name: Build images (RedHat registry) on: release: types: - published push: branches: - '[0-9]+.[0-9]+' - 'trunk' paths: - 'Dockerfiles/*/rhel/*' - 'build.json' - '!**/' - '.github/workflows/images_build_rhel_multiarch.yml' # schedule: # - cron: '50 02 * * *' workflow_dispatch: defaults: run: shell: bash permissions: contents: read env: TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT: ${{ contains(fromJSON('["schedule"]'), github.event_name) }} AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES: ${{ ! contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) && vars.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES }} DOCKER_REPOSITORY: ${{ vars.DOCKER_REPOSITORY }} LATEST_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }} TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH: "refs/heads/trunk" IMAGES_PREFIX: "zabbix-" BASE_BUILD_NAME: "build-base" BASE_CACHE_FILE_NAME: "base_image_metadata.json" BUILD_CACHE_FILE_NAME: "base_build_image_metadata.json" MATRIX_FILE: "build.json" DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: "./Dockerfiles" OIDC_ISSUER: "" IDENTITY_REGEX: "" DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST: "" DOCKER_REPOSITORY_TEST: "zabbix" REGISTRY: "" REGISTRY_NAMESPACE: "redhat-isv-containers" PREFLIGHT_IMAGE: "" PFLT_LOGLEVEL: "warn" PFLT_ARTIFACTS: "/tmp/artifacts" jobs: init_build: name: Initialize build runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read outputs: os: ${{ steps.os.outputs.list }} database: ${{ steps.database.outputs.list }} components: ${{ steps.components.outputs.list }} is_default_branch: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.is_default_branch }} current_branch: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.current_branch }} sha_short: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.sha_short }} secret_prefix: ${{ steps.branch_info.outputs.secret_prefix }} steps: - name: Block egress traffic uses: step-security/harden-runner@63c24ba6bd7ba022e95695ff85de572c04a18142 # v2.7.0 with: disable-sudo: true egress-policy: block allowed-endpoints: > - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1 with: ref: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 sparse-checkout: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} - name: Check ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} file id: build_exists env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | if [[ ! -f "$MATRIX_FILE" ]]; then echo "::error::File $MATRIX_FILE is missing" exit 1 fi - name: Prepare Operating System list id: os env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | os_list=$(jq -r '.["os-linux"] | keys | map(select(. == "rhel")) | [ .[] | tostring ] | @json' "$MATRIX_FILE") echo "::group::Operating System List" echo "$os_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$os_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Prepare Database engine list id: database env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | database_list=$(jq -r '[.components | values[].base ] | sort | unique | del(.. | select ( . == "" ) ) | @json' "$MATRIX_FILE") echo "::group::Database List" echo "$database_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$database_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Prepare Zabbix component list id: components env: MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | component_list=$(jq -r '.components | map_values(select(.rhel == true)) | keys | @json' "$MATRIX_FILE") echo "::group::Zabbix Component List" echo "$component_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$component_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Get branch info id: branch_info env: LATEST_BRANCH: ${{ env.LATEST_BRANCH }} github_ref: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH || github.ref }} run: | result=false sha_short=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [[ "$github_ref" == "refs/tags/"* ]]; then github_ref=${github_ref%.*} fi github_ref=${github_ref##*/} if [[ "$github_ref" == "$LATEST_BRANCH" ]]; then result=true fi echo "::group::Branch metadata" echo "is_default_branch - $result" echo "current_branch - $github_ref" echo "secret_prefix=RHEL_${github_ref//.}" echo "sha_short - $sha_short" echo "::endgroup::" echo "is_default_branch=$result" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "current_branch=$github_ref" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "secret_prefix=RHEL_${github_ref//.}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "sha_short=$sha_short" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT build_base: timeout-minutes: 30 name: Build base on ${{ matrix.os }} needs: init_build strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ubuntu] permissions: contents: read packages: write steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1 with: ref: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} run: cosign version - name: Set up QEMU if: ${{ matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0 with: image: tonistiigi/binfmt:latest platforms: all - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@f95db51fddba0c2d1ec667646a06c2ce06100226 # v3.0.0 with: driver-opts: image=moby/buildkit:master install: true - name: Prepare Platform list id: platform env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | platform_list=$(jq -r ".[\"os-linux\"].