTHISTORYPOLLERS} ### Option: StartTrappers # Number of pre-forked instances of trappers. # Trappers accept incoming connections from Zabbix sender, active agents and active proxies. # At least one trapper process must be running to display server availability and view queue # in the frontend. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartTrappers=5 StartTrappers=${ZBX_STARTTRAPPERS} ### Option: StartPingers # Number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartPingers=1 StartPingers=${ZBX_STARTPINGERS} ### Option: StartDiscoverers # Number of pre-started instances of discovery workers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartDiscoverers=5 StartDiscoverers=${ZBX_STARTDISCOVERERS} ### Option: StartLLDProcessors # Number of pre-forked instances of low level discovery processors. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-100 # Default: # StartLLDProcessors=2 StartLLDProcessors=${ZBX_STARTLLDPROCESSORS} ## Option: StartODBCPollers # Number of pre-forked ODBC poller instances. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartODBCPollers=1 StartODBCPollers=${ZBX_STARTODBCPOLLERS} ### Option: StartHTTPPollers # Number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1000 # Default: # StartHTTPPollers=1 StartHTTPPollers=${ZBX_STARTHTTPPOLLERS} ### Option: StartTimers # Number of pre-forked instances of timers. # Timers process maintenance periods. # Only the first timer process handles host maintenance updates. Problem suppression updates are shared # between all timers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-1000 # Default: # StartTimers=1 StartTimers=${ZBX_STARTTIMERS} ### Option: StartEscalators # Number of pre-forked instances of escalators. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-100 # Default: # StartEscalators=1 StartEscalators=${ZBX_STARTESCALATORS} ### Option: StartAlerters # Number of pre-forked instances of alerters. # Alerters send the notifications created by action operations. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-100 # Default: # StartAlerters=3 StartAlerters=${ZBX_STARTALERTERS} ### Option: StartDBSyncers # Number of pre-forked instances of DB Syncers. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-100 # Default: # StartDBSyncers=4 StartDBSyncers=${ZBX_STARTDBSYNCERS}