#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail set +e # Script trace mode if [ "${DEBUG_MODE}" == "true" ]; then set -o xtrace fi # Default Zabbix installation name # Used only by Zabbix web-interface ZBX_SERVER_NAME=${ZBX_SERVER_NAME:-"Zabbix docker"} # Default Zabbix server host ZBX_SERVER_HOST=${ZBX_SERVER_HOST:-"zabbix-server"} # Default Zabbix server port number ZBX_SERVER_PORT=${ZBX_SERVER_PORT:-"10051"} # Default timezone for web interface PHP_TZ=${PHP_TZ:-"Europe/Riga"} # Default directories # User 'zabbix' home directory ZABBIX_USER_HOME_DIR="/var/lib/zabbix" # Configuration files directory ZABBIX_ETC_DIR="/etc/zabbix" # Web interface www-root directory ZBX_FRONTEND_PATH="/usr/share/zabbix" # usage: file_env VAR [DEFAULT] # as example: file_env 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' 'zabbix' # (will allow for "$MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE" to fill in the value of "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" from a file) # unsets the VAR_FILE afterwards and just leaving VAR file_env() { local var="$1" local fileVar="${var}_FILE" local defaultValue="${2:-}" if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then echo "**** Both variables $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)" exit 1 fi local val="$defaultValue" if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then val="${!var}" echo "** Using ${var} variable from ENV" elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${!fileVar}" ]; then echo "**** Secret file \"${!fileVar}\" is not found" exit 1 fi val="$(< "${!fileVar}")" echo "** Using ${var} variable from secret file" fi export "$var"="$val" unset "$fileVar" } prepare_system() { echo "** Preparing the system" } escape_spec_char() { local var_value=$1 var_value="${var_value//\\/\\\\}" var_value="${var_value//[$'\n']/}" var_value="${var_value//\//\\/}" var_value="${var_value//./\\.}" var_value="${var_value//\*/\\*}" var_value="${var_value//^/\\^}" var_value="${var_value//\$/\\\$}" var_value="${var_value//\&/\\\&}" var_value="${var_value//\[/\\[}" var_value="${var_value//\]/\\]}" echo "$var_value" } update_config_var() { local config_path=$1 local var_name=$2 local var_value=$3 local is_multiple=$4 if [ ! -f "$config_path" ]; then echo "**** Configuration file '$config_path' does not exist" return fi echo -n "** Updating '$config_path' parameter \"$var_name\": '$var_value'... " # Remove configuration parameter definition in case of unset parameter value if [ -z "$var_value" ]; then sed -i -e "/^$var_name=/d" "$config_path" echo "removed" return fi # Remove value from configuration parameter in case of double quoted parameter value if [ "$var_value" == '""' ]; then sed -i -e "/^$var_name=/s/=.*/=/" "$config_path" echo "undefined" return fi # Use full path to a file for TLS related configuration parameters if [[ $var_name =~ ^TLS.*File$ ]]; then var_value=$ZABBIX_USER_HOME_DIR/enc/$var_value fi # Escaping characters in parameter value var_value=$(escape_spec_char "$var_value") if [ "$(grep -E "^$var_name=" $config_path)" ] && [ "$is_multiple" != "true" ]; then sed -i -e "/^$var_name=/s/=.*/=$var_value/" "$config_path" echo "updated" elif [ "$(grep -Ec "^# $var_name=" $config_path)" -gt 1 ]; then sed -i -e "/^[#;] $var_name=$/i\\$var_name=$var_value" "$config_path" echo "added first occurrence" else sed -i -e "/^[#;] $var_name=/s/.*/&\n$var_name=$var_value/" "$config_path" echo "added" fi } update_config_multiple_var() { local config_path=$1 local var_name=$2 local var_value=$3 var_value="${var_value%\"}" var_value="${var_value#\"}" local IFS=, local OPT_LIST=($var_value) for value in "${OPT_LIST[@]}"; do update_config_var $config_path $var_name $value true done } # Check prerequisites for MySQL database check_variables_mysql() { local type=$1 DB_SERVER_HOST=${DB_SERVER_HOST:-"mysql-server"} DB_SERVER_PORT=${DB_SERVER_PORT:-"3306"} USE_DB_ROOT_USER=false CREATE_ZBX_DB_USER=false file_env MYSQL_USER file_env MYSQL_PASSWORD if [ "$type" != "" ]; then file_env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD fi if [ ! -n "${MYSQL_USER}" ] && [ "${MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD}" == "true" ]; then echo "**** Impossible to use MySQL server because of unknown Zabbix user and random 'root' password" exit 1 fi if [ ! -n "${MYSQL_USER}" ] && [ ! -n "${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" ] && [ "${MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD}" != "true" ]; then echo "*** Impossible to use MySQL server because 'root' password is not defined and it is not empty" exit 1 fi if [ "${MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD}" == "true" ] || [ -n "${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" ]; then USE_DB_ROOT_USER=true DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER="root" DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:-""} fi [ -n "${MYSQL_USER}" ] && CREATE_ZBX_DB_USER=true # If root password is not specified use