.. _miscellaneous: Miscellaneous ============= .. _conf-runtime-directories: Runtime Directories & UNIX Sockets ---------------------------------- The zrepl daemon needs to open various UNIX sockets in a runtime directory: * a ``control`` socket that the CLI commands use to interact with the daemon * the :ref:`transport-ssh+stdinserver` listener opens one socket per configured client, named after ``client_identity`` parameter There is no authentication on these sockets except the UNIX permissions. The zrepl daemon will refuse to bind any of the above sockets in a directory that is world-accessible. The following sections of the ``global`` config shows the default paths. The shell script below shows how the default runtime directory can be created. :: global: control: sockpath: /var/run/zrepl/control serve: stdinserver: sockdir: /var/run/zrepl/stdinserver :: mkdir -p /var/run/zrepl/stdinserver chmod -R 0700 /var/run/zrepl Durations & Intervals --------------------- Interval & duration fields in job definitions, pruning configurations, etc. must match the following regex: :: var durationStringRegex *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*(\d+)\s*(s|m|h|d|w)\s*$`) // s = second, m = minute, h = hour, d = day, w = week (7 days)