.PHONY: generate build test vet cover release docs docs-clean clean format lint platformtest .DEFAULT_GOAL := build ARTIFACTDIR := artifacts ifdef ZREPL_VERSION _ZREPL_VERSION := $(ZREPL_VERSION) endif ifndef _ZREPL_VERSION _ZREPL_VERSION := $(shell git describe --always --dirty 2>/dev/null || echo "ZREPL_BUILD_INVALID_VERSION" ) ifeq ($(_ZREPL_VERSION),ZREPL_BUILD_INVALID_VERSION) # can't use .SHELLSTATUS because Debian Stretch is still on gmake 4.1 $(error cannot infer variable ZREPL_VERSION using git and variable is not overriden by make invocation) endif endif GO := go GO_ENV_VARS := GO111MODULE=on GO_LDFLAGS := "-X github.com/zrepl/zrepl/version.zreplVersion=$(_ZREPL_VERSION)" GO_MOD_READONLY := -mod=readonly GO_BUILDFLAGS := $(GO_MOD_READONLY) GO_BUILD := $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) build $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) -v -ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) # keep in sync with vet target RELEASE_BINS := $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-freebsd-amd64 RELEASE_BINS += $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-linux-amd64 RELEASE_BINS += $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-linux-arm64 RELEASE_BINS += $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-darwin-amd64 RELEASE_NOARCH := $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-noarch.tar THIS_PLATFORM_RELEASE_BIN := $(shell bash -c 'source <($(GO) env) && echo "zrepl-$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH}"' ) generate: #not part of the build, must do that manually protoc -I=replication/logic/pdu --go_out=plugins=grpc:replication/logic/pdu replication/logic/pdu/pdu.proto $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) generate $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) -x ./... format: goimports -srcdir . -local 'github.com/zrepl/zrepl' -w $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*_enumer.go') lint: golangci-lint run ./... build: $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl" test: $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) test $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... # TODO compile the tests for each supported platform # but `go test -c ./...` is not supported vet: $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) vet $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... # for each supported platform to cover conditional compilation # (keep in sync with RELEASE_BINS) GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) vet $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) vet $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) vet $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) vet $(GO_BUILDFLAGS) ./... ZREPL_PLATFORMTEST_POOLNAME := zreplplatformtest ZREPL_PLATFORMTEST_IMAGEPATH := /tmp/zreplplatformtest.pool.img $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl_platformtest: $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl_platformtest" ./platformtest/harness platformtest: $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl_platformtest "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl_platformtest" -poolname "$(ZREPL_PLATFORMTEST_POOLNAME)" -imagepath "$(ZREPL_PLATFORMTEST_IMAGEPATH)" $(ARTIFACTDIR): mkdir -p "$@" $(ARTIFACTDIR)/docs: $(ARTIFACTDIR) mkdir -p "$@" $(ARTIFACTDIR)/bash_completion: $(RELEASE_BINS) artifacts/$(THIS_PLATFORM_RELEASE_BIN) bashcomp "$@" .PHONY: $(ARTIFACTDIR)/go_version.txt $(ARTIFACTDIR)/go_version.txt: $(GO_ENV_VARS) $(GO) version > $@ docs: $(ARTIFACTDIR)/docs make -C docs \ html \ BUILDDIR=../artifacts/docs \ docs-clean: make -C docs \ clean \ BUILDDIR=../artifacts/docs .PHONY: $(RELEASE_BINS) # TODO: two wildcards possible $(RELEASE_BINS): $(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-%: generate $(ARTIFACTDIR) vet test lint STEM=$*; GOOS="$${STEM%%-*}"; GOARCH="$${STEM##*-}"; export GOOS GOARCH; \ $(GO_BUILD) -o "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-$$GOOS-$$GOARCH" $(RELEASE_NOARCH): docs $(ARTIFACTDIR)/bash_completion $(ARTIFACTDIR)/go_version.txt tar --mtime='1970-01-01' --sort=name \ --transform 's/$(ARTIFACTDIR)/zrepl-$(_ZREPL_VERSION)-noarch/' \ --transform 's#dist#zrepl-$(_ZREPL_VERSION)-noarch/dist#' \ --transform 's#config/samples#zrepl-$(_ZREPL_VERSION)-noarch/config#' \ -acf $@ \ $(ARTIFACTDIR)/docs/html \ $(ARTIFACTDIR)/bash_completion \ $(ARTIFACTDIR)/go_version.txt \ dist \ config/samples release: $(RELEASE_BINS) $(RELEASE_NOARCH) rm -rf "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/release" mkdir -p "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/release" cp $^ "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/release" cd "$(ARTIFACTDIR)/release" && sha512sum $$(ls | sort) > sha512sum.txt @# note that we use ZREPL_VERSION and not _ZREPL_VERSION because we want to detect the override @if git describe --always --dirty 2>/dev/null | grep dirty >/dev/null; then \ echo '[INFO] either git reports checkout is dirty or git is not installed or this is not a git checkout'; \ if [ "$(ZREPL_VERSION)" = "" ]; then \ echo '[WARN] git checkout is dirty and make variable ZREPL_VERSION was not used to override'; \ git status; \ echo "git diff:"; \ git diff | cat; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi; clean: docs-clean rm -rf "$(ARTIFACTDIR)"