.. include:: ../global.rst.inc .. _logging: Logging ======= zrepl uses structured logging to provide users with easily processable log messages. Logging outlets are configured in the ``global`` section of the |mainconfig|. Check out :sampleconf:`random/logging.yml` for an example on how to configure multiple outlets: :: global: logging: - outlet: OUTLET_TYPE level: MINIMUM_LEVEL format: FORMAT - outlet: OUTLET_TYPE level: MINIMUM_LEVEL format: FORMAT ... jobs: ... .. ATTENTION:: The **first outlet is special**: if an error writing to any outlet occurs, the first outlet receives the error and can print it. Thus, the first outlet must be the one that always works and does not block, e.g. ``stdout``, which is the default. Default Configuration --------------------- By default, the following logging configuration is used :: global: logging: - outlet: "stdout" level: "warn" format: "human" Building Blocks --------------- The following sections document the semantics of the different log levels, formats and outlet types. .. _logging-levels: Levels ~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Level - SHORT - Description * - ``error`` - ``ERRO`` - immediate action required * - ``warn`` - ``WARN`` - symptoms for misconfiguration, soon expected failure, etc. * - ``info`` - ``INFO`` - explains what happens without too much detail * - ``debug`` - ``DEBG`` - tracing information, state dumps, etc. useful for debugging. Incorrectly classified messages are considered a bug and should be reported. .. _logging-formats: Formats ~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Format - Description * - ``human`` - emphasizes context by putting job, task, step and other context variables into brackets before the actual message, followed by remaining fields in logfmt style| * - ``logfmt`` - `logfmt `_ output. zrepl uses `this Go package `_. * - ``json`` - JSON formatted output. Each line is a valid JSON document. Fields are marshaled by ``encoding/json.Marshal()``, which is particularly useful for processing in log aggregation or when processing state dumps. .. _logging-outlet-stdout: ``stdout`` Outlet ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``stdout`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level ` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format ` * - ``time`` - always include time in output (``true`` or ``false``) Writes all log entries with minimum level ``level`` formatted by ``format`` to stdout. If stdout is a tty, interactive usage is assumed and the current time is included in the output. Can only be specified once. ``syslog`` Outlet ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``syslog`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level ` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format ` * - ``retry_interval`` - Interval between reconnection attempts to syslog (default = 0) Writes all log entries formatted by ``format`` to syslog. On normal setups, you should not need to change the ``retry_interval``. Can only be specified once. ``tcp`` Outlet -------------- .. WARNING:: The TCP outlet is not fully asynchronous and blocks the calling goroutine when it cannot connect. Currently it should only be used for local connections that are guaranteed to not fail / be slow. This issue is tracked in :issue:`26` .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Comment * - ``outlet`` - ``tcp`` * - ``level`` - minimum :ref:`log level ` * - ``format`` - output :ref:`format ` * - ``net`` - ``tcp`` in most cases * - ``address`` - remote network, e.g. ``logs.example.com:10202`` * - ``retry_interval`` - Interval between reconnection attempts to ``address`` * - ``tls`` - TLS config (see below) Establishes a TCP connection to ``address`` and sends log messages with minimum level ``level`` formatted by ``format``. If ``tls`` is not specified, an unencrypted connection is established. If ``tls`` is specified, the TCP connection is secured with TLS + Client Authentication. This is particularly useful in combination with log aggregation services that run on an other machine. .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``ca`` - PEM-encoded certificate authority that signed the remote server's TLS certificate * - ``cert`` - PEM-encoded client certificate identifying this zrepl daemon toward the remote server * - ``key`` - PEM-encoded, unencrypted client private key identifying this zrepl daemon toward the remote server .. NOTE:: zrepl uses Go's ``crypto/tls`` and ``crypto/x509`` packages and leaves all but the required fields in ``tls.Config`` at their default values. In case of a security defect in these packages, zrepl has to be rebuilt because Go binaries are statically linked.