2017-11-10 12:48:41 +01:00
.. include :: global.rst.inc
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
.. _tutorial:
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
This tutorial shows how zrepl can be used to implement a ZFS-based pull backup.
We assume the following scenario:
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Production server `` app-srv `` with filesystems to back up:
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2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* `` zroot/var/db ``
* `` zroot/usr/home `` and all its child filesystems
* **except** `` zroot/usr/home/paranoid `` belonging to a user doing backups themselves
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Backup server `` backup-srv `` with
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2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Filesystem `` storage/zrepl/pull/app-srv `` + children dedicated to backups of `` app-srv ``
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Our backup solution should fulfill the following requirements:
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Periodically snapshot the filesystems on `` app-srv `` *every 10 minutes*
* Incrementally replicate these snapshots to `` storage/zrepl/pull/app-srv/* `` on `` backup-srv ``
* Keep only very few snapshots on `` app-srv `` to save disk space
* Keep a fading history (24 hourly, 30 daily, 6 monthly) of snapshots on `` backup-srv ``
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
We can model this situation as two jobs:
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* A **source job** on `` app-srv ``
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* Creates the snapshots
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* Keeps a short history of snapshots to enable incremental replication to `` backup-srv ``
* Accepts connections from `` backup-srv ``
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2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* A **pull job** on `` backup-srv ``
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2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Connects to the `` zrepl daemon `` process on `` app-srv ``
* Pulls the snapshots to `` storage/zrepl/pull/app-srv/* ``
* Fades out snapshots in `` storage/zrepl/pull/app-srv/* `` as they age
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
Why doesn't the **pull job** create the snapshots before pulling?
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
As is the case with all distributed systems, the link between `` app-srv `` and `` backup-srv `` might be down for an hour or two.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
We do not want to sacrifice our required backup resolution of 10 minute intervals for a temporary connection outage.
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When the link comes up again, `` backup-srv `` will happily catch up the 12 snapshots taken by `` app-srv `` in the meantime, without
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
a gap in our backup history.
Install zrepl
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Follow the :ref: `OS-specific installation instructions <installation>` and come back here.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Configure `` backup-srv ``
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
We define a **pull job** named `` pull_app-srv `` in the |mainconfig|: ::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
- name: pull_app-srv
2017-11-16 09:14:01 +01:00
type: pull
type: ssh+stdinserver
host: app-srv.example.com
user: root
port: 22
identity_file: /etc/zrepl/ssh/identity
interval: 10m
mapping: {
initial_repl_policy: most_recent
snapshot_prefix: zrepl_pull_backup_
policy: grid
grid: 1x1h(keep=all) | 24x1h | 35x1d | 6x30d
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
The `` connect `` section instructs the zrepl daemon to use the `` stdinserver `` transport:
`` backup-srv `` will connect to the specified SSH server and expect `` zrepl stdinserver CLIENT_IDENTITY `` instead of the shell on the other side.
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2017-11-11 22:33:09 +01:00
It uses the private key specified at `` connect.identity_file `` which we still need to create: ::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
cd /etc/zrepl
mkdir -p ssh
chmod 0700 ssh
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f /etc/zrepl/ssh/identity
Note that most use cases do not benefit from separate keypairs per remote endpoint.
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Thus, it is sufficient to create one keypair and use it for all `` connect `` directives on one host.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Learn more about :ref: `transport-ssh+stdinserver` transport and the :ref: `pull job <job-pull>` format.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-10 13:20:56 +01:00
.. _tutorial-configure-app-srv:
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Configure `` app-srv ``
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-11 22:33:09 +01:00
We define a corresponding **source job** named `` pull_backup `` in the |mainconfig|: ::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
- name: pull_backup
2017-11-16 09:14:01 +01:00
type: source
type: stdinserver
client_identity: backup-srv.example.com
filesystems: {
"zroot/var/db": "ok",
"zroot/usr/home<": "ok",
"zroot/usr/home/paranoid": "!",
snapshot_prefix: zrepl_pull_backup_
interval: 10m
policy: grid
grid: 1x1d(keep=all)
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
The `` serve `` section corresponds to the `` connect `` section in the configuration of `` backup-srv `` .
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2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
We now want to authenticate `` backup-srv `` before allowing it to pull data.
This is done by limiting SSH connections from `` backup-srv `` to execute the `` stdinserver `` subcommand.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Open `` /root/.ssh/authorized_keys `` and add either of the the following lines.::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
# for OpenSSH >= 7.2
command="zrepl stdinserver backup-srv.example.com",restrict CLIENT_SSH_KEY
# for older OpenSSH versions
command="zrepl stdinserver backup-srv.example.com",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc CLIENT_SSH_KEY
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Replace CLIENT_SSH_KEY with the contents of `` /etc/zrepl/ssh/identity.pub `` from `` app-srv `` .
Mind the trailing `` .pub `` in the filename.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
The entries **must** be on a single line, including the replaced CLIENT_SSH_KEY.
.. HINT ::
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
You may need to adjust the `` PermitRootLogin `` option in `` /etc/ssh/sshd_config `` to `` forced-commands-only `` or higher for this to work.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
Refer to sshd_config(5) for details.
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
The argument `` backup-srv.example.com `` is the client identity of `` backup-srv `` as defined in `` jobs.serve.client_identity `` .
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
Again, both :ref: `transport-ssh+stdinserver` transport and the :ref: `job-source` format are documented.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
Apply Configuration Changes
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
We need to restart the zrepl daemon on **both** `` app-srv `` and `` backup-srv `` .
2017-12-27 18:34:02 +01:00
This is :ref: `OS-specific <usage-zrepl-daemon-restarting>` .
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
Watch it Work
2017-12-27 16:38:49 +01:00
Run `` zrepl control status `` to view the current activity of the configured jobs.
If a job encountered problems since it last left idle state, the output contains useful debug log.
Additionally, you can check the detailed structured logs of the `zrepl daemon` process and use GNU *watch* to view the snapshots present on both machines.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
2017-11-10 14:30:51 +01:00
If you like tmux, here is a handy script that works on FreeBSD: ::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
pkg install gnu-watch tmux
tmux new-window
tmux split-window "tail -f /var/log/zrepl.log"
tmux split-window "gnu-watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_pull_backup_'"
tmux select-layout tiled
2017-11-10 14:30:51 +01:00
The Linux equivalent might look like this: ::
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00
# make sure tmux is installed & let's assume you use systemd + journald
tmux new-window
tmux split-window "journalctl -f -u zrepl.service"
tmux split-window "watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_pull_backup_'"
tmux select-layout tiled
Congratulations, you have a working pull backup. Where to go next?
2017-11-09 21:17:09 +01:00
* Read more about :ref: `configuration format, options & job types <configuration_toc>`
* Learn about :ref: `implementation details <implementation_toc>` of zrepl.
2017-11-09 20:33:09 +01:00