GO111MODULE=on golangci-lint run ./...
endpoint/endpoint.go:487:9: S1039: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf (gosimple)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ClientIdentityKey context value must be set"))
platformtest/platformtest_ops.go:259:41: S1039: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf (gosimple)
return nil, &LineError{scan.Text(), fmt.Sprintf("unexpected tokens at EOL")}
platformtest/platformtest_ops.go:266:41: S1039: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf (gosimple)
return nil, &LineError{scan.Text(), fmt.Sprintf("unexpected tokens at EOL")}
util/optionaldeadline/optionaldeadline_test.go:97:50: SA1029: should not use built-in type string as key for value; define your own type to avoid collisions (staticcheck)
pctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "key", "value")
rpc/rpc_debug.go:8:5: var `debugEnabled` is unused (unused)
rpc/dataconn/dataconn_debug.go:8:5: var `debugEnabled` is unused (unused)
rpc/dataconn/frameconn/frameconn.go:42:9: S1039: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf (gosimple)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("frame header is 8 bytes long"))
platformtest/platformtest_ops.go:322:40: S1039: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf (gosimple)
return nil, &LineError{scan.Text(), fmt.Sprintf("unexpected tokens at EOL")}
- `timeoutconn` handles state, yet calls to Read/Write make a copy of
that state (non-pointer receiver) so any outbound calls will not have
the state updated
- Even without the copy issue, the renew methods can in edge cases set a
new deadline _after_ DisableTimeouts have been called, consider the
following racy behavior:
1. `renewReadDeadline` is called, checks `renewDeadlinesDisabled`
(not disabled)
2. `DisableTimeouts` is called, sets `renewDeadlinesDisabled`
3. `DisableTimeouts` invokes `c.SetDeadline`
4. `renewReadDeadline` invokes `c.SetReadDeadline`
To fix the above, the `Conn` receiver was made to be a pointer
everywhere and access to renewDeadlinesDisabled is now guarded
by an RWMutex instead of using atomics.
* Add Close() in closeState to identify the first closer
* Non-first closers get an error
* Reads and Writes from the Conn get an error if the conn was closed
during the Read / Write was running
* The first closer starts _separate_ goroutine draining the c.frameReads channel
* The first closer then waits for the goroutine that fills c.frameReads
to exit
refs 3bfe0c16d0fixes#174
readFrames would block on `reads <-`
but only after that would stream.Conn.readFrames close c.waitReadFramesDone
which was too late because stream.Conn.Close would wait for c.waitReadFramesDone to be closed before draining the channel
^^^^^^ (not frameconn.Conn, that closed successfully)
195 @ 0x1032ae0 0x1006cab 0x1006c81 0x1006a65 0x15505be 0x155163e 0x1060bc1
0x15505bd github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream.readFrames+0x16d github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream/stream.go:220
0x155163d github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream.(*Conn).readFrames+0xbd github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream/stream_conn.go:71
195 @ 0x1032ae0 0x10078c8 0x100789e 0x100758b 0x1552678 0x1557a4b 0x1556aec 0x1060bc1
0x1552677 github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream.(*Conn).Close+0x77 github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/stream/stream_conn.go:191
0x1557a4a github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn.(*Server).serveConn.func1+0x5a github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/dataconn_server.go:93
0x1556aeb github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn.(*Server).serveConn+0x87b github.com/zrepl/zrepl/rpc/dataconn/dataconn_server.go:176