$MATRIX_OS | join(\",\")" "$MATRIX_FILE") platform_list="${platform_list%,}" echo "::group::Platform List" echo "$platform_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$platform_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@8e5442c4ef9f78752691e2d8f8d19755c6f78e81 # v5.5.1 with: images: | ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}{3}', env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST, env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY_TEST, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, env.BASE_BUILD_NAME ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} ${{ format('{0}/{1}{2}', env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, env.BASE_BUILD_NAME ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} context: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && 'git' || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && !contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && !contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }}-latest type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') }},value=${{matrix.os}}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' || contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} flavor: | latest=${{ (matrix.os == 'alpine') && (!contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)) && ( needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true' ) }} - name: Prepare cache data id: cache_data env: IMAGE_TAG: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).tags[0] }} PUBLISH_IMAGES: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' }} run: | cache_from=() cache_to=() cache_from+=("type=gha,scope=${IMAGE_TAG}") #cache_from+=("type=registry,ref=${IMAGE_TAG}") cache_to+=("type=gha,mode=max,scope=${IMAGE_TAG}") echo "::group::Cache from data" echo "${cache_from[*]}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache to data" echo "${cache_to[*]}" echo "::endgroup::" cache_from=$(printf '%s\n' "${cache_from[@]}") cache_to=$(printf '%s\n' "${cache_to[@]}") echo 'cache_from<> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "$cache_from" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'EOF' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'cache_to<> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "$cache_to" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'EOF' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Login to DockerHub if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Login to ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: registry: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} username: ${{ }} password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Prepare RedHat subscription if: ${{ matrix.os == 'rhel' }} env: CONTEXT: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY, env.BASE_BUILD_NAME, matrix.os) }} run: | cp -R "/tmp/secrets/" "$CONTEXT/" - name: Build and publish image id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@4a13e500e55cf31b7a5d59a38ab2040ab0f42f56 # v5.1.0 with: context: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY, env.BASE_BUILD_NAME, matrix.os) }} file: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}/Dockerfile', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY, env.BASE_BUILD_NAME, matrix.os) }} platforms: ${{ steps.platform.outputs.list }} push: true provenance: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && 'mode=max' || '' }} sbom: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' }} tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} labels: | org.opencontainers.image.revision=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} org.opencontainers.image.created=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} cache-from: ${{ steps.cache_data.outputs.cache_from }} cache-to: ${{ steps.cache_data.outputs.cache_to }} - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | images="" for tag in ${TAGS}; do images+="${tag}@${DIGEST} " done echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$images" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $images" cosign sign --yes ${images} echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image metadata env: CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} METADATA: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.metadata }} run: | echo "::group::Image metadata" echo "${METADATA}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache file name" echo "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "${METADATA}" > "$CACHE_FILE_NAME" - name: Cache image metadata uses: actions/cache@13aacd865c20de90d75de3b17ebe84f7a17d57d2 # v4.0.0 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} key: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} build_base_database: timeout-minutes: 180 needs: [ "build_base", "init_build"] name: Build ${{ }} base on ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: build: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.database) }} os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} exclude: - build: build-pgsql os: rhel runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read id-token: write packages: write steps: - name: Block egress traffic uses: step-security/harden-runner@63c24ba6bd7ba022e95695ff85de572c04a18142 # v2.7.0 with: disable-sudo: true egress-policy: block allowed-endpoints: > - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1 with: ref: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} run: cosign version - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0 with: image: tonistiigi/binfmt:latest platforms: all - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@f95db51fddba0c2d1ec667646a06c2ce06100226 # v3.0.0 with: driver-opts: image=moby/buildkit:master - name: Prepare Platform list id: platform env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | platform_list=$(jq -r ".[\"os-linux\"].