provided credentials DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER=${DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER:-${MYSQL_USER}} [ "${MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD}" == "true" ] || DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS=${DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS:-${MYSQL_PASSWORD}} DB_SERVER_ZBX_USER=${MYSQL_USER:-"zabbix"} DB_SERVER_ZBX_PASS=${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-"zabbix"} if [ "$type" == "proxy" ]; then DB_SERVER_DBNAME=${MYSQL_DATABASE:-"zabbix_proxy"} else DB_SERVER_DBNAME=${MYSQL_DATABASE:-"zabbix"} fi } check_db_connect() { echo "********************" echo "* DB_SERVER_HOST: ${DB_SERVER_HOST}" echo "* DB_SERVER_PORT: ${DB_SERVER_PORT}" echo "* DB_SERVER_DBNAME: ${DB_SERVER_DBNAME}" if [ "${DEBUG_MODE}" == "true" ]; then if [ "${USE_DB_ROOT_USER}" == "true" ]; then echo "* DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER: ${DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER}" echo "* DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS: ${DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS}" fi echo "* DB_SERVER_ZBX_USER: ${DB_SERVER_ZBX_USER}" echo "* DB_SERVER_ZBX_PASS: ${DB_SERVER_ZBX_PASS}" echo "********************" fi echo "********************" WAIT_TIMEOUT=5 while [ ! "$(mysqladmin ping -h ${DB_SERVER_HOST} -P ${DB_SERVER_PORT} -u ${DB_SERVER_ROOT_USER} \ --password="${DB_SERVER_ROOT_PASS}" --silent --connect_timeout=10)" ]; do echo "**** MySQL server is not available. Waiting $WAIT_TIMEOUT seconds..." sleep $WAIT_TIMEOUT done } prepare_web_server() { NGINX_CONFD_DIR="/etc/nginx/conf.d" NGINX_SSL_CONFIG="/etc/ssl/nginx" echo "** Adding Zabbix virtual host (HTTP)" if [ -f "$ZABBIX_ETC_DIR/nginx.conf" ]; then ln -s "$ZABBIX_ETC_DIR/nginx.conf" "$NGINX_CONFD_DIR" else echo "**** Impossible to enable HTTP virtual host" fi if [ -f "$NGINX_SSL_CONFIG/ssl.crt" ] && [ -f "$NGINX_SSL_CONFIG/ssl.key" ] && [ -f "$NGINX_SSL_CONFIG/dhparam.pem" ]; then echo "** Enable SSL support for Nginx" if [ -f "$ZABBIX_ETC_DIR/nginx_ssl.conf" ]; then ln -s "$ZABBIX_ETC_DIR/nginx_ssl.conf" "$NGINX_CONFD_DIR" else echo "**** Impossible to enable HTTPS virtual host" fi else echo "**** Impossible to enable SSL support for Nginx. Certificates are missed." fi ln -sf /dev/fd/2 /var/log/nginx/error.log ln -sf /dev/fd/1 /var/log/php-fpm.log } clear_deploy() { echo "** Cleaning the system" } prepare_zbx_web_config() { local server_name="" echo "** Preparing Zabbix frontend configuration file" ZBX_WEB_CONFIG="$ZABBIX_ETC_DIR/web/zabbix.conf.php" if [ -f "/usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php" ]; then rm -f "/usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php" fi ln -s "$ZBX_WEB_CONFIG" "/usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php" PHP_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/php7/conf.d/99-zabbix.ini" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "max_execution_time" "${ZBX_MAXEXECUTIONTIME:-"600"}" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "memory_limit" "${ZBX_MEMORYLIMIT:-"128M"}" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "post_max_size" "${ZBX_POSTMAXSIZE:-"16M"}" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "upload_max_filesize" "${ZBX_UPLOADMAXFILESIZE:-"2M"}" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "max_input_time" "${ZBX_MAXINPUTTIME:-"300"}" update_config_var "$PHP_CONFIG_FILE" "date.timezone" "${PHP_TZ}" # Escaping characters in parameter value server_name=$(escape_spec_char "${ZBX_SERVER_NAME}") server_user=$(escape_spec_char "${DB_SERVER_ZBX_USER}") server_pass=$(escape_spec_char "${DB_SERVER_ZBX_PASS}") sed -i \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_HOST}/${DB_SERVER_HOST}/g" \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_PORT}/${DB_SERVER_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_DBNAME}/${DB_SERVER_DBNAME}/g" \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_SCHEMA}/${DB_SERVER_SCHEMA}/g" \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_USER}/$server_user/g" \ -e "s/{DB_SERVER_PASS}/$server_pass/g" \ -e "s/{ZBX_SERVER_HOST}/${ZBX_SERVER_HOST}/g" \ -e "s/{ZBX_SERVER_PORT}/${ZBX_SERVER_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/{ZBX_SERVER_NAME}/$server_name/g" \ "$ZBX_WEB_CONFIG" } prepare_web() { echo "** Preparing Zabbix web-interface" check_variables_mysql check_db_connect prepare_web_server prepare_zbx_web_config } ################################################# echo "** Deploying Zabbix web-interface (Nginx) with MySQL database" prepare_system prepare_web clear_deploy echo "########################################################" if [ "$1" != "" ]; then echo "** Executing '$@'" exec "$@" elif [ -f "/usr/bin/supervisord" ]; then echo "** Executing supervisord" exec /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf else echo "Unknown instructions. Exiting..." exit 1 fi #################################################