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synced 2025-02-22 05:11:06 +01:00
pruning: cleanup retention grid impl + tests + correct docs
package is now at 95% code coverage and the additional tests codify
all behavior specified in the docs
There is a slight change in behavior:
Intervals are now [duration) instead of (duration].
If the leftmost interval is not keep=all, the most recently created
snapshot will be destroyed if there are other snapshots within
that first interval.
Since we recommend keep=all all over the docs, and zrepl 0.3
will put holds on that snapshot if it is being replicated,
I feel like this is an acceptable change in behavior.
refs #292
fixup of 0bbe2befce
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,22 +93,23 @@ Policy ``grid``
The retention grid can be thought of as a time-based sieve that thins out snapshots as they get older.
The ``grid`` field specifies a list of adjacent time intervals.
Each interval is a bucket with a maximum capacity of ``keep`` snapshots.
The following procedure happens during pruning:
#. The list of snapshots is filtered by the regular expression in ``regex``.
Only snapshots names that match the regex are considered for this rule, all others are not affected.
#. The filtered list of snapshots is sorted by ``creation``.
#. The left edge of the first interval is aligned to the ``creation`` date of the youngest snapshot.
#. A list of buckets is created, one for each interval.
#. The snapshots are placed into the bucket that matches their ``creation`` date.
#. For each bucket
Only snapshots names that match the regex are considered for this rule, all others will be pruned unless another rule keeps them.
#. The snapshots that match ``regex`` are placed onto a time axis according to their ``creation`` date.
The youngest snapshot is on the left, the oldest on the right.
#. The first buckets are placed "under" that axis so that the ``grid`` spec's first bucket's left edge aligns with youngest snapshot.
#. All subsequent buckets are placed adjacent to their predecessor bucket.
#. Now each snapshot on the axis either falls into one bucket or it is older than our rightmost bucket.
Buckets are left-inclusive and right-exclusive which means that a snapshot on the edge of bucket will always 'fall into the right one'.
#. Snapshots older than the rightmost bucket **not kept** by this gridspec.
#. For each bucket, we only keep the ``keep`` oldest snapshots.
#. the contained snapshot list is sorted by creation.
#. snapshots from the list, oldest first, are destroyed until the specified ``keep`` count is reached.
#. all remaining snapshots on the list are kept.
The syntax to describe the list of time intervals ("buckets") is as follows:
The syntax to describe the bucket list is as follows:
@ -131,30 +132,30 @@ The syntax to describe the list of time intervals ("buckets") is as follows:
regex: .*
0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h
| | | | | | | | |
|-Bucket 1-|------Bucket 2-------|-------Bucket 3------|------------Bucket 4------------|
| keep=all | keep=1 | keep=1 | keep=1 |
0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h
| | | | | | | | | |
|-Bucket1-|-----Bucket 2------|------Bucket 3-----|-----------Bucket 4----------|
| keep=all| keep=1 | keep=1 | keep=1 |
Let us consider the following set of snapshots @a-zA-C , taken at an interval of ~15min:
Let us consider the following set of snapshots @a-zA-C:
| a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C |
| a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D |
The `grid` algorithm maps them to their respective buckets:
Bucket 1: a, b, c
Bucket 2: d,e,f,g,h,i,j
Bucket 3: k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r
Bucket 4: q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C
Bucket 3: k,l,m,n,o,p
Bucket 4: q,r, q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
None: A,B,C,D
It then applies the per-bucket pruning logic described above which resulting in the
following list of remaining snapshots.
| a b c d k s |
| a b c j p z |
Note that it only makes sense to grow (not shorten) the interval duration for buckets
further in the past since each bucket acts like a low-pass filter for incoming snapshots
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package pruning
import (
@ -88,14 +87,6 @@ func newKeepGrid(re *regexp.Regexp, configIntervals []config.RetentionInterval)
}, nil
type retentionGridAdaptor struct {
func (a retentionGridAdaptor) LessThan(b retentiongrid.Entry) bool {
return a.Date().Before(b.Date())
// Prune filters snapshots with the retention grid.
