<?php // Zabbix GUI configuration file. global $DB, $HISTORY; $DB['TYPE'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_TYPE'); $DB['SERVER'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_HOST'); $DB['PORT'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_PORT'); $DB['DATABASE'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_DBNAME'); $DB['USER'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_USER'); $DB['PASSWORD'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_PASS'); // Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL. $DB['SCHEMA'] = getenv('DB_SERVER_SCHEMA'); $ZBX_SERVER = getenv('ZBX_SERVER_HOST'); $ZBX_SERVER_PORT = getenv('ZBX_SERVER_PORT'); $ZBX_SERVER_NAME = getenv('ZBX_SERVER_NAME'); // Used for TLS connection. $DB['ENCRYPTION'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_ENCRYPTION') == 'true' ? true: false; $DB['KEY_FILE'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_KEY_FILE'); $DB['CERT_FILE'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_CERT_FILE'); $DB['CA_FILE'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_CA_FILE'); $DB['VERIFY_HOST'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_VERIFY_HOST') == 'true' ? true: false; $DB['CIPHER_LIST'] = getenv('ZBX_DB_CIPHER_LIST') ? getenv('ZBX_DB_CIPHER_LIST') : ''; // Use IEEE754 compatible value range for 64-bit Numeric (float) history values. // This option is enabled by default for new Zabbix installations. // For upgraded installations, please read database upgrade notes before enabling this option. $DB['DOUBLE_IEEE754'] = getenv('DB_DOUBLE_IEEE754') == 'true' ? true: false; $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT = IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG; // Elasticsearch url (can be string if same url is used for all types). $history_url = str_replace("'","\"",getenv('ZBX_HISTORYSTORAGEURL')); $HISTORY['url'] = (json_decode($history_url)) ? json_decode($history_url) : $history_url; // Value types stored in Elasticsearch. $storage_types = str_replace("'","\"",getenv('ZBX_HISTORYSTORAGETYPES')); $HISTORY['types'] = (json_decode($storage_types)) ? json_decode($storage_types) : array(); // Used for SAML authentication. // Uncomment to override the default paths to SP private key, SP and IdP X.509 certificates, and to set extra settings. $SSO['SP_KEY'] = file_exists('/etc/zabbix/web/certs/sp.key') ? '/etc/zabbix/web/certs/sp.key' : ''; $SSO['SP_CERT'] = file_exists('/etc/zabbix/web/certs/sp.crt') ? '/etc/zabbix/web/certs/sp.crt' : ''; $SSO['IDP_CERT'] = file_exists('/etc/zabbix/web/certs/idp.crt') ? '/etc/zabbix/web/certs/idp.crt' : ''; $sso_settings = str_replace("'","\"",getenv('ZBX_SSO_SETTINGS')); $SSO['SETTINGS'] = (json_decode($sso_settings)) ? json_decode($sso_settings) : array();