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The documentation is written in [ReStructured Text](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) using the [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org) framework.
The **test suite** is split into pure **Go tests** (`make test-go`) and **platform tests** that interact with ZFS and thus generally **require root privileges** (`sudo make test-platform`).
Platform tests run on their own pool with the name `zreplplatformtest`, which is created using the file vdev in `/tmp`.
For a full **code coverage** profile, run `make test-go COVER=1 && sudo make test-platform && make cover-merge`.
An HTML report can be generated using `make cover-html`.
* Run the platform tests (Docs -> Usage -> Platform Tests) **on a test system** to validate that zrepl's abstractions on top of ZFS work with the system ZFS.
* Ship a default config that adheres to your distro's `hier` and logging system.
* Ship a service manager file and _please_ try to upstream it to this repository.
*`dist/systemd` contains a Systemd unit template.
* Ship other material provided in `./dist`, e.g. in `/usr/share/zrepl/`.
* Have a look at the `Makefile`'s `ZREPL_VERSION` variable and how it passed to Go's `ldFlags`.
This is how `zrepl version` knows what version number to show.
Your build system should set the `ldFlags` flags appropriately and add a prefix or suffix that indicates that the given zrepl binary is a distro build, not an official one.
* Make sure you are informed about new zrepl versions, e.g. by subscribing to GitHub's release RSS feed.