2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
package tests
import (
// mimics the replication invocations of an active-side job
// for a single sender-receiver filesystem pair
// each invocation of method Do results in the construction
// of a new sender and receiver instance and one blocking invocation
// of the replication engine without encryption
type replicationInvocation struct {
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
sjid, rjid endpoint.JobID
sfs string
rfsRoot string
interceptSender func(e *endpoint.Sender) logic.Sender
disableIncrementalStepHolds bool
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
func (i replicationInvocation) Do(ctx *platformtest.Context) *report.Report {
if i.interceptSender == nil {
i.interceptSender = func(e *endpoint.Sender) logic.Sender { return e }
sfilter := filters.NewDatasetMapFilter(1, true)
err := sfilter.Add(i.sfs, "ok")
require.NoError(ctx, err)
sender := i.interceptSender(endpoint.NewSender(endpoint.SenderConfig{
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
FSF: sfilter.AsFilter(),
Encrypt: &zfs.NilBool{B: false},
DisableIncrementalStepHolds: i.disableIncrementalStepHolds,
JobID: i.sjid,
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
receiver := endpoint.NewReceiver(endpoint.ReceiverConfig{
JobID: i.rjid,
AppendClientIdentity: false,
RootWithoutClientComponent: mustDatasetPath(i.rfsRoot),
UpdateLastReceivedHold: true,
plannerPolicy := logic.PlannerPolicy{
EncryptedSend: logic.TriFromBool(false),
report, wait := replication.Do(
logic.NewPlanner(nil, nil, sender, receiver, plannerPolicy),
return report()
func (i replicationInvocation) ReceiveSideFilesystem() string {
return path.Join(i.rfsRoot, i.sfs)
func ReplicationIncrementalIsPossibleIfCommonSnapshotIsDestroyed(ctx *platformtest.Context) {
platformtest.Run(ctx, platformtest.PanicErr, ctx.RootDataset, `
+ "sender"
+ "sender@1"
+ "receiver"
R zfs create -p "${ROOTDS}/receiver/${ROOTDS}"
sjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("sender-job")
rjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("receiver-job")
sfs := ctx.RootDataset + "/sender"
rfsRoot := ctx.RootDataset + "/receiver"
snap1 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@1")
rep := replicationInvocation{
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
sjid: sjid,
rjid: rjid,
sfs: sfs,
rfsRoot: rfsRoot,
disableIncrementalStepHolds: false,
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
rfs := rep.ReceiveSideFilesystem()
// first replication
report := rep.Do(ctx)
ctx.Logf("\n%s", pretty.Sprint(report))
// assert @1 exists on receiver
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@1")
// cut off the common base between sender and receiver
// (replication engine guarantees resumability through bookmarks)
err := zfs.ZFSDestroy(ctx, snap1.FullPath(sfs))
require.NoError(ctx, err)
// assert that the replication cursor has been created
snap1CursorName, err := endpoint.ReplicationCursorBookmarkName(sfs, snap1.Guid, sjid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
snap1CursorInfo, err := zfs.ZFSGetFilesystemVersion(ctx, sfs+"#"+snap1CursorName)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.True(ctx, snap1CursorInfo.IsBookmark())
// second replication of a new snapshot, should use the cursor
mustSnapshot(ctx, sfs+"@2")
report = rep.Do(ctx)
ctx.Logf("\n%s", pretty.Sprint(report))
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@2")
2020-05-20 13:10:37 +02:00
func ReplicationIncrementalCleansUpStaleAbstractionsWithCacheOnSecondReplication(ctx *platformtest.Context) {
implReplicationIncrementalCleansUpStaleAbstractions(ctx, true)
func ReplicationIncrementalCleansUpStaleAbstractionsWithoutCacheOnSecondReplication(ctx *platformtest.Context) {
implReplicationIncrementalCleansUpStaleAbstractions(ctx, false)
func implReplicationIncrementalCleansUpStaleAbstractions(ctx *platformtest.Context, invalidateCacheBeforeSecondReplication bool) {
platformtest.Run(ctx, platformtest.PanicErr, ctx.RootDataset, `
+ "sender"
+ "sender@1"
+ "sender@2"
+ "sender#2" "sender@2"
+ "sender@3"
+ "receiver"
R zfs create -p "${ROOTDS}/receiver/${ROOTDS}"
sjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("sender-job")
ojid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("other-job")
rjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("receiver-job")
sfs := ctx.RootDataset + "/sender"
rfsRoot := ctx.RootDataset + "/receiver"
rep := replicationInvocation{
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
sjid: sjid,
rjid: rjid,
sfs: sfs,
rfsRoot: rfsRoot,
disableIncrementalStepHolds: false,
