#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail GHPAGESREPO="git@github.com:zrepl/zrepl.github.io.git" SCRIPTDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) PUBLICDIR="${SCRIPTDIR}/public_git" checkout_repo_msg() { echo "clone ${GHPAGESREPO} to ${PUBLICDIR}:" echo " git clone ${GHPAGESREPO} ${PUBLICDIR}" git clone "${GHPAGESREPO}" "${PUBLICDIR}" } exit_msg() { echo "error, exiting..." } trap exit_msg EXIT cd "$SCRIPTDIR" if [ ! -d "$PUBLICDIR" ]; then checkout_repo_msg exit 1 fi echo -n "PRESS ENTER to confirm you commited and pushed docs changes and tags to the zrepl repo" read pushd "$PUBLICDIR" echo "verify we're in the GitHub pages repo..." git remote get-url origin | grep -E "^${GHPAGESREPO}\$" if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ;then checkout_repo_msg echo "finished checkout, please run again" exit 1 fi echo "resetting GitHub pages repo to latest commit" git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master echo "cleaning GitHub pages repo" git rm -rf . popd echo "building site" set -e sphinx-versioning build \ --show-banner \ docs ./public_git \ -- -c sphinxconf # older conf.py throw errors because they used # version = subprocess.show_output(["git", "describe"]) # which fails when building with sphinxcontrib-versioning set +e CURRENT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) git status --porcelain if [[ "$(git status --porcelain)" != "" ]]; then CURRENT_COMMIT="${CURRENT_COMMIT}(dirty)" fi COMMIT_MSG="sphinx-versioning render from publish.sh - `date -u` - ${CURRENT_COMMIT}" pushd "$PUBLICDIR" echo "adding and commiting all changes in GitHub pages repo" git add -A git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" git push origin master