$MATRIX_OS | join(\",\")" "$MATRIX_FILE") platform_list="${platform_list%,}" echo "::group::Platform List" echo "$platform_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$platform_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@8e5442c4ef9f78752691e2d8f8d19755c6f78e81 # v5.5.1 with: images: | ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}{3}', env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST, env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY_TEST, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} ${{ format('{0}/{1}{2}', env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} context: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && 'git' || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && (!contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)) }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && (!contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }}-latest type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') && matrix.os != 'rhel' }},value=${{matrix.os}}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' || contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} flavor: | latest=${{ (matrix.os == 'alpine') && (!contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)) && ( needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true' ) }} - name: Download metadata of ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} uses: actions/cache@13aacd865c20de90d75de3b17ebe84f7a17d57d2 # v4.0.0 with: path: ${{ env.BASE_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} key: ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_NAME }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} - name: Process ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} image metadata id: base_build env: CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BASE_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} run: | echo "::group::Base image metadata" cat "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" echo "::endgroup::" IMAGE_DIGEST=$(jq -r '."containerimage.digest"' "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}") IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.""' "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" | cut -d: -f1) echo "base_build_image=${IMAGE_NAME}@${IMAGE_DIGEST}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Verify ${{ env.BASE_BUILD_NAME }}:${{ matrix.os }} cosign if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} env: BASE_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} OIDC_ISSUER: ${{ env.OIDC_ISSUER }} IDENTITY_REGEX: ${{ env.IDENTITY_REGEX }} run: | echo "::group::Image sign data" echo "OIDC issuer=$OIDC_ISSUER" echo "Identity=$IDENTITY_REGEX" echo "Image to verify=$BASE_IMAGE" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Verify signature" cosign verify \ --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp "$OIDC_ISSUER" \ --certificate-identity-regexp "$IDENTITY_REGEX" \ "$BASE_IMAGE" echo "::endgroup::" - name: Prepare cache data id: cache_data env: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} IMAGE_TAG: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).tags[0] }} PUBLISH_IMAGES: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' }} run: | cache_from=() cache_to=() cache_from+=("type=gha,scope=${BASE_IMAGE_TAG}") cache_from+=("type=registry,ref=${BASE_IMAGE_TAG}") cache_from+=("type=gha,scope=${IMAGE_TAG}") cache_from+=("type=registry,ref=${IMAGE_TAG}") cache_to+=("type=gha,mode=max,scope=${IMAGE_TAG}") echo "::group::Cache from data" echo "${cache_from[*]}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache to data" echo "${cache_to[*]}" echo "::endgroup::" cache_from=$(printf '%s\n' "${cache_from[@]}") cache_to=$(printf '%s\n' "${cache_to[@]}") echo 'cache_from<> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "$cache_from" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'EOF' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'cache_to<> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "$cache_to" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'EOF' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Login to DockerHub if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Login to ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: registry: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} username: ${{ }} password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build ${{ }}/${{ matrix.os }} and push id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@4a13e500e55cf31b7a5d59a38ab2040ab0f42f56 # v5.1.0 with: context: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}/', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY,, matrix.os) }} file: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}/Dockerfile', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY,, matrix.os) }} platforms: ${{ steps.platform.outputs.list }} push: true provenance: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && 'mode=max' || '' }} sbom: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} build-args: BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} labels: | org.opencontainers.image.revision=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} org.opencontainers.image.created=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | images="" for tag in ${TAGS}; do images+="${tag}@${DIGEST} " done echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$images" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $images" cosign sign --yes ${images} echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image metadata env: CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BUILD_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} METADATA: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.metadata }} run: | echo "::group::Image metadata" echo "${METADATA}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Cache file name" echo "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "${METADATA}" > "$CACHE_FILE_NAME" - name: Cache image metadata uses: actions/cache@13aacd865c20de90d75de3b17ebe84f7a17d57d2 # v4.0.0 with: path: ${{ env.BUILD_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} build_images: timeout-minutes: 90 needs: [ "build_base_database", "init_build"] name: Build ${{ }} on ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: build: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.components) }} os: ${{ fromJson(needs.init_build.outputs.os) }} runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ubuntu] permissions: contents: read id-token: write packages: write steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1 with: ref: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && env.TRUNK_GIT_BRANCH || '' }} fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install cosign if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@e1523de7571e31dbe865fd2e80c5c7c23ae71eb4 with: cosign-release: 'v2.2.3' - name: Check cosign version if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} run: cosign version - name: Set up QEMU if: ${{ matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@68827325e0b33c7199eb31dd4e31fbe9023e06e3 # v3.0.0 with: image: tonistiigi/binfmt:latest platforms: all - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@f95db51fddba0c2d1ec667646a06c2ce06100226 # v3.0.0 with: driver-opts: image=moby/buildkit:master - name: Variables formating id: var_format if: ${{ matrix.os == 'rhel' }} env: MATRIX_BUILD: ${{ }} run: | MATRIX_BUILD=${MATRIX_BUILD^^} MATRIX_BUILD=${MATRIX_BUILD//-/_} echo "::group::Result" echo "matrix_build=${MATRIX_BUILD}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "matrix_build=${MATRIX_BUILD}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Prepare Platform list id: platform env: MATRIX_OS: ${{ matrix.os }} MATRIX_BUILD: ${{ }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | # Chromium on Alpine is available only on linux/amd64, linux/arm64 platforms if ([ "$MATRIX_OS" == "alpine" ] || [ "$MATRIX_OS" == "centos" ]) && [ "$MATRIX_BUILD" == "web-service" ]; then platform_list="linux/amd64,linux/arm64" # Chromium on Ubuntu is not available on s390x platform elif [ "$MATRIX_OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$MATRIX_BUILD" == "web-service" ]; then platform_list="linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64" # Chromium on RedHat is not available on ppc64le, s390x platforms elif [ "$MATRIX_OS" == "rhel" ] && [ "$MATRIX_BUILD" == "web-service" ]; then platform_list="linux/amd64,linux/arm64" else platform_list=$(jq -r ".[\"os-linux\"].\"$MATRIX_OS\" | join(\",\")" "$MATRIX_FILE") fi # Build only Agent and Agent2 on 386 if [ "$MATRIX_BUILD" != "agent"* ]; then platform_list="${platform_list#linux/386,}" fi platform_list="${platform_list%,}" echo "::group::Platform List" echo "$platform_list" echo "::endgroup::" echo "list=$platform_list" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Detect Build Base Image id: build_base_image env: MATRIX_BUILD: ${{ }} MATRIX_FILE: ${{ env.MATRIX_FILE }} run: | BUILD_BASE=$(jq -r ".components.\"$MATRIX_BUILD\".base" "$MATRIX_FILE") echo "::group::Base Build Image" echo "$BUILD_BASE" echo "::endgroup::" echo "build_base=${BUILD_BASE}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Generate tags id: meta uses: docker/metadata-action@8e5442c4ef9f78752691e2d8f8d19755c6f78e81 # v5.5.1 with: images: | ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}{3}', env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST, env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY_TEST, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} ${{ format('{0}/{1}{2}', env.DOCKER_REPOSITORY, env.IMAGES_PREFIX, ) }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.REGISTRY_NAMESPACE }}/${{ secrets[format('{0}_{1}_PROJECT', needs.init_build.outputs.secret_prefix, steps.var_format.outputs.matrix_build)] || }},enable=${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os == 'rhel' }} context: ${{ env.TRUNK_ONLY_EVENT == 'true' && 'git' || '' }} tags: | type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=semver,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' }},pattern={{version}},suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && !contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}-,suffix=-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk' && !contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }}-latest type=raw,enable=${{ (needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch != 'trunk') && (needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') }},value=${{matrix.os}}-latest type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' }},event=branch,prefix=${{ matrix.os }}- type=ref,enable=${{ needs.init_build.outputs.current_branch == 'trunk' || contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name) }},event=branch,suffix=-${{ matrix.os }} flavor: | latest=${{ ((matrix.os == 'alpine' && needs.init_build.outputs.is_default_branch == 'true') || matrix.os == 'rhel') && (!contains(fromJSON('["workflow_dispatch"]'), github.event_name)) }} - name: Download metadata of ${{ steps.build_base_image.outputs.build_base }}:${{ matrix.os }} uses: actions/cache@13aacd865c20de90d75de3b17ebe84f7a17d57d2 # v4.0.0 if: ${{ != 'snmptraps' }} with: path: ${{ env.BUILD_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} key: ${{ steps.build_base_image.outputs.build_base }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.run_id }} - name: Process ${{ steps.build_base_image.outputs.build_base }}:${{ matrix.os }} image metadata id: base_build if: ${{ != 'snmptraps' }} env: CACHE_FILE_NAME: ${{ env.BUILD_CACHE_FILE_NAME }} run: | echo "::group::Base build image metadata" cat "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" echo "::endgroup::" IMAGE_DIGEST=$(jq -r '."containerimage.digest"' "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}") IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.""' "${CACHE_FILE_NAME}" | cut -d: -f1) echo "base_build_image=${IMAGE_NAME}@${IMAGE_DIGEST}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Verify ${{ steps.build_base_image.outputs.build_base }}:${{ matrix.os }} cosign if: ${{ != 'snmptraps' && env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} env: BASE_IMAGE: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} OIDC_ISSUER: ${{ env.OIDC_ISSUER }} IDENTITY_REGEX: ${{ env.IDENTITY_REGEX }} run: | echo "::group::Image sign data" echo "OIDC issuer=${OIDC_ISSUER}" echo "Identity=${IDENTITY_REGEX}" echo "Image to verify=${BASE_IMAGE}" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Verify signature" cosign verify \ --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp "${OIDC_ISSUER}" \ --certificate-identity-regexp "${IDENTITY_REGEX}" \ "${BASE_IMAGE}" echo "::endgroup::" - name: Prepare cache data if: ${{ != 'snmptraps' }} id: cache_data env: BASE_IMAGE_TAG: ${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} run: | cache_from=() cache_to=() cache_from+=("type=registry,ref=${BASE_IMAGE_TAG}") echo "::group::Cache from data" echo "${cache_from[*]}" echo "::endgroup::" cache_from=$(printf '%s\n' "${cache_from[@]}") echo 'cache_from<> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "$cache_from" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo 'EOF' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Copy RedHat subscription if: ${{ matrix.os == 'rhel' && != 'snmptraps' }} env: CONTEXT: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY,, matrix.os) }} run: | cp -R "/tmp/secrets/" "$CONTEXT/" - name: Remove smartmontools if: ${{ == 'agent2' && matrix.os == 'rhel' }} env: DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY: ${{ env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY }} run: | sed -i '/smartmontools/d' "$DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY/agent2/rhel/Dockerfile" - name: Login to DockerHub if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Login to ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 with: registry: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TEST }} username: ${{ }} password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Log in to ${{ env.REGISTRY }} uses: docker/login-action@343f7c4344506bcbf9b4de18042ae17996df046d # v3.0.0 if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os == 'rhel' }} with: username: ${{ format('redhat-isv-containers+{0}-robot', secrets[format('{0}_{1}_PROJECT', needs.init_build.outputs.secret_prefix, steps.var_format.outputs.matrix_build)]) }} password: ${{ secrets[format('{0}_{1}_SECRET', needs.init_build.outputs.secret_prefix, steps.var_format.outputs.matrix_build)] }} registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }} - name: Build and push image id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@4a13e500e55cf31b7a5d59a38ab2040ab0f42f56 # v5.1.0 with: context: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY,, matrix.os) }} file: ${{ format('{0}/{1}/{2}/Dockerfile', env.DOCKERFILES_DIRECTORY,, matrix.os) }} platforms: ${{ steps.platform.outputs.list }} provenance: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && 'mode=max' || '' }} push: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES != 'true' || matrix.os == 'rhel' }} sbom: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} build-args: BUILD_BASE_IMAGE=${{ steps.base_build.outputs.base_build_image }} labels: | org.opencontainers.image.revision=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }} org.opencontainers.image.created=${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }} - name: Preflight certification if: ${{ matrix.os == 'rhel' }} env: PFLT_CERTIFICATION_PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets[format('{0}_{1}_PROJECT', needs.init_build.outputs.secret_prefix, steps.var_format.outputs.matrix_build)] }} PFLT_PYXIS_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.REDHAT_API_TOKEN }} PFLT_ARTIFACTS: "/tmp/artifacts" PFLT_LOGLEVEL: ${{ env.PFLT_LOGLEVEL }} IMAGE_TAG: ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).tags[0] }} PREFLIGHT_IMAGE: ${{ env.PREFLIGHT_IMAGE }} PFLT_LOGFILE: "/tmp/artifacts/preflight.log" SUBMIT_IMAGE: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && '--submit' || '' }} run: | mkdir -p $PFLT_ARTIFACTS echo "::group::Perform certification tests (${SUBMIT_IMAGE})" export PFLT_DOCKERCONFIG="$HOME/.docker/config.json" preflight check container "${IMAGE_TAG}" ${SUBMIT_IMAGE} echo "::endgroup::" - name: Sign the images with GitHub OIDC Token if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' && matrix.os != 'rhel' }} env: DIGEST: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.digest }} TAGS: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} run: | images="" for tag in ${TAGS}; do images+="${tag}@${DIGEST} " done echo "::group::Images to sign" echo "$images" echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::Signing" echo "cosign sign --yes $images" cosign sign --yes ${images} echo "::endgroup::" - name: Image metadata if: ${{ env.AUTO_PUSH_IMAGES == 'true' }} env: METADATA: ${{ steps.docker_build.outputs.metadata }} run: | echo "::group::Image metadata" echo "${METADATA}" echo "::endgroup::"