2020-05-20 13:10:37 +02:00
rfs := rep.ReceiveSideFilesystem()
// first replication
report := rep.Do(ctx)
ctx.Logf("\n%s", pretty.Sprint(report))
// assert most recent send-side version @3 exists on receiver (=replication succeeded)
rSnap3 := fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@3")
// assert the source-side versions not managed by zrepl still exist
snap1 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@1")
snap2 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@2")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "#2") // non-replicationc-cursor bookmarks should not be affected
snap3 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@3")
// assert a replication cursor is in place
snap3CursorName, err := endpoint.ReplicationCursorBookmarkName(sfs, snap3.Guid, sjid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "#"+snap3CursorName)
// assert a last-received hold is in place
expectRjidHoldTag, err := endpoint.LastReceivedHoldTag(rjid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
holds, err := zfs.ZFSHolds(ctx, rfs, rSnap3.Name)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.Contains(ctx, holds, expectRjidHoldTag)
// create artifical stale replication cursors
createArtificalStaleAbstractions := func(jobId endpoint.JobID) []endpoint.Abstraction {
snap2Cursor, err := endpoint.CreateReplicationCursor(ctx, sfs, snap2, jobId) // no shadow
require.NoError(ctx, err)
// create artifical stale step holds jobId
snap1Hold, err := endpoint.HoldStep(ctx, sfs, snap1, jobId) // no shadow
require.NoError(ctx, err)
snap2Hold, err := endpoint.HoldStep(ctx, sfs, snap2, jobId) // no shadow
require.NoError(ctx, err)
return []endpoint.Abstraction{snap2Cursor, snap1Hold, snap2Hold}
ojidSendAbstractions := createArtificalStaleAbstractions(ojid)
snap3ojidLastReceivedHold, err := endpoint.CreateLastReceivedHold(ctx, rfs, fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@3"), ojid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.True(ctx, zfs.FilesystemVersionEqualIdentity(fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@3"), snap3ojidLastReceivedHold.GetFilesystemVersion()))
// take another 2 snapshots
mustSnapshot(ctx, sfs+"@4")
mustSnapshot(ctx, sfs+"@5")
snap5 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@5")
if invalidateCacheBeforeSecondReplication {
// do another replication
// - ojid's abstractions should not be affected on either side
// - stale abstractions of sjid and rjid should be cleaned up
// - 1 replication cursors and 1 last-received hold should be present
checkOjidAbstractionsExist := func() {
var expectedOjidAbstractions []endpoint.Abstraction
expectedOjidAbstractions = append(expectedOjidAbstractions, ojidSendAbstractions...)
expectedOjidAbstractions = append(expectedOjidAbstractions, snap3ojidLastReceivedHold)
sfsAndRfsFilter := filters.NewDatasetMapFilter(2, true)
require.NoError(ctx, sfsAndRfsFilter.Add(sfs, "ok"))
require.NoError(ctx, sfsAndRfsFilter.Add(rfs, "ok"))
rAbs, rAbsErrs, err := endpoint.ListAbstractions(ctx, endpoint.ListZFSHoldsAndBookmarksQuery{
FS: endpoint.ListZFSHoldsAndBookmarksQueryFilesystemFilter{Filter: sfsAndRfsFilter},
JobID: &ojid,
What: endpoint.AbstractionTypesAll,
Concurrency: 1,
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.Len(ctx, rAbsErrs, 0)
ctx.Logf("rAbs=%s", rAbs)
ctx.Logf("expectedOjidAbstractions=%s", expectedOjidAbstractions)
require.Equal(ctx, len(expectedOjidAbstractions), len(rAbs))
for _, ea := range expectedOjidAbstractions {
ctx.Logf("looking for %s %#v", ea, ea.GetFilesystemVersion())
found := false
for _, a := range rAbs {
eq := endpoint.AbstractionEquals(ea, a)
ctx.Logf("comp=%v for %s %#v", eq, a, a.GetFilesystemVersion())
found = found || eq
require.True(ctx, found, "%s", ea)
report = rep.Do(ctx)
ctx.Logf("\n%s", pretty.Sprint(report))
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@1")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@2")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "#2")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@3")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@4")
_ = fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@5")
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@3")
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@4")
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@5")
// check bookmark situation
sBms, err := zfs.ZFSListFilesystemVersions(ctx, mustDatasetPath(sfs), zfs.ListFilesystemVersionsOptions{
Types: zfs.Bookmarks,
ctx.Logf("sbms=%s", sBms)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
