My main NixOS configuration. Features include a polished Hyprland environment with optional animated borders. Keyboard shortcut menu pop-down available in the top bar and so much more!
Go to file
2025-03-06 20:07:47 -06:00
hosts/default Fixed btop, made printing seperate in modules/core and disabled by default in new variable in hosts variable file, and split Flatpak off to itself 2025-03-06 01:32:43 -06:00
modules Split Hyprland keybindings into their own file 2025-03-06 20:07:47 -06:00
profiles fix flake check not passing, add variables for nvidia prime, and add ghostty as the default terminal 2025-02-19 16:41:40 -06:00
wallpapers Move around and reorganize the flake for readibility 2025-02-15 01:59:32 -06:00 Update CHANGELOG with mention of dwilliams62 2025-02-21 19:05:42 -06:00 Add CONTRIBUTING 2024-01-24 05:57:06 +00:00
demo.png reorganized the flake and simplified it as well 2025-02-16 20:57:20 -06:00 Added New FAQ, working on separating the individual services in the services.nix file, and more 2025-03-02 17:03:18 -06:00
flake.lock Updated flake and ghostty configuration 2025-02-19 23:02:57 -06:00
flake.nix Add graphics profiles 2025-02-16 22:40:55 -06:00 fix git getting set with improper settings 2025-02-17 05:19:14 -06:00
LICENSE Add LICENSE 2024-01-30 08:06:28 +00:00 update readme 2025-02-17 11:07:22 -06:00

ZaneyOS 🟰 Best ❄️ NixOS Configs

ZaneyOS is a simple way of reproducing my configuration on any NixOS system. This includes the wallpaper, scripts, applications, config files, and more.

Inspiration for the Waybar config here.

This project has a Wiki. Find out how to use ZaneyOS here! I have put a lot of effort into the documentation so it should be accurate. However, please if you notice that something is wrong with it create an issue or reach out to me on Discord.

🍖 Requirements

  • You must be running on NixOS.
  • The zaneyos folder (this repo) is expected to be in your home directory.
  • Must have installed using GPT & UEFI. Systemd-boot is what is supported, for GRUB you will have to brave the internet for a how-to. ☺️
  • Manually editing your host specific files. The host is the specific computer your installing on.

🎹 Pipewire & Notification Menu Controls

  • We are using the latest and greatest audio solution for Linux. Not to mention you will have media and volume controls in the notification center available in the top bar.

🏇 Optimized Workflow & Simple Yet Elegant Neovim

  • Using Hyprland for increased elegance, functionality, and effeciency.
  • No massive Neovim project here. This is my simple, easy to understand, yet incredible Neovim setup.

🖥️ Multi Host & User Configuration

  • You can define separate settings for different host machines and users.
  • Easily specify extra packages for your users in the modules/core/user.nix file.
  • Easy to understand file structure and simple, but encompassing, configuratiion.

👼 An Incredible Community Focused On Support

  • The entire idea of ZaneyOS is to make NixOS an approachable space that is actually a great community that you want to be in.
  • Many people who are patient and happy to spend their free time helping you are running ZaneyOS. Feel free to reach out on the Discord for any help with anything.

Please do yourself a favor and read the wiki.

📦 How To Install Packages?

  • You can search the Nix Packages & Options pages for what a package may be named or if it has options available that take care of configuration hurdles you may face.
  • To add a package there are the sections for it in modules/core/packages.nix and modules/core/user.nix. One is for programs available system wide and the other for your users environment only.

🙋 Having Issues / Questions?

  • Please feel free to raise an issue on the repo, please label a feature request with the title beginning with [feature request], thank you!
  • Contact me on Discord as well, for a potentially faster response.

⬇️ Install

📜 Script:

This is the easiest and recommended way of starting out. The script is not meant to allow you to change every option that you can in the flake or help you install extra packages. It is simply here so you can get my configuration installed with as little chances of breakages and then fiddle to your hearts content!

Simply copy this and run it:

nix-shell -p git curl


sh <(curl -L

🦽 Manual:

Run this command to ensure Git & Vim are installed:

nix-shell -p git vim

Clone this repo & enter it:

git clone
cd zaneyos
  • You should stay in this folder for the rest of the install

Create the host folder for your machine(s)

cp -r hosts/default hosts/<your-desired-hostname>

🪧🪧🪧 Edit hosts/<your-desired-hostname>/variables.nix 🪧🪧🪧

Generate your hardware.nix like so:

nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config > hosts/<your-desired-hostname>/hardware.nix

Run this to enable flakes and install the flake replacing profile with any of these options:

  • amd
  • nvidia
  • nvidia-laptop
  • intel
  • vm
NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = nix-command flakes" 
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#profile

Now when you want to rebuild the configuration you have access to an alias fr that will rebuild the flake!

Hope you enjoy!