.PHONY: generate build test vet cover release docs docs-clean clean release-bins vendordeps .DEFAULT_GOAL := build ROOT := github.com/zrepl/zrepl SUBPKGS := cmd logger rpc sshbytestream util _TESTPKGS := $(ROOT) $(foreach p,$(SUBPKGS),$(ROOT)/$(p)) ARTIFACTDIR := artifacts ifndef ZREPL_VERSION ZREPL_VERSION := $(shell git describe --dirty 2>/dev/null || echo "ZREPL_BUILD_INVALID_VERSION" ) ifeq ($(ZREPL_VERSION),ZREPL_BUILD_INVALID_VERSION) # can't use .SHELLSTATUS because Debian Stretch is still on gmake 4.1 $(error cannot infer variable ZREPL_VERSION using git and variable is not overriden by make invocation) endif endif GO_LDFLAGS := "-X github.com/zrepl/zrepl/cmd.zreplVersion=$(ZREPL_VERSION)" GO_BUILD := go build -ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) THIS_PLATFORM_RELEASE_BIN := $(shell bash -c 'source <(go env) && echo "zrepl-$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH}"' ) vendordeps: dep ensure -v -vendor-only generate: #not part of the build, must do that manually @for pkg in $(_TESTPKGS); do\ go generate "$$pkg" || exit 1; \ done; build: @echo "INFO: In case of missing dependencies, run 'make vendordeps'" $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl" test: @for pkg in $(_TESTPKGS); do \ echo "Testing $$pkg"; \ go test "$$pkg" || exit 1; \ done; vet: @for pkg in $(_TESTPKGS); do \ echo "Vetting $$pkg"; \ go vet "$$pkg" || exit 1; \ done; cover: artifacts @for pkg in $(_TESTPKGS); do \ profile="$(ARTIFACTDIR)/cover-$$(basename $$pkg).out"; \ go test -coverprofile "$$profile" $$pkg || exit 1; \ if [ -f "$$profile" ]; then \ go tool cover -html="$$profile" -o "$${profile}.html" || exit 2; \ fi; \ done; $(ARTIFACTDIR): mkdir -p "$@" $(ARTIFACTDIR)/docs: $(ARTIFACTDIR) mkdir -p "$@" $(ARTIFACTDIR)/bash_completion: release-bins artifacts/$(THIS_PLATFORM_RELEASE_BIN) bashcomp "$@" docs: $(ARTIFACTDIR)/docs make -C docs \ html \ BUILDDIR=../artifacts/docs \ docs-clean: make -C docs \ clean \ BUILDDIR=../artifacts/docs release-bins: generate $(ARTIFACTDIR) vet test @echo "INFO: In case of missing dependencies, run 'make vendordeps'" GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-linux-amd64" GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-freebsd-amd64" release: release-bins docs $(ARTIFACTDIR)/bash_completion @if echo "$(ZREPL_VERSION)" | grep dirty > /dev/null; then\ echo '[WARN] Do not publish the artifacts, make variable ZREPL_VERSION=$(ZREPL_VERSION) indicates they are dirty!'; \ exit 1; \ fi clean: docs-clean rm -rf "$(ARTIFACTDIR)"