snap5SjidCursorName, err := endpoint.ReplicationCursorBookmarkName(sfs, snap5.Guid, sjid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
snap2SjidCursorName, err := endpoint.ReplicationCursorBookmarkName(sfs, snap2.Guid, sjid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
snap2OjidCursorName, err := endpoint.ReplicationCursorBookmarkName(sfs, snap2.Guid, ojid)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
var bmNames []string
for _, bm := range sBms {
bmNames = append(bmNames, bm.Name)
if invalidateCacheBeforeSecondReplication {
require.Len(ctx, sBms, 3)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, snap5SjidCursorName)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, snap2OjidCursorName)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, "2")
} else {
require.Len(ctx, sBms, 4)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, snap5SjidCursorName)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, snap2SjidCursorName)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, snap2OjidCursorName)
require.Contains(ctx, bmNames, "2")
// check last-received hold moved
rAbs, rAbsErrs, err := endpoint.ListAbstractions(ctx, endpoint.ListZFSHoldsAndBookmarksQuery{
FS: endpoint.ListZFSHoldsAndBookmarksQueryFilesystemFilter{FS: &rfs},
JobID: &rjid,
What: endpoint.AbstractionTypesAll,
Concurrency: 1,
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.Len(ctx, rAbsErrs, 0)
require.Len(ctx, rAbs, 1)
require.Equal(ctx, rAbs[0].GetType(), endpoint.AbstractionLastReceivedHold)
require.Equal(ctx, *rAbs[0].GetJobID(), rjid)
require.Equal(ctx, rAbs[0].GetFilesystemVersion().GetGuid(), snap5.GetGuid())
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
type PartialSender struct {
failAfterByteCount int64
var _ logic.Sender = (*PartialSender)(nil)
func (s *PartialSender) Send(ctx context.Context, r *pdu.SendReq) (r1 *pdu.SendRes, r2 io.ReadCloser, r3 error) {
r1, r2, r3 = s.Sender.Send(ctx, r)
r2 = limitio.ReadCloser(r2, s.failAfterByteCount)
return r1, r2, r3
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
func ReplicationIsResumableFullSend__DisableIncrementalStepHolds_False(ctx *platformtest.Context) {
implReplicationIsResumableFullSend(ctx, false)
func ReplicationIsResumableFullSend__DisableIncrementalStepHolds_True(ctx *platformtest.Context) {
implReplicationIsResumableFullSend(ctx, true)
func implReplicationIsResumableFullSend(ctx *platformtest.Context, disableIncrementalStepHolds bool) {
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
platformtest.Run(ctx, platformtest.PanicErr, ctx.RootDataset, `
+ "sender"
+ "receiver"
R zfs create -p "${ROOTDS}/receiver/${ROOTDS}"
sjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("sender-job")
rjid := endpoint.MustMakeJobID("receiver-job")
sfs := ctx.RootDataset + "/sender"
rfsRoot := ctx.RootDataset + "/receiver"
sfsmp, err := zfs.ZFSGetMountpoint(ctx, sfs)
require.NoError(ctx, err)
require.True(ctx, sfsmp.Mounted)
writeDummyData(path.Join(sfsmp.Mountpoint, "dummy.data"), 1<<22)
mustSnapshot(ctx, sfs+"@1")
snap1 := fsversion(ctx, sfs, "@1")
rep := replicationInvocation{
sjid: sjid,
rjid: rjid,
sfs: sfs,
rfsRoot: rfsRoot,
interceptSender: func(e *endpoint.Sender) logic.Sender {
return &PartialSender{Sender: e, failAfterByteCount: 1 << 20}
2020-06-01 14:39:59 +02:00
disableIncrementalStepHolds: disableIncrementalStepHolds,
2020-05-24 18:18:02 +02:00
rfs := rep.ReceiveSideFilesystem()
for i := 2; i < 10; i++ {
report := rep.Do(ctx)
ctx.Logf("\n%s", pretty.Sprint(report))
// always attempt to destroy the incremental source
err := zfs.ZFSDestroy(ctx, snap1.FullPath(sfs))
if i < 4 {
// we configured the PartialSender to fail after 1<<20 bytes
// and we wrote dummy data 1<<22 bytes, thus at least
// for the first 4 times this should not be possible
// due to step holds
require.Error(ctx, err)
require.Contains(ctx, err.Error(), "dataset is busy")
// and create some additional snapshots that could
// confuse a naive implementation that doesn't take into
// account resume state when planning replication
if i == 2 || i == 3 {
// no significant size to avoid making this test run longer than necessary
mustSnapshot(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s@%d", sfs, i))
require.Len(ctx, report.Attempts, 1)
require.Nil(ctx, report.Attempts[0].PlanError)
require.Len(ctx, report.Attempts[0].Filesystems, 1)
if len(report.Attempts[0].Filesystems[0].Steps) == 0 {
// make sure all the filesystem versions we created
// were replicated by the replication loop
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@1")
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@2")
_ = fsversion(ctx, rfs, "@3")