func (p *KeepGrid) KeepRule(snaps []Snapshot) (destroyList []Snapshot) {
@ -110,24 +101,16 @@ func (p *KeepGrid) KeepRule(snaps []Snapshot) (destroyList []Snapshot) {
return destroyList
// Build adaptors for retention grid
adaptors := make([]retentiongrid.Entry, 0)
for i := range matching {
adaptors = append(adaptors, retentionGridAdaptor{matching[i]})
// determine 'now' edge
sort.SliceStable(adaptors, func(i, j int) bool {
return adaptors[i].LessThan(adaptors[j])
now := adaptors[len(adaptors)-1].Date()
// Evaluate retention grid
_, removea := p.retentionGrid.FitEntries(now, adaptors)
entrySlice := make([]retentiongrid.Entry, 0)
for i := range matching {
entrySlice = append(entrySlice, matching[i])
_, gridDestroyList := p.retentionGrid.FitEntries(entrySlice)
// Revert adaptors
for i := range removea {
destroyList = append(destroyList, removea[i].(retentionGridAdaptor).Snapshot)
for i := range gridDestroyList {
destroyList = append(destroyList, gridDestroyList[i].(Snapshot))
return destroyList
@ -16,85 +16,127 @@ type Grid struct {
intervals []Interval
//A point inside the grid, i.e. a thing the grid can decide to remove
type Entry interface {
Date() time.Time
LessThan(b Entry) bool
func dateInInterval(date, startDateInterval time.Time, i Interval) bool {
return date.After(startDateInterval) && date.Before(startDateInterval.Add(i.Length()))
func NewGrid(l []Interval) *Grid {
if len(l) == 0 {
panic("must specify at least one interval")
// TODO Maybe check for ascending interval lengths here, although the algorithm
// itself doesn't care about that.
return &Grid{l}
// Partition a list of RetentionGridEntries into the Grid,
// relative to a given start date `now`.
// The `keepCount` oldest entries per `retentiongrid.Interval` are kept (`keep`),
// the others are removed (`remove`).
// Entries that are younger than `now` are always kept.
// Those that are older than the earliest beginning of an interval are removed.
func (g Grid) FitEntries(now time.Time, entries []Entry) (keep, remove []Entry) {
func (g Grid) FitEntries(entries []Entry) (keep, remove []Entry) {
type bucket struct {
entries []Entry
if len(entries) == 0 {
// determine 'now' based on youngest snapshot
// => sort youngest-to-oldest
sort.SliceStable(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
return entries[i].Date().After(entries[j].Date())
now := entries[0].Date()
return g.fitEntriesWithNow(now, entries)
type bucket struct {
keepCount int
youngerThan time.Time
olderThanOrEq time.Time
entries []Entry
func makeBucketFromInterval(olderThanOrEq time.Time, i Interval) bucket {
var b bucket
kc := i.KeepCount()
if kc == 0 {
panic("keep count 0 is not allowed")
if (kc < 0) && kc != RetentionGridKeepCountAll {
panic("negative keep counts are not allowed")
b.keepCount = kc
b.olderThanOrEq = olderThanOrEq
b.youngerThan = b.olderThanOrEq.Add(-i.Length())
return b
func (b *bucket) Contains(e Entry) bool {
d := e.Date()
olderThan := d.Before(b.olderThanOrEq)
eq := d.Equal(b.olderThanOrEq)
youngerThan := d.After(b.youngerThan)
return (olderThan || eq) && youngerThan
func (b *bucket) AddIfContains(e Entry) (added bool) {
added = b.Contains(e)
if added {
b.entries = append(b.entries, e)
func (b *bucket) RemoveYoungerSnapsExceedingKeepCount() (removed []Entry) {
if b.keepCount == RetentionGridKeepCountAll {
return nil
removeCount := len(b.entries) - b.keepCount
if removeCount <= 0 {
return nil
// sort youngest-to-oldest
sort.SliceStable(b.entries, func(i, j int) bool {
return b.entries[i].Date().After(b.entries[j].Date())
return b.entries[:removeCount]
func (g Grid) fitEntriesWithNow(now time.Time, entries []Entry) (keep, remove []Entry) {
buckets := make([]bucket, len(g.intervals))
buckets[0] = makeBucketFromInterval(now, g.intervals[0])
for i := 1; i < len(g.intervals); i++ {
buckets[i] = makeBucketFromInterval(buckets[i-1].youngerThan, g.intervals[i])
keep = make([]Entry, 0)
remove = make([]Entry, 0)
oldestIntervalStart := now
for i := range g.intervals {
oldestIntervalStart = oldestIntervalStart.Add(-g.intervals[i].Length())
for ei := 0; ei < len(entries); ei++ {
e := entries[ei]
date := e.Date()
if date == now || date.After(now) {
// unconditionally keep entries that are in the future
if now.Before(e.Date()) {
keep = append(keep, e)
} else if date.Before(oldestIntervalStart) {
remove = append(remove, e)
continue assignEntriesToBuckets
iStartTime := now
for i := 0; i < len(g.intervals); i++ {
iStartTime = iStartTime.Add(-g.intervals[i].Length())
if date == iStartTime || dateInInterval(date, iStartTime, g.intervals[i]) {
buckets[i].entries = append(buckets[i].entries, e)
// add to matching bucket, if any
for bi := range buckets {
if buckets[bi].AddIfContains(e) {
continue assignEntriesToBuckets
// unconditionally remove entries older than the oldest bucket
remove = append(remove, e)
for bi, b := range buckets {
interval := g.intervals[bi]
sort.SliceStable(b.entries, func(i, j int) bool {
return b.entries[i].LessThan((b.entries[j]))
i := 0
for ; (interval.KeepCount() == RetentionGridKeepCountAll || i < interval.KeepCount()) && i < len(b.entries); i++ {
keep = append(keep, b.entries[i])
for ; i < len(b.entries); i++ {
remove = append(remove, b.entries[i])
// now apply the `KeepCount` per bucket
for _, b := range buckets {
destroy := b.RemoveYoungerSnapsExceedingKeepCount()
remove = append(remove, destroy...)
keep = append(keep, b.entries...)
@ -10,25 +10,18 @@ import (
type retentionIntervalStub struct {
type testInterval struct {
length time.Duration
keepCount int
func (i *retentionIntervalStub) Length() time.Duration {
return i.length
func (i *retentionIntervalStub) KeepCount() int {
return i.keepCount
func (i *testInterval) Length() time.Duration { return i.length }
func (i *testInterval) KeepCount() int { return i.keepCount }
func gridFromString(gs string) (g *Grid) {
intervals := strings.Split(gs, "|")
g = &Grid{
intervals: make([]Interval, len(intervals)),
for idx, i := range intervals {
sintervals := strings.Split(gs, "|")
intervals := make([]Interval, len(sintervals))
for idx, i := range sintervals {
comps := strings.SplitN(i, ",", 2)
var durationStr, numSnapsStr string
durationStr = comps[0]
@ -39,7 +32,7 @@ func gridFromString(gs string) (g *Grid) {
var err error
var interval retentionIntervalStub
var interval testInterval
if interval.keepCount, err = strconv.Atoi(numSnapsStr); err != nil {
@ -48,44 +41,38 @@ func gridFromString(gs string) (g *Grid) {
g.intervals[idx] = &interval
intervals[idx] = &interval
return NewGrid(intervals)
type dummySnap struct {
type testSnap struct {
Name string
ShouldKeep bool
date time.Time
func (ds dummySnap) Date() time.Time {
return ds.date
func (ds dummySnap) LessThan(b Entry) bool {
return ds.date.Before(b.(dummySnap).date) // don't have a txg here
func (ds testSnap) Date() time.Time { return ds.date }
func validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t *testing.T, now time.Time, input, keep, remove []Entry) {
snapDescr := func(d dummySnap) string {
snapDescr := func(d testSnap) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", d.Name, d.date.Sub(now))
t.Logf("keep list:\n")
for k := range keep {
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(keep[k].(dummySnap)))
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(keep[k].(testSnap)))
t.Logf("remove list:\n")
for k := range remove {
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(remove[k].(dummySnap)))
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(remove[k].(testSnap)))
for _, s := range input {
d := s.(dummySnap)
d := s.(testSnap)
descr := snapDescr(d)
t.Logf("testing %s\n", descr)
if d.ShouldKeep {
@ -97,21 +84,18 @@ func validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t *testing.T, now time.Time, input, keep, r
t.Logf("resulting list:\n")
for k := range keep {
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(keep[k].(dummySnap)))
t.Logf("\t%s\n", snapDescr(keep[k].(testSnap)))
func TestRetentionGridFitEntriesEmptyInput(t *testing.T) {
func TestEmptyInput(t *testing.T) {
g := gridFromString("10m|10m|10m|1h")
keep, remove := g.FitEntries(time.Now(), []Entry{})
keep, remove := g.FitEntries([]Entry{})
assert.Empty(t, keep)
assert.Empty(t, remove)
func TestRetentionGridFitEntriesIntervalBoundariesAndAlignment(t *testing.T) {
// Intervals are (duration], i.e. 10min is in the first interval, not in the second
func TestIntervalBoundariesAndAlignment(t *testing.T) {
g := gridFromString("10m|10m|10m")
t.Logf("%#v\n", g)
@ -119,20 +103,51 @@ func TestRetentionGridFitEntriesIntervalBoundariesAndAlignment(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Unix(0, 0)
snaps := []Entry{
dummySnap{"0", true, now.Add(1 * time.Minute)}, // before now
dummySnap{"1", true, now}, // before now
dummySnap{"2", true, now.Add(-10 * time.Minute)}, // 1st interval
dummySnap{"3", true, now.Add(-20 * time.Minute)}, // 2nd interval
dummySnap{"4", true, now.Add(-30 * time.Minute)}, // 3rd interval
dummySnap{"5", false, now.Add(-40 * time.Minute)}, // after last interval
testSnap{"0", true, now.Add(1 * time.Minute)}, // before now => keep unconditionally
testSnap{"1", true, now}, // 1st interval left edge => inclusive
testSnap{"2", true, now.Add(-10 * time.Minute)}, // 2nd interval left edge => inclusive
testSnap{"3", true, now.Add(-20 * time.Minute)}, // 3rd interval left edge => inclusuive
testSnap{"4", false, now.Add(-30 * time.Minute)}, // 3rd interval right edge => excludive
testSnap{"5", false, now.Add(-40 * time.Minute)}, // after last interval => remove unconditionally
keep, remove := g.FitEntries(now, snaps)
keep, remove := g.fitEntriesWithNow(now, snaps)
validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t, now, snaps, keep, remove)
func TestRetentionGridFitEntries(t *testing.T) {
func TestKeepsOldestSnapsInABucket(t *testing.T) {
g := gridFromString("1m,2")
relt := func(secs int64) time.Time { return time.Unix(secs, 0) }
snaps := []Entry{
testSnap{"1", true, relt(1)},
testSnap{"2", true, relt(2)},
testSnap{"3", false, relt(3)},
testSnap{"4", false, relt(4)},
testSnap{"5", false, relt(5)},
now := relt(6)
keep, remove := g.FitEntries(snaps)
validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t, now, snaps, keep, remove)
func TestRespectsKeepCountAll(t *testing.T) {
g := gridFromString("1m,-1|1m,1")
relt := func(secs int64) time.Time { return time.Unix(secs, 0) }
snaps := []Entry{
testSnap{"a", true, relt(0)},
testSnap{"b", true, relt(-1)},
testSnap{"c", true, relt(-2)},
testSnap{"d", false, relt(-60)},
testSnap{"e", true, relt(-61)},
keep, remove := g.FitEntries(snaps)
validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t, relt(61), snaps, keep, remove)
func TestComplex(t *testing.T) {
g := gridFromString("10m,-1|10m|10m,2|1h")
@ -141,20 +156,29 @@ func TestRetentionGridFitEntries(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Unix(0, 0)
snaps := []Entry{
dummySnap{"1", true, now.Add(3 * time.Minute)}, // pre-now must always be kept
dummySnap{"b1", true, now.Add(-6 * time.Minute)}, // 1st interval allows unlimited entries
dummySnap{"b3", true, now.Add(-8 * time.Minute)}, // 1st interval allows unlimited entries
dummySnap{"b2", true, now.Add(-9 * time.Minute)}, // 1st interval allows unlimited entries
dummySnap{"a", false, now.Add(-11 * time.Minute)},
dummySnap{"c", true, now.Add(-19 * time.Minute)}, // 2nd interval allows 1 entry
dummySnap{"foo", false, now.Add(-25 * time.Minute)},
dummySnap{"bar", true, now.Add(-26 * time.Minute)}, // 3rd interval allows 2 entries
dummySnap{"border", true, now.Add(-30 * time.Minute)},
dummySnap{"d", true, now.Add(-1*time.Hour - 15*time.Minute)},
dummySnap{"e", false, now.Add(-1*time.Hour - 31*time.Minute)}, // before earliest interval must always be deleted
dummySnap{"f", false, now.Add(-2 * time.Hour)},
// pre-now must always be kept
testSnap{"1", true, now.Add(3 * time.Minute)},
// 1st interval allows unlimited entries
testSnap{"b1", true, now.Add(-6 * time.Minute)},
testSnap{"b3", true, now.Add(-8 * time.Minute)},
testSnap{"b2", true, now.Add(-9 * time.Minute)},
// 2nd interval allows 1 entry
testSnap{"a", false, now.Add(-11 * time.Minute)},
testSnap{"c", true, now.Add(-19 * time.Minute)},
// 3rd interval allows 2 entries
testSnap{"foo", true, now.Add(-25 * time.Minute)},
testSnap{"bar", true, now.Add(-26 * time.Minute)},
// this is at the left edge of the 4th interval
testSnap{"border", false, now.Add(-30 * time.Minute)},
// right in the 4th interval
testSnap{"d", true, now.Add(-1*time.Hour - 15*time.Minute)},
// on the right edge of 4th interval => not in it => delete
testSnap{"q", false, now.Add(-1*time.Hour - 30*time.Minute)},
// older then 4th interval => always delete
testSnap{"e", false, now.Add(-1*time.Hour - 31*time.Minute)},
testSnap{"f", false, now.Add(-2 * time.Hour)},
keep, remove := g.FitEntries(now, snaps)
keep, remove := g.fitEntriesWithNow(now, snaps)
validateRetentionGridFitEntries(t, now, snaps, keep, remove)
Reference in New Issue
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