.. include:: ../global.rst.inc .. _logging: Logging ======= zrepl uses structured logging to provide users with easily processable log messages. Logging outlets are configured in the ``global`` section of the |mainconfig|. Check out :sampleconf:`random/logging.yml` for an example on how to configure multiple outlets: :: global: logging: - outlet: OUTLET_TYPE level: MINIMUM_LEVEL format: FORMAT - outlet: OUTLET_TYPE level: MINIMUM_LEVEL format: FORMAT ... jobs: ... Default Configuration --------------------- By default, the following logging configuration is used :: global: logging: - outlet: "stdout" level: "warn" format: "human" .. ATTENTION:: Output to **stderr** should always be considered a **critical error**. Only errors in the logging infrastructure itself, e.g. IO errors when writing to an outlet, are sent to stderr. Building Blocks --------------- The following sections document the semantics of the different log levels, formats and outlet types. .. _logging-levels: Levels ~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Level - SHORT - Description * - ``error`` - ``ERRO`` - immediate action required * - ``warn`` - ``WARN`` - symptoms for misconfiguration, soon expected failure, etc. * - ``info`` - ``INFO`` - explains what happens without too much detail * - ``debug`` - ``DEBG`` - tracing information, state dumps, etc. useful for debugging. Incorrectly classified messages are considered a bug and should be reported. .. _logging-formats: Formats ~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Format - Description * - ``human`` - emphasizes context by putting job, task, step and other context variables into brackets before the actual message, followed by remaining fields in logfmt style| * - ``logfmt`` - `logfmt <https://brandur.org/logfmt>`_ output. zrepl uses `this Go package <https://github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt>`_. * - ``json`` - JSON formatted output. Each line is a valid JSON document. Fields are marshaled by ``encoding/json.Marshal()``, which is particularly useful for processing in log aggregation or when processing state dumps. .. _logging-outlet-stdout: ``stdout`` Outlet ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``stdout`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level <logging-levels>` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format <logging-formats>` Writes all log entries with minimum level ``level`` formatted by ``format`` to stdout. Can only be specified once. ``syslog`` Outlet ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``syslog`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level <logging-levels>` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format <logging-formats>` * - ``retry_interval`` - Interval between reconnection attempts to syslog (default = 0) Writes all log entries formatted by ``format`` to syslog. On normal setups, you should not need to change the ``retry_interval``. Can only be specified once. ``tcp`` Outlet -------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``tcp`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level <logging-levels>` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format <logging-formats>` * - ``net`` - ``tcp`` in most cases * - ``address`` - remote network, e.g. ``logs.example.com:10202`` * - ``retry_interval`` - Interval between reconnection attempts to ``address`` * - ``tls`` - TLS config (see below) Establishes a TCP connection to ``address`` and sends log messages with minimum level ``level`` formatted by ``format``. If ``tls`` is not specified, an unencrypted connection is established. If ``tls`` is specified, the TCP connection is secured with TLS + Client Authentication. This is particularly useful in combination with log aggregation services that run on an other machine. .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``ca`` - PEM-encoded certificate authority that signed the remote server's TLS certificate * - ``cert`` - PEM-encoded client certificate identifying this zrepl daemon toward the remote server * - ``key`` - PEM-encoded, unencrypted client private key identifying this zrepl daemon toward the remote server .. NOTE:: zrepl uses Go's ``crypto/tls`` and ``crypto/x509`` packages and leaves all but the required fields in ``tls.Config`` at their default values. In case of a security defect in these packages, zrepl has to be rebuilt because Go binaries are statically linked.