## FIRST LINE/ROW: Info & Status # First param ─┌ [username] format = " [╭─$user]($style)@" show_always = true style_root = "bold red" style_user = "bold red" # Second param [hostname] disabled = false format = "[$hostname]($style) in " ssh_only = false style = "bold dimmed red" # If enabled hostnames with dashes will be cut off ## #trim_at = "-" # Third param [directory] style = "purple" truncate_to_repo = true truncation_length = 0 truncation_symbol = "repo: " # Fourth param [sudo] disabled = false # Before all the version info (python, nodejs, php, etc.) [git_status] ahead = "⇡${count}" behind = "⇣${count}" deleted = "x" diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}" style = "white" # Last param in the first line/row [cmd_duration] disabled = true format = "took [$duration]($style)" min_time = 1 ## SECOND LINE/ROW: Prompt # Somethere at the beginning [battery] charging_symbol = "" disabled = true discharging_symbol = "" full_symbol = "" [[battery.display]] # "bold red" style when capacity is between 0% and 10% disabled = false style = "bold red" threshold = 15 [[battery.display]] # "bold yellow" style when capacity is between 10% and 30% disabled = true style = "bold yellow" threshold = 50 [[battery.display]] # "bold green" style when capacity is between 10% and 30% disabled = true style = "bold green" threshold = 80 # Prompt: optional param 1 [time] disabled = true format = " 🕙 $time($style)\n" style = "bright-white" time_format = "%T" # Prompt: param 2 [character] error_symbol = " [×](bold red)" success_symbol = " [╰─](bold red)" # SYMBOLS [status] disabled = false format = '[\[$symbol$status_common_meaning$status_signal_name$status_maybe_int\]]($style)' map_symbol = true pipestatus = true symbol = "🔴" [aws] symbol = " " [conda] symbol = " " [dart] symbol = " " [docker_context] symbol = " " [elixir] symbol = " " [elm] symbol = " " [git_branch] symbol = " " [golang] symbol = " " [hg_branch] symbol = " " [java] symbol = " " [julia] symbol = " " [nim] symbol = " " [nix_shell] symbol = " " [nodejs] symbol = " " [package] symbol = " " [perl] symbol = " " [php] symbol = " " [python] symbol = " " [ruby] symbol = " " [rust] symbol = " " [swift] symbol = "